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SovereignState SovereignState

He/him. 24.

Posts 57
Comments 378
Muslim collaboration with Jews against Fascism
  • Thank you for all the hard work you do, anbol. You've helped enlighten me and by extension tens of others (I often use you as a source, and by extension your sources). Just thanks, you keep killing it.

  • Liberal I know both-sidesing a national liberation movement
  • There are people still alive who witnessed European Jewish settlers arrive in Palestine.

    The only "historical nuance" the Israeli state offers is deathcult, promised land, chosen people bullshit. It is black and white.

  • To all the lurkers who are concerned for Israeli civilians, please read this
  • Every peaceful option has been exhausted. The settler government decided that the proper response to "peaceful protest" is to methodically and brutally murder children, doctors and journalists.

    From the river to the sea, libs. 🇵🇸

    (I agree with comrade NikkiB here, for context.)

  • I swear the Dutch socialist subreddit gets more right wing by the day.
  • "Poor little tankie, trying to lash out. Maybe you should take out your frustration by going to the front line of the Ukraine invasion. You’ll actually increase the average IQ of the world when your brains are splattered in a ditch."

    Why do you larp as a socialist? To poison the well? I think you'd feel more included on reddit logo .

  • I swear the Dutch socialist subreddit gets more right wing by the day.
  • Why do you claim it's happening? Can't disprove a negative.

  • >The PSL says: Resistance to apartheid and fascist-type oppression is not a crime! It is the inevitable outcome for all people who demand self-determination rather than living with the boot-heel of the oppressors on their necks.

    What are you reading now (fiction/nonfiction)?
  • I'm glad you liked it!!

  • It’s official, bots are shills too
  • Wonder if they know they're regurgitating propaganda from a cult that believes there are different heavens for different races.

  • Landlordphobia
  • Begging for money. I work 40 hours a week. Cheapest rent out of anyone I know. 5x5 cell of an apartment. I get paid weekly. I get $100 in food stamps a month.

    Somehow, still -30USD in the hole and still hungry. Having 1/3 of my monthly paycheck go towards simply existing is fucking nuts, especially when we're expected to pay for laundry, electric, gas (both domestic and vehicular), internet, phone bill, health insurance, car insurance, union dues, loan repayment, hospital and doctor bills, what THE FUCK!!!

    I'm amazed anyone survives this shithole. I have respect for anyone who makes it here without trampling everyone around them underfoot.

    They won't, though. We won't. We're the ones who "fall through the cracks". The MILLIONS.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Really funny that they use the 800 million number given that in 1953, 4 years after the PRC's founding, China's population was around 582 million, yet in the past 40 years (notably after Mao's death) the CPC's governance has lifted 800 million people out of poverty.

    Where did they get the 800 million number from? Did they get it mixed up?

  • Anarkiddies calling Marxists “tankies”
  • I met too many folk just like this in college. I considered myself an ancom. I knew an anarcho-syndicalist, ecosocialist, democratic socialist, guild socialist, libertarian socialist, Christian anarchist...

    I can't fault them or myself too much, we are taught to identify with ANYTHING but Marxism-Leninism. I was the edgiest one of the lot for daring to even identify with "communism" (albeit in its softer, less threatening anarchoform.) We agreed on pretty much everything, yet we all identified our politics as meaningfully different based on what we named them.

    Continued study of imperialism and self-criticism turned most of us into genuine communists. Some got tired of radical politics and became Hilary stans. One's a pastor and a patsoc who believes in literal demons and performs exorcisms and shit.

    The U.S. left is in an absolute state.

  • KKE wondering why it's losing friends after calling China imperialist, hating the DPRK, only supporting Cuba and dividing MLs.
  • The truth is that the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was only the formal declaration of a war that had been going on for years between the US-NATO-EU powers, which are using Ukraine as their spearhead, and capitalist Russia, which is being utilized as China’s cushion in the latter's acute conflict with the USA over supremacy in the imperialist system.

    Welp. KKE's bought and paid for, huh?

    I find the concept of Russia being China's "cushion" just... it's just such interesting alt-history. China is using Russia as a buffer against the U.S. in their inter-imperialist conflict over Ukraine. Fascinating stuff.

    Russia must have become significantly smaller and weaker when I wasn't looking, since it somehow became a Chinese satellite state hellbent on furthering Beijing's imperial agenda.

    I knew they'd keep taking massive Ls after they doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on supporting tailist homophobic garbage.

  • the riddle
  • Eliminate self, become the internet.

  • We got it family 🙏🙏
  • It's the 28th and I can't afford rent! I work a 40 hour a week job! I'm thinking of selling my plasma! Woohoo!

  • Stalin bad because… short?
  • That's why we fight. Height reduction surgery will be free (and compulsory) under socialism, after all.

    I'm jk. I have a friend who's almost 6'10". At that height, it feels like the world was made for short people alone.

  • Stalin bad because… short?
  • It's ok. You're a height traitor in my book.

  • When you say something barely leftist on
  • It was almost clever using "control" so many times in your statement, but it made your commend kind of hard to read. I have no idea what you're saying.

    How is it that there is no question of, in your assessment of authoritarianism, how the controllers wound up in control? What class they represent? The median net wealth of every congressperson? How many of the controlled get fucking murdered by the controllers daily?

    Scientific socialism is winning. Whatever you're supporting is half-baked at best, especially if you're still using words like authoritarian seriously.

    That, or...

  • Is being left-wing harder than being right-wing in general because being left-wing requires more research and knowledge than just accepting the current right-wing status quo?
  • The title reads like a very polite own.

    Otherwise, depends on your circumstances. Do your nationally syndicated news media propagate right-wing or left-wing ideology writ large? Do your nation's school systems instill senses of nationalism and xenophobia into its youth? Does your country's leadership more fervently and regularly repress one side or the other?

    It is easier to be a fascist in a fascist state. It is easier to be a liberal in a liberal one, and a socialist in a socialist one. Half the battle has already been won at that point. There is comfort to belief in the system one lives under, a comfort that has the potential to breed ignorance or intellectual laziness.

    My own experience shows that most people are more -- I hate to use the word, naturally inclined towards sympathizing with a left-wing perspective when the correct words are used.

  • Is Esperanto worth learning in the modern day?

    There is undoubtedly a ton of socialist history regarding the promulgation and study of Esperanto.

    It does not seem like it is nearly as popular as it once was, but there are examples of it being used and even celebrated in Cuba, China, and the DPRK.

    I adore the idea of a lingua universalis. I am also aware of many of the criticisms of Esperanto, from its ostensible Eurocentricity to its difficulty with escaping unnecessarily gendered language.

    Is there much use in learning it, outside of personal interest or as a hobby? Do you think that there are Esperantist movements large enough to justify learning it? Enough speakers?

    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations SovereignState

    How we doing, Amerikan Maoists? [History of the Red Guard cult]

    TW for all sorts of fucked up shit

    >“They gaslighted individuals with mental illness, they bullied people by harassing them, they crashed meetings they were not invited to (Tafadar and Khalil had attempted to crash gender struggle sessions, demanding that everyone surrender their phones for a search and seizure, like a hostage type of move), they threatened people with violence, and abused their leadership or popularity status as a way to avoid criticisms.”

    I really recommend reading this, especially to Amerikan comrades and all comrades who feel ideologically inclined towards "Marxism-Leninism-Maoism [principally Maoism]".

    >...a member of RGA’s Revolutionary Student Front is confronted by other members for consistent creepy, sexist, and manipulative behavior. Jared argues for him to remain a member through undergoing “rectification” through physical violence, a method that will become a feature of the cult. Carlos agrees to rectification, not believing he will actually be assaulted. He is beaten, after which he flees the state.

    It really only continues to get worse.

    >“Without letters our comrade has no contact with the outside world and he continues to not receive letters from the majority of his comrades. The consistent lack of initiative has forced the PPSC to take further action against the negligible support provided to our comrade. From now on a fine of 20 dollars will be given to those who have a personal relationship with our imprisoned comrade but fail to send out at least 1 letter monthly. The 20 dollars will go in a collection to support our imprisoned comrade’s wife and child."

    It gets far, far worse.

    This is by far the most interesting, detailed, and horrifying exposé I've seen regarding the Red Guards. In reading it, I believe there may be valuable insight on how to prevent ourselves from getting swept up in the political games of narcissistic opportunists. It is also crucial to be able to differentiate democratic centralism from "democratic centralism", lest any of us find ourselves stuck in a situation like this.


    BREAKING: Potential military coup in Gabon Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

    Television announcement comes shortly after incumbent Ali Bongo is declared president for a third term.

    Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

    "Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility Television announcement comes shortly after state election body announces incumbent Ali Bongo had won a third term as president.

    A group of senior military officers has gone on national television in Gabon saying they have seized power because elections held over the weekend were not credible.

    The officers, appearing on Gabon24 in the early hours of Wednesday morning, said they had cancelled the elections, dissolved all state institutions and closed the country’s borders.

    They said they represented all security and defence forces of Gabon.

    The announcement came shortly after the state election body said President Ali Bongo Ondimba had won a third term in office in Saturday’s disputed elections.

    “In the name of the Gabonese people … we have decided to defend the peace by putting an end to the current regime,” the officers said.

    The Gabonese Election Centre said Bongo had secured 64.27 percent of the vote compared with 30.77 percent for his main challenger Albert Ondo Ossa, after a process beset by delays.

    Further Context:


    [Fightpost #1] The Maquis! Section 31!



    This is the first post in a series I plan to make depending on interaction.

    I really want to delve deep into Marxist-Leninist's thoughts regarding these important issues affecting all of us in the Alpha quadrant.

    Issues such as...

    The Maquis. They're explicitly named after a French resistance group that included prominent communist leadership. They do a lil terrorism to preserve their land that was ceded to the enemy. This included their homes and farms.

    But like are they kinda actin' like kulaks rn?

    It's explained to us that all of the settlers were offered free and immediate resettlement. The Maquis refused on ideological grounds... in perhaps unfairly literal terms, their right to property. They could have been just as comfortable or even moreso had they took the Federation up on its offer, but their personal "connection to the land" (that was once again, a settlement or colony) is making them refuse to relocate.

    Refusing to relocate threatens peace for the entire Federation. Cardassians, who have fought a long and bloody war in living memory against the Federation, now have an intergalactically recognized right to the land, including from the Federation itself. There is a horrible regional conflict playing out between settlers of either side and it seems to many like the Federation is too weak or too foolish to protect its people any longer.

    Ben Sisko, in a chat with Eddington (IIRC), insinuates that he no longer believes that the correct choices were made when it came to the Maquis' existence or the plight of the settlers. I see a couple of things that could have happened had things turned out differently, from the Maquis becoming a paramilitary wing of the Federation (a la Azov in Ukraine, except this time it's based and not neo-Nazis), to the Federation actually affording a higher level of security in the region to protect against violence instead of letting Cardassian "peacekeepers" allow murder to occur.

    What do you think of the Maquis, though? I synpathize with the connection element, but when we are aware that they were offered free, comfortable resettlement it certainly demystifies their ideological foundation.

    I liked Section 31 and even found myself mostly agreeing with them and supporting their existence within the universe.

    Starfleet Intelligence exists, of course. But intelligence can only go so far. An officially unaffiliated group that can bend the rules to defend the Federation, to defend fucking Eden, Gaia, the paradise that Earth has become is incredible! By any means necessary!

    Ehheheh. Then, the attempted fucking genocide.

    Oh, bother. I believe the showrunners intended to demonstrate in part how self-proclaimed "strong men who protect weak men" willing to justify the means at any cost tend not to be great, and giving these people completely unchecked power to kill and destroy is probably a bad idea. A major theme in the show is that killing and destroying is usually a bad idea anyway, so.

    What do you think? Section 31: based successors of their NKVD and Stasi ancestors, or disturbed feds attempting to recreate the foreign policy of a thankfully long dead Amerika? Does their portrayal as le not epic genociders rub you the wrong way at all -- a bit Kilmonger-y maybe?

    I wanna see some intense ass critique, comrades. I wanna see those downvotes pop off. 👎👎👎


    [Struggles ft. Masculinity] I screwed up.

    In my cashier position, I met a lovely customer. She spoke beyond the corpo facade and engaged me as a human being, and I felt smitten with longing. Not necessarily romantic, not at all sexual. Just longing. For connection. Any kind. Please. I am beginning to know and love myself, let me share. We continued talking, it was a pleasure to see one another when she shopped. I asked for and received contact details.

    I have been so in my head about achieving these ideas I'm so enamored with right now and growing as a person. Engaging women (and all others tbh) on equal ground as fully conscious, aware and sincere beings just as I am. Extrapolating my experience of possessing whole ass sentience onto others as an empathy exercise.

    I had decided that I will be radically open and honest to the people I seek to form connections with, and I have been. It has been so interesting seeing how I interact with other people, so many other people (due to my job) and just getting to know myself.

    So. Sososo. She's going to be out of town for a not insignificant amount of time. I like her a lot. We have a ton in common. She brought me wildflowers at work once. Of course, with how excited I am about le epic male feminist 💫 journey 💫 I'm on...

    Well, we talked a bit. It felt reciprocal for a little while, but she didn't respond for a few days and I got a little in my head about it. I spammed her a bit (I was so excited to share!) and then sent a message after some reflection that I was gonna cool it on the spam, but that I was still thinking about her.

    A few days go by without any exchange, I send her a text about how I miss my cats and I hope she's grateful for hers. She responds and we talk for a bit, then she mentions that she's interested in another guy but was afraid of hurting my feelings.


    I prepared for this.

    I know how to relate.

    I know that there are so many other interesting people who could make great partners for me.

    I know what it's like to be liked and to not like back.

    I genuinely want to be her friend if nothing else.

    I send back the honest truth that of course I was a little disappointed and a little sad, but those were human reactions that I would allow to pass through me without struggle. That she did not hurt me, she did not do anything but exist. I hurt me, but it's only a scratch. I asked to see her crush, she sent pics, I said he was cute (he is).

    Then I receive a message from her saying she's frustrated with me because I continued to pursue her romantically (or act flirtatiously etc.) when she indicated that she wasn't interested.

    I got a little defensive. Woah, okay. I know when no means no, and it's always. She had mentioned prior her uncertainty regarding her capacity to even feel romantic intimacy, I figured that may have been what she was indicating.

    I said "I can't read minds".

    I had added up all the indicators of her potential romantic interest in me in my head and subtracted indicators of disinterest and had concluded erroneously that I was still in the positive. I understood now that it was expressed to me that there was no interest. I still want to be friends, and the hurt has already passed, because of those helpful things I know.

    No, no. It was much worse.

    She screenshotted a prior conversation we had had and sent it wherein she said

    >I don't see you how you see me

    a text that I had misread a day prior as

    >I don't see how you see me

    a text that I had interpreted as

    >I don't see myself how you are seeing me right now (due to potential self-esteem issues)

    Based on conversations we had had, it'd be a fair interpretation... if I had read the original fucking text correctly the first time.

    >I don't see you how you see me


    I am so sorry ohmygod I'm so fucking embarrased dude I literally u won't believe me b I fucking I misread omg

    FUCK. God damn it.

    I HAD PREPARED FOR THIS. I was ready to face rejection. I was not ready to face this, because I never wanted to be a part of anything like this! I do not continue to chase women after I become aware of their boundaries! I do take no for an answer, always! She told me I try to sell myself as a feminist while still partaking in the games of sexist men.

    I most certainly did continue to act flirtatiously (calling her pretty, spamming, etc) after receiving and misreading that message.

    Well. Part of the reason I wanted to connect with others was learning experiences. What did I learn? Read texts very, very carefully. Work on context clues and body language. Continue honing empathy and when somebody tells you something, listen rather than immediately jumping to defensiveness.

    I apologized profusely and probably just made a bigger ass out of myself. I did explain myself and she said she knew I was really a nice guy, just that she was frustrated. She indicated that we could still be friends, I hope she meant it.

    At least I know that I genuinely fucked up here without any conscious malice on my own part, and I am aware of the things I have to work on. I know and love myself, and I know I would not do such a thing consciously.

    I wanted radical honesty and instead I completely missed what my conversational partner was telling me.

    I am still quite lonely, although I am learning to appreciate myself as a roommate and friend. I am afraid to fuck up like this again. I hope this doesn't make me afraid to reach out to others. I guess if it does, I just have to work through the fear as I have been and bombard the patriarch inside me as I continue to.

    Thank you for reading, comrades. Do you have any experience with unrequited feelings and not "getting the hint" (perhaps even as you are told directly... like some of us). Or perhaps someone did not get the hint about your feelings? Have you ever unconsciously broken a boundary?

    Ask Comrades SovereignState

    how tf I make somebody a mod in my community

    title, unsure of placement 😵


    Short Introduction to the Men's Liberation Community

    Hello, comrades!

    I have created this community in no small part because I have been focusing hard on deconstructing negative behaviors and habits socialized into me from birth. I have been focusing on personal, professional and revolutionary growth.

    Importantly, I've been reading bell hooks' The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love. It's honestly brought me to tears more than a few times, and I'm only as of writing 60% of the way through it. I have not felt seen like this in what feels like a long time. Socialized and internalized patriarchal standards of living are actively destroying our potential as men to live, love, and achieve true self-actualization.

    I highly recommend it to any man seeking to dismantle their internalized patriarchy. I also highly recommend it to feminist women and other non-men who innately fear us (rightly, much of the time), as hooks is intimately familiar with both the fear of males and male fear.

    It is obvious that this manufactured fear cannot sustain life and love and it is up to all of us, regardless of gender or sex, to destroy the locus of this fear - as prof. hooks not-so-succinctly, yet aptly, puts it, imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

    I desired to create a space where I, other men, and all others interested can discuss our issues regarding patriarchal conditioning and potentially how we are working to overcome them. It can also serve as a space for women and those who do not identify with manhood to ask questions of men, and hopefully gain some insight, if they are so inclined.

    What do you think?

    I also ask graciously of you, comrades, that if, in my language revolving around gendered oppression, I fail to achieve a proper standard of trans and gender non-conforming inclusivity, you correct me. No offense will be taken, thank you.


    Weird exchange with a customer today.

    They asked what our starting pay is. Funny thing is, I don't even remember. I could theoretically do the math backwards from paystubs, but eh. I know how much to expect.

    Regardless, I said somewhere around 13 dollars, but the company I work for is unionized so the shit pay is offset a little bit by ensured basic rights like the ability to actually take breaks, unlike any of my previous workplaces. Coworkers are awesome, even management's tolerable.

    They said they worked for a place that was "worker-run" but then it stopped being so worker-run so they quit. Then they said Walmart of all places had started hiring at 17 an hour, all positions, so that was still their first choice.

    To see a small wage increase (not even to a livable wage) sway a worker in real time against the right to negotiate with their employer as workers collectively... bruh. It just sucks.

    I once worked for a pharmacy where I made $16.50 an hour and I consider it one of the worst jobs in the world. It was so alienating, I had intrusive thoughts like


    "maybe in this hellworld the only way to escape this miserable unlife is to become the slaveowner. I am a slave to insurance companies. I am a slave to Big Pharma. I am a slave to my hitlerite managers. I am a slave to ungrateful piece of shit geriatrics who are upset they had to wait 5 minutes longer for their viagra than normal because insurance is trying to charge another customer $800 for their life-preserving medication and I'm trying to convince them fucking not to. Nobody is grateful or ever will be for your labor and all of your labor is in service of capitalist slaveowners. this will never change."

    etc. etc. It's maybe a bit worrisome that I remember that feeling so intensely, I don't know. At the same time, those thoughts and my internal battle against them were instrumental in creating a fundamental understanding in me that wages are not worth your sanity, your ability to take breaks, your ability to call in, your ability to take or leave more work at your request.

    I am so grateful for my new job tbh, cringe as it may be. I am learning to enjoy labor for labor's sake. Making actual, meaningful connections with people. And I get to take breaks, in fact I am forced to take a break. This is because we have a union.

    I don't know if Walmart conditions have improved generally... but every time I've been inside a Walmart, I've thought to myself *If I ever find myself working here, I am going to redacted myself. I'll have to."

    I don't know. I'm having a strange time with it all. Unions are good, and I'm beholding a part of the struggle in real-time. Thanks for reading or even skimming 🫡

    Don't work at Walmart if you don't have to, kids.


    [Vent] I just had the most amazing first date of my life. They blocked me a few hours after.

    Throughout the entirety of the date, everything was reciprocated. There was, uncommon for me, even unprompted active flirtation from the person in question when the present conversation was not necessarily flirtatious - random sweet things.

    It lasted over four hours. We talked about our intentions, our interests, our passions, our traumas. There were two hour+ phone calls prior to the date that contained much of the same personal conversation.

    They asked me to kiss them, prompted only by the vibe of sitting on a park bench by a river surrounded by geese enveloped in the reflections of the sun on the ripples of said river. This has never happened to me before, I have always been the instigator - always the asker, never the asked - it was not considered a masculine or attractive trait during my childhood to be asked. I obliged. We kissed quite a few more times the rest of the night, by my initiative and theirs.

    They complimented parts of myself that I hate, or at least find hard to love - my nose, my freckles, my hair. They made me feel both seen and beautiful and I did my best to reciprocate. I have not felt this way in years, I can't remember the last time I felt this way. It is only a first date, I know this. I know this. For like 50% of the date we were laughing and planning our second date, a potential third. We had talked about how things may change the more comfortable we became with one another, like hanging out at each others' houses. They talked about getting me a birthday present.

    Date ends. Get home. We text about how wonderful the date was, when our schedules would align well next - the sooner the better. Two hours since the last message was sent, I see:


    >Hey I’m so sorry but I’ve been thinking and I’m just not interested. Good luck tho!

    I am taken aback but I think, ok, sometimes these things happen. Rejection would be one thing. I wrote a message saying it was totally ok but I just wanted to know if it was possible to remain friends, and if they were comfortable telling me if I did anything wrong or could have done something better, but they had already blocked me on everything. I just don't understand. I'm starting to feel like something is seriously fucking wrong with me.

    We had shows we agreed to watch together, games we agreed to play, and music we agreed to share. All gone in an instant without any recourse or explanation.

    Am I acting entitled? Is this an extreme reaction to something trivial? I've been crying for a while. I've always considered myself an open book but I shared deeply personal things with this person. The connection was instant and nigh tangible.

    I just wanted someone or some people to talk to. Most of my friends won't care. I'm living out of a hotel for now. I returned to this horrible, disgusting room with a smile on my face. I was ready to get some rest and do what needed to be done tomorrow with that same smile. Now it's 2am and I just lie here staring at the ceiling through soaked eyes tuning out the hotel cable until infomercials become little more than meaningless gibberish.

    I'm trying to get better. I feel so fucking alone. They probably had a good reason for ending it so abruptly. Maybe they were scared of retaliation because I'm a man. I just wish I could know why. Is this type of hurt so fucking typical for "casual" dating? I am so drained, it's a fucked up thing to say but I wonder about chemical castration sometimes. Is there something similar for "romantic attraction", too? Because if this is at all typical, I'm ok. Count me out. I'm an adult and I still feel like a scared little kid.

    Games SovereignState

    [DPRK Souls]


    "He was more than a hero. He was a union man."

    On S4 E16, time 17:48, but I had to pause the episode to talk about this. Beware spoilers throughout.

    Are you KIDDING ME? Part of a small lingering complaint I've had in my head is that they have been somewhat understandably shy about using many opaquely radical terms: communism, socialism, revolution, etc. But now we're going ham into pro-union storytelling with no shame and no relent.

    How can this show keep getting exponentially based-er? They can't keep getting away with it!


    ...any advice on being homeless?

    Yeah. I have a job, a car and a planet fitness membership - mentioning as I believe they have showers. I have a place lined up in 2 months but for reasons I won't get into (unless you're really interested) I have to leave my current residence soon. I am not sure when.

    I'm gonna get to spend my birthday homeless. 🎂 🥳

    Creative Writing SovereignState

    On Exsanguinating Stones

    Freely gift me your focus,

    all usurers and thieves.

    We've all some paltry grievance

    with how you waste the air you breathe.

    There exist spider-silken threads -

    inseverably interwoven,

    sewn against rock.


    bonded by an unflinching,

    merciless spirit of Liberty -

    freezing, hungry palisades erected.

    Our enviable blood engenders

    the mortar, weaponized,

    as we violently manifest

    a more verdant future that

    would never bear this lifeless grey.

    Rubble deconstructed of unceasing Sins,

    we dance in the form of dolomite bones,

    jubilant vibrations echo, deafening -

    brace yourself and suffocate

    against the terrible weight of

    a million bloodless stones.

    Creative Writing SovereignState

    Poem: Floorboard (TW: 🔫)

    • The floorboard in the passenger seat
    • is flooding with the paperwork
    • from all the jobs
    • I failed to keep.
    • Vacant packs of cigarettes
    • strewn, destroyed and unclean. ****
    • Hairbrush, toothbrush
    • skin of my teeth,
    • hateful uniform underneath. ****
    • this ain't my car
    • this ain't my home ****
    • The floorboard in the passenger seat
    • is flooding with receipts,
    • Zero in the bank,
    • drained the E.B.T. -
    • dead vapes and dirty clothes,
    • I'll never be clean again. ****
    • An unloaded gun rests in the hand
    • of the couch crasher,
    • of the dream smasher,
    • Can't even sell it -
    • can't even, I can't even

    Watching DS9 for the first time. Star Trek for the first time, really. (Maybe mild s1 spoilers)

    I was not aware that scifi could be this good.

    Only on S1 E17 ("only" as if I didn't start watching this like 3 days ago) and I'm told it only gets better. It has not disappointed me yet even with its wildest shit.

    how I feel abt some of the characters

    Sisko is the chad Old Guard Stalinist who makes questionable decisions at times and is a hardass boss but his intent and his impact are always in service to the people, all people.

    Kira is my forever unrequited love (as she is fictional). Kira is absolutely amazing, the revolutionary who actually seized power and is now dealing with the ugly consequences of having said power. She's the forever-revolutionary and at least so far a goddamn aspirational one and a Bajoran global hero.

    Julian needs to keep his libido in check. Thirsty as fuck and has some xenorientalism to work through. Incredible doctor and is devoted the cause when it makes necessary demands.

    O'Brien is an absolute Stakhanovite and I love him for it. Wish I was raised by him instead of my dad.

    Odo is so badass. So far he only has a fleeting understanding of his species, but at least from the perspective of some, Odo is a living relic. People tell ancient myths about changelings! He is perhaps the last of his kind (idk, s1 e17) and I think he stands as a wonderful representative of his people. The People's Constable through and through.

    I hope Quark has a mindbreak and becomes a communist or he's murdered on-screen. I understand the series goes into more detail about the reasons why the Ferengi are like that... but to be completely honest, in the Star Trek universe at least, I would almost definitely be quite racist against Ferengi. Sisko didn't want Jake to hang out with Nog and I sympathized. I like that he came to his senses later that xenoracism is uncool, but Nog so far has only gotten worse and worse in his profit-before-people shit. Hope it changes.

    Dax is interesting. I like the Trill lore. I'm not sure if the Curzon Dax stuff has more context in earlier iterations or not, but it hasn't hampered my enjoyment of Dax's character. Old man. ___

    Blows my mind that this came out in 1993. It feels like communist art. Diplomacy first, always. Profiteering is disgusting and condemnable and humans should have no desire to do it, to the extent that it would be literally alien to us to fuck over others just for economic gain. The Bajoran politics are fascinating and, like I said, I love Kira and stan whatever carbombings she had to do to win independence.

    Also, the Cardassians are fucking horrifying and look like animated and decaying Greco/Roman statues. I get major Rome and Amerika vibes from them, though the Ferengi are also quite Amerikan.

    Can't believe I've put off Star Trek for this long. Also can't believe there was ever a freakin' debate between whether Star Trek or Star Wars is better, I'm feeling a radical difference in tone. In DS9 at least, there's rarely been le good guys and le bad guys the way there is in Star Wars especially post-Disney. I feel Star Wars also plays up the heroic fantasy to the 14th level, which is ok, but not necessarily interesting aside from visually, at least to me.

    Anyway, I love this show and would like to see what people wanna say about it.

    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations SovereignState

    We don't have to tail the fascist "Rage Against the War Machine". We're more popular than you think, the media just doesn't want us to know it. Thousands march in Washington, D.C., to launch new movement against U.S. empire - Liberation News

    Photo credit: ANSWER Coalition On March 18, the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, thousands

    Thousands march in Washington, D.C., to launch new movement against U.S. empire - Liberation News

    Nationwide protests shot off on the 18th and 19th. Did you see any coverage?

    The revolution will not be televised. RATWM is a fascist maneuvering and nothing more, attempting to recoup some of the brewing anti-war sentiment back into supporting capitalism and by extension imperialism. Libertarians, pedo "communists", and outright fascists? We don't fucking need them and I find it frustrating when people seem to think we do.

    RATWM was televised because it was backed by money. Dirty, bloody money coming from the likes of the Paul political dynasty. Their pathetic little gathering was not the revolutionary moment some people seemed to imply it was. It was a farce. The people will rise up and they won't need ghoulish demagogues to pay them to.


    VP Highlights Iran’s Measures on Gender Justice, Women’s Empowerment (2015) VP Highlights Iran’s Measures on Gender Justice, Women’s Empowerment - Society/Culture news - Tasnim News Agency

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's Vice-President for Women and Family Affairs Shahindokht Molaverdi underlined the administration’s firm determination to improve the social status of women, and unveiled plans for striking a balance between women’s capabilities and opportunities in Iran.

    VP Highlights Iran’s Measures on Gender Justice, Women’s Empowerment - Society/Culture news - Tasnim News Agency

    >The Islamic Republic of Iran’s 20 year Vision Plan, as a multi-disciplinary document, has set out provisions on the ways and means on enhancing social justice, legitimate freedoms, protection of humans’ dignity and rights, social and judicial security, health, welfare, food security, social security, equal opportunities, appropriate distribution of income, acceptable sound environment and strengthening the institution of family, with no poverty, corruption and discrimination.

    Any thoughts? I found it informative and totally contrary to the western-imposed ideas I had in my head of Iran's narrative surrounding women. Tasnim News, it should be mentioned, is fiercely loyal to the Iranian government according to their about page.
