I would say quitting twitter to join bluesky is more like quitting menthols to smoke regular cigarettes, and switching to a decentralized platform would be more analogous to a switch to vaping. Quitting social media entirely would equate better to 'quitting smoking' in my mind, as i dont think any platform is mentally healthful (yes i am fully aware of the hypocrisy of posting this comment as a lemmy user).
Simple answer
Call and response
Fuck Elon musk fuck your attempted astroturfing.
Yikes, a major war you say? The fact that Ukraine doesn't have full ability to use starlink in whatever fashion they feel is necessary to repel the invaders of their nation (crimea is part of Ukraine) proves that Elon musk is aligned with money, not morals, not human rights, just fucking $$$. linking that article proving musk personally ensured starlink would not help Ukraine, and thinking that was a good thing? He's attempting to incite a civil war in the UK, attempting to influence the US election via twitter, and he's a really just a silver spoon apartheid slave jewel mine produced asshole and here you are saying "he's a necessary evil", yeah fucking right ignoramus.
What else, $$$$, They want as many kids as possible especially in households that can't support them as it leads to more poorly educated laborers and consumers to take advantage of in the future.
You shouldn't be such a gullible idiot and read more about people before endorsing them like this.
You differ by supporting a terrible human being who was kicked off his platform for lying and making his company liable to a massive lawsuit, and then immediately going to Russia to show his support for a tyrannical dictator. That is questionable character.
This does not put off the "I'm totally above it all and chill #based" vibes you wish it did.
It's less expensive than the other ingredients and is additictive.
They want tracking sites to show higher prices than people actually pay as the "lowest price" so people think they are getting a deal. Scamazon does not want their prices tracked, it is disadvantagous for them for customers to be informed about their price adjustment trickery. Scamazon uses more dark patterns on their website than anyone.
Scamazon uses the coupons "click to save $5.00 applied in your cart" to hinder the accuracy of price tracking websites now. Don't trust scamazon.
Just as their PR teams hoped this would be perceived.
Not trying to shill but I've had my jaybird vistas for 8 years now. However, earbuds are highly personal in terms of fit.
Let the winds of war bring snow