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SeemSurprised SeemSurprised
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Comments 11
[DEV] A New UI for Scrolls of Upgrade
  • Ooh this looks great! Small request though, can the "upgrade" and "back" buttons be swapped? In most other UIs (both in the game and elsewhere) the confirm/primary function is on the right, with the cancel option on the left. Either way, this seems like a great QoL change!

  • [DEV] Shattered's New Catalog UI pt.1
  • Looks much cleaner! Are the other tabs for trinkets and notes about stuff made by the player?

  • [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: Trinkets!
  • Something I've never quite managed to understand is what it means in the description by saying "enemies with rigid skin". I thought that was the crystal boss and gnoll boss but they're both immune to weapon abilities...

  • I want eat real bad
  • It's a trinket. Artifacts are a separate item class.

  • [DEV] Shattered levelgen changes and beta soon!
  • Rip the pillar of permeant surprise

  • Horn of Plenty +10 still sucks
  • I assume you mean warlock not necromancer?

  • [DEV] Shattered Trinkets: 13-Leaf Clover
  • Interesting! Will the average damage remain the same? Are low damage rolls just as likely as high damage rolls?

  • [DEV] Shattered Trinkets: Exotic Crystals
  • When can we expect a beta to try out these new features?

  • [DEV] Shattered Trinkets: Exotic Crystals
  • This looks really useful! I think it will encourage players to use alchemy when not using this trinket too because they will realise how useful exotics are.

  • [DEV] Shattered Trinkets: Mossy Clump
  • So will they generate randomly at some point in the dungeon as a prize item (So you could find it on level 25)? Or will they be obtained in some unique way?