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StaticBoredom StaticBoredom

We have nothing to fear but boredom itself.

Posts 4
Comments 19
*Permanently Deleted*
  • The John Oliver pics weren’t quite sexy enough today.

  • Are we 'Shadowbanned' from beehaw?
  • ….with the unifying term The Feds being tossed around as well, though I’m not entirely sure I feel comfortable being associated with that word.

  • Well-Kept Gardens Die By Pacifism - LessWrong
  • What a great article. Thanks for posting it. I plan on sharing it around.

    The only issue I take is with the author’s use of the word “fool.” Higher or lower levels of intelligence/ability may exist and are obviously acceptable, but what worries me more than this are people who are bigoted or hateful and want to spread their (lack of) ideology.

    Regardless, I think I get what the author is trying to say, and overall I think it’s a great message, and especially in these early post-Reddit days that many of us are currently witnessing.

  • Have encountered racism, hate speech or homophobia on the fediverse yet?
  • Racist is racist. Fuck them. I have no interest in appeasing these people, and even if I did, it wouldn’t calm them down or make their hatred tolerable. Sexists, racists, homophobes and the lot should be shunned without compromise. As the saying somewhat goes, there should be no tolerance for intolerance.

  • Have encountered racism, hate speech or homophobia on the fediverse yet?
  • I have not seen it yet, though I have no doubt that it exists.

    I believe that in real life as in the fediverse, hate speech and bigotry of all kinds needs to be very firmly shot down. Immediately downvote and block that shit. It has no place here, or anywhere.

    That being said, debating or even engaging with these pricks is worse than pointless because you’ll never change their minds and will only give them a platform.

  • A lot subreddits end their blackout tomorrow. Will you go back to Reddit, or continue with kbin and the Fediverse?
  • I can definitely see how that’s all frustrating, and I’m sure we all have our experiences with lag or with that goddamn Cloudflare verification or whatever, but I hope you and everyone else will stick around so we can help shape this space the way we want it. You’re already doing that with your comment above. Imagine the almost impossible chances of making suggestions to Reddit and having changes made. At least here that’s a possibility. I hope to see you around.

  • A word on reddit, blackouts, & effective protesting
  • Yes, absolutely. If people aren’t willing to be inconvenienced by the protest against Reddit, then Reddit will end up winning, which sends a horrible message to them that they can do whatever they want and we’ll eat it.

  • Florida Is Going Broke Fighting Woke - Florida's Racist, Homophobic Agenda Is Having an Economic Impact on the State
  • Dear Chickens,

    Please come back home. We’ve prepared your nests for you.


  • What's something good that happened to you today?
  • Woke up at 4:58 this morning to yelling. Earplugs yanked out and groggy me seeing little yet hearing the word “water.”

    I certainly don’t “spring” out of or in to anything, but today was my day, I suppose. I sprung out of bed and very quickly realized that torrents of water were streaming through, yes through, the walls and gushing across the floor of this tiny apartment.

    Good morning motherfucker, life has set you one hell of an alarm clock today!

    For the next hour, mops-a-flying, me down on my knees in dirty water sopping it up with towels, even the landlord valiantly pitching in with a…..a broom and a dustbin?

    How about we throw in some physical injury to this story? Huzzah, let’s do it!

    The landlady slipped on a wet floor, smashed her face and started screaming. Ended up with a broken arm and a shirt full of blood. I check my watch. It’s 5:09am. Just three hours earlier I’d been awake in bed watching Reddit go dark and trying to figure Kbin the fuck out.

    And now where in this actually true story, you long-winded bastard, was something good that happened to you today?

    Despite so much pre-sunrise chaos among family and barely acquaintances, amidst financial and logistical headaches and fairly substantial physical injury, none of us lost our cool even once. Not one snide remark was made by anyone, though a few jokes were passed around. It was actually a pretty fun start to my day, all those many hours ago.

  • I love the chaos at the moment
  • This is SUCH a good post. I love the energy of embracing the new, even with its inconveniences, and perhaps especially with them.

    I’ve felt for years that this drive for convenience at any cost not only helps create bland societies and exacerbate environmental and economic destruction, but it also makes each of us that much less adaptable every year.

    I’m weak as fuck, but I still believe there is essential value to be had in some discomfort and inconvenience on a somewhat regular basis, and this also goes for community-building, which I feel very fortunate to be witnessing in real-time.

  • Can we make a habit around here to post directly the tweet/comment/article instead of posting a screenshot to it
  • In general I like the idea. My only suggestion as a caveat is that whenever possible we offer non-corporate alternative URLs instead of the types of sites the fediverse is trying to improve upon.

    For example, post Invidious links instead of YouTube, Nitter links instead of Twitter, and just about any link you can think of instead of Google or Facebook.

  • Realistically how does the fediverse make money and remain sustainable? only donations?
  • Decentralization is not only the future, I fear it’s our only hope of maintaining an internet that is truly free as opposed to one built solely for data collection and corporate profit.

  • COVID-19 Can Cause Brain Cells To Fuse – Leading to Chronic “Long COVID” Neurological Symptoms
  • Goddamn. I know people suffering with long covid. It doesn’t seem fun at all.

  • Take a bow, developers of
  • ….and the fact that you’re even showing appreciation is a huge step in the right direction.

  • Take a bow, developers of
  • Early adoption of new tech usually requires a couple things from users, in my experience. Patience, and a willingness to contribute in whatever way you can. If Kbin, Lemmy et al can get an influx of users that bring at least one of these two things, we’ll go far.

    That, and @ernest will need some kind of support from many of us.

  • Thank you so much for your support! 😍
  • Great shout out to Open Collective. Better to support open source community efforts than yet another corpo-profit-machine