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Sir_Kevin Sir_Kevin
Posts 11
Comments 18
*Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm on now and it's all good.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Well shit, I guess I gotta leave beehaw because now half my subscriptions are dead now.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That link is showing as blocked. I'm still new to all this but isn't that a reputable instance?

  • Posted comment isn't visible
  • Also that edit of the OP did go through as well. Just couldn't see it on my end right away. I agree probably a cache issue.

  • Posted comment isn't visible
  • Also I just edited "lost" to "post" but I'm not seeing that change either. Maybe it saved, maybe it didn't..

  • Posted comment isn't visible

    Anytime I lost a comment (in a non local community?) it doesn't show up. It's there I just can't see it unless I go to my own profile or someone replies to it.

    Does anyone actually eat a whole full-sized snickers?
  • American portions in general are rediculous. I would love to be able to go to a restaurant and get half the amount of food they usually give you. I'm all for bringing home leftovers but sometimes that's not convenient. Sometimes my fat ass will just eat it all!

  • What‘s keeping us from promoting Lemmy on Reddit?
  • I promoted the shit out of it right before the blackout. Only got banned from one subreddit. Who cares, not like I'm going back.

  • Subreddit refugees be like...
  • Apparently it's not being maintained anymore.

  • Feature request: switch behavior for tap and long press on comments.
  • Please! The tapping to hide is super annoying. Someone else suggested swipe to hide which makes a lot more sense to me. I tapped an image expecting it to enlarge and instead it and the whole comment was hidden. That's completely ass backwards.

  • If we all cycled like the Dutch, CO2 emissions would drop by 690 million tonnes
  • Sold in car months ago and use an electric scooter to get around. I don't miss the car at all. I don't have a commute though.

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • What are they shipping if not our content?

  • Jerboa v0.0.34-alpha
  • Ya'll are kickin ass with the updates! It's literally getting better each day. I love watching the progress. History in the making right here.

  • Snuggling Lamb Chop
  • If he wasn't a lil sleepy boots when I did this be would have walked away too LOL He's pretty chill though!

  • Tucked In Kitties Sir_Kevin

    Snuggling Lamb Chop

    how new.reddit looks in private browsing
  • I've been spamming everywhere I could just before the shutdown. /r/gonewild banned me for posting the link LOL

  • Tampa cop resigns amid investigation of political player with sex offender past

    Officer William Cain failed to inform officials that he knew political player Gio Fucarino was using an alias and was untruthful when asked about it, records show.

    Fleeing reddit!
  • Awesome! I'm glad to see things moving so fast! I didn't expect to see my local already. I'll try to help get things rolling with whatever content I find.

  • Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin

    Illegal Experiments on my VR Headset DESTROYED

    How many of you have pulled the plug and deleted reddit already?
  • In an effort to support new communities here I'm going to let my reddit account linger so I can pull interesting content from there and post it here. At least for a week or two while things get established

  • Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin

    ARIZONA SUNSHINE 2 Trailer (2023)

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin

    VRChat Has NEVER Looked So Good! (Worlds Smallest VR)

    Chris doing his thing

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin

    Walkabout Mini Golf - Journey To The Center of the Earth

    New DLC available on Quest, Steam, and PSVR. No love for Pico 😢

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin

    Pico 4 (global version) available on Walmart's website

    This is a third party seller on presumably shipping from the US.

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin

    Puzzling Places for Quest, Pico and PSVR

    DLC is now available on all platforms including Pico, as is passthrough mode. Cross-platform multiplayer is currently in beta and should be coming soon to all platforms as well.

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin

    Prey running on Quest native

    I love seeing what the modding community is doing.

    Allow us to open different browser not just whatever is set defaul when opening links
  • I would love to see the functionality of RIF in a Lemmy app