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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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I could make a great PC for that...
  • It also had the "other OS" feature! It's strange that the PS3 remains the only big console to have that feature, given how difficult its architecture is to work with. The modern consoles are all much closer to just being prebuilt PCs and none of them have it.

  • It's official: consoles cost as much as gaming PCs now
  • You're correct. I think the real obstacle PC gaming has to overcome for the average consumer is the basic knowledge requirement - I built the PC I currently use and game on and yet I find the numbering schemes for processors and graphics cards insanely confusing, have no idea what goes together and what doesn't, what's a good deal and what's overpriced, etc. But while I was willing to put in the research when I built my current computer, I can totally understand someone else who wants something that they can just turn on and it works.

    Prebuilts don't really solve this problem either. The average consumer will see something like the "MSI Glaive-Guisarm 2077 Fortnite Edition" and I have no idea if that's better than or worse than or about the same as a PS5.

  • If only there was a way to get all of those people there and back home without a car.
  • This is a big reason why many US city budgets are fucked. So much prime taxable real estate given over to parking lots that don't generate anywhere nearly as much money for the public, but the market doesn't care about that particular externality.

  • Kirk makes a good point.
  • If you think about it from an evolutionary standpoint it’s perfectly logical.

    This hasn't actually been borne out in science. As a general rule, less complex human societies tended to be more willing to cooperate with outsiders. They shared hunting grounds, traded clan members, came together for more complex endeavors, and so on. It isn't until the advent of agriculture, when people became attached to plots of land and felt the need to defend them from others, that we see these default attitudes start to shift - and racism as we understand it today is a thoroughly modern phenomenon, with no antecedent prior to the 17th century.

  • Please stop the bus of life, I want to get off
  • In a free market, people choose the jobs that fit their skills and interests

    No it fucking doesn't. Most people in the so-called free market are stuck in jobs they hate because they need it to afford rent. If you want to encourage innovation and productivity you need to decouple people's ability to live from their work.

  • Please stop the bus of life, I want to get off
  • Pretty much because the constitution has always been more of a vibe than a binding set of legal principles.

    That said I think a carrot would work better than a stick here. Something like what we do to encourage military service - healthcare and college money!

  • AOC launches effort to impeach Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
  • Better late than never I suppose, but If the Dems were serious about passing their agenda and protecting it, this would have been on the table as soon as Biden was elected, so I don't expect this to go anywhere.

  • Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • glaziers fallacy

    TIL a new fallacy. I was joking just for the record, I called it "capitalist realist" specifically to try and indicate that it's the kind of thing you might believe only if you were extremely economics brained.

  • Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • But there's only a certain amount of labor a fixed number of employees can absorb. Imagine a scenario where everyone everywhere agrees to stop returning shopping carts - grocery store employees would be forced to spend their entire shift just corralling them, and then they wouldn't be able to man the cash registers or stock the shelves or whatever else, thus forcing the store to hire another employee on each shift to be the dedicated shopping cart return person.

    Logically, every store everywhere tries to run with the minimum number of people possible to keep costs down. The idea is to create a situation where that minimum number of people is increased.

  • Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • I'm a fan of the Capitalist Realist Shopping Cart Theory, myself.

    Putting shopping carts away is bad for society and you should stop doing it.

    The reason is that putting a shopping cart away requires labor, labor requires a person to do it, and the person who has to do it is employed by the grocery store.

    Thus, if enough people refuse to put their shopping carts back, enough excess labor will be generated at grocery stores around the country that they will be forced to hire more people to do it, creating jobs.


  • Trump is 78 and barely coherent. Where's everyone who questioned Biden's age and fitness?
  • I've seen a bunch of articles about it this past week. With Biden there were a lot of prominent liberal voices calling for him to step down, not to mention the absolute lack of enthusiasm within the rank and file that was showing in polls - with Trump the party's rank and file are on his side no matter what, so if a prominent conservative calls for him to step down they will be ostracized for it.

  • Please stop the bus of life, I want to get off
  • In both the Soviet and Chinese famines, collectivized farms outperformed privately owned ones in terms of food produced per hectare. Without collectivization, those famines would have happened anyway, and they would have been worse.