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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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The longer you look, the worse it gets
  • I gotta disagree fam, white boys and black boys alike adore this car for some weird reason and they are always the trashiest people you’ll ever meet. They don’t have to be poor to be trashy either.

  • The imperial presidency: Republicans just pulled off their longest con
  • I fail to see how this helps your point?

    What good have Democrats done? I don’t mean throwing some crumbs out to a small subsection of student loan holders, or passing small goods such as credit card fee guidelines.

    I mean reversing the trend this country has been on since Reagan. Why do Citizens United and Glass Steagall still exist? Prison and prosecutorial reform? Making companies actually pay taxes? Democrats have held plenty of majorities. What’s the excuse?

    Why do Dems let the fascists walk all over them and never lift a single finger in retaliation? Why is it always Dems compromising and sinking their bills to please Republicans?

    Are you genuinely saying that throwing literal breadcrumbs out is an acceptable trade to all that shit?

    And then you wonder why you get called collaborators?

    The fact that after all this discourse, you liberals are still spamming this tired debunked shit instead of coming up with any actual critique is, as usual, yet another self report of your complicity to fascism.

  • Your vote isn't enough.
  • Yes, I remember clearly the Democrats pushing the “don’t care for who, just vote” campaign.

    And then Republicans started winning elections while losing the popular vote and Democrats decided to demonize the left and blame them for every loss afterwards, despite literally winning the vote.

    You can even see it here in this very post, where leftists are blamed for liberal apathy.

    You seem to be saying US Democrats are leftists. Why are you ignoring everything the DNC has done to villainize, marginalize, and destroy leftists movements in the Big Tent? Are you aware there is no “left” remaining to mobilize?

  • Sorry commies, capitalists beat you to landlord hate!
  • Sure. Increase property taxes by 400% if the owner does not list the home as their primary residence. This frees up the small homes. If it doesn’t work, keep fucking increasing it.

    Implement immediate federal rent controls to tie increases to inflation. Establish a federal rent oversight agency where landlords must file appeals to prove their property value increased or prove they added value to the residence to increase rent beyond inflation.

    The crux of this issue is that it requires leftists to be in government. I vote for every leftist on my ballot, local state or federal. And only the leftists.

    This doesn’t do anything about the fact that capital has spent the last 80 years violently suppressing global leftism which has left the US with two parties: right-wing extremist, and outright fascist.

    See, pretty simple when you don’t act all cute “just asking questions” full well knowing you’re a bad faith actor and will simply handwave away any concrete evidence put forth.

    Except you don’t give a shit. Nothing was going to change your mind at all. Yeah sure you “agree” with all that.

    Pretty goddamn funny how you ghouls always come in pretending to agree and just seeking one more info on tired old topics that have been addressed thousands of times already.

    Here’s a tip, leftists don’t act like that. It’s pretty obvious when you do it.

  • Life at the heart of Japan’s lonely deaths epidemic: ‘I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried’
  • It’s incredible how you can see the 90s Asian financial crisis clearly mark the decline of the country in every metric of a successful society

    Almost like the US and Reagan’s election

    Born just a little too late, but at least I can watch it all burn and then die. Not like I was ever going to be able to retire anyway!

  • Where to buy a great bag of kona coffee?
  • If they’re a normie coffee lover, whatever brand of preground 100% Kona the store has the most of should be fine. In Honolulu, Don Quijote in town and the Keeamoku Walmart have shitloads, just make sure it’s 100%. Can grab a ton of random souvenirs and gifts while you’re there too.

    If they’re a Reddit coffee lover, stop trying and just ask them what local specialty brand they want. It’s gonna be whole bean for sure and anything else will disappoint them secretly.

  • Useful idiot
  • Useful idiots

    Liberals joke that leftists just blow with the wind from one controversy to the next. But I can't help but notice the pro-Biden "left" shifted hard from “there is no genocide in Gaza” to “genocide is an acceptable side effect of democracy” without skipping a beat or looking back or acknowledging the complicity of the Democratic Party that allowed fascists to rise to power.

    Almost like the petit bourgeois liberals stoking these fires don't really care about left issues at all.

  • TW : The most vicious crime
  • It’s yet another example of how liberal hypocrisy has led to the ongoing collapse of society.

    The core thought process requires one to agree that all conservatives should die as well, if all pedophiles should be killed.

    They’ll condemn pedos in the same breath as lamenting Turing and have absolutely zero cognitive dissonance.

    And yet you won’t find a single liberal willing to stand up for their beliefs.

    Even here you see their liberal purity tests, having to declare your attraction to adults or your vote for Biden or whatever next purity test there is. No I don’t fucking like children, the fact that a liberal is going to turn up here to accuse me of it is further proof of the thesis.

  • meme
  • It’s honestly hilarious how these liberals are mentally incapable of getting it.

    If they genuinely do not see how Democrats have been the steadfast accomplice of the fascist “Overton ratchet,” they are either malicious or incompetent.

    Sure copy and paste that list of Biden accomplishments again. As if the sweeping failures of the Dems aren’t well known at this point. Glass Steagall. PATRIOT. Citizens United. Obamacare. Kavanaugh. Roe vs Wade. The dismantling of SAVE.

    Keep appeasing the literal fucking fascists yall claim to be such an existential threat. Because appeasement totally works, that’s why liberals keep doing it!

    Like, yall know these fuckers play buddy buddy with each other in D.C.? The only ones willing to call out the bullshit of being friendly in the halls and calling for your death in the chamber are Squad members.

    Yes I’m fucking voting Biden you exhausting dense insufferable fascist enablers. And I’m going to laugh my ass off when they throw your asses in the same camp as me.

  • Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee? Who could replace him?
  • Oh they could win alright. Literally all they have to do is be leftist.

    “We’re gonna keep your kids healthy, in a good daycare while you work, educated and fed, and your fucking boss is gonna pay for it all” is a simple mantra well used by unions.

    Except they don’t do that. The purpose of a system is what it does, and liberals have done nothing but protect capital since FDR died.

  • Former Uvalde school police chief, officer indicted in 1st-ever criminal charges over failed response to 2022 mass shooting
  • The officers literally instructed hiding children through the door to shout for help during an active shooter situation

    This resulted in the direct death of at least one child that would otherwise have survived

    The cops literally caused more dead kids than if they never showed up at all, indicated by the parent who fucking Metal Geared past the police line to extract their kids

    Not to even mention how their messaging post-incident indicated the cops killed kids with indiscriminate shooting

    Someone’s gotta do something about these cops.

  • History repeats itself.
  • You’re arguing with a car brain lol, they lack the intelligence to understand.

    It’s kind of hilarious how North Koreans live in this fucking insane societal bubble where they simultaneously think they’re the best nation in the world while living in complete shit conditions that would appall the rest of the developed world.

    Kicking your kids out at 18, sending your elders to fucking abuse camps to die, can’t even afford to have a baby, let alone buy them a car or education. Don’t even think about housing or healthcare. Retirement? LOL. Cops can just fucking kill you at any time with no consequences.

    Oh sorry typo, I meant Americans in that second paragraph.

  • Hong Kong says school children sang anthem too softly
  • Lmao @ the Americans getting all uncomfortable trying to weasel out of this

    Yeah bullshit it’s “not mandatory,” how can you have such a basic denial of reality?

    Totally optional, that’s why every time some kid understands and abstains, the teachers and other students bully them mercilessly, give them detention, suspension, expulsion, and it makes national news whenever someone actually tries.

    I bet joining the NSDAP was fucking optional too, don’t try to deny your christofascism that everyone just accepts because somehow it’s better when America does it

  • Who was in the wrong here?
  • Damn that’s crazy, I have the complete opposite conclusion.

    Yes, camera guy appears to be an antisocial shithead based on only this video. However, he was standing on presumably a public sidewalk and did NOT use physical force first.

    The business owner or manager was clearly the first to use physical force trying to shove away the camera when no threat to their safety was present.

    Again, camera guy appears to be in the moral wrong but it’s pretty clear who starts the violence.

    The other commenters point is valid as well, when camera guy retaliated, there was clearly no continued threat to their safety.

    They’re both idiots and the almighty business owner should have known better than to do the dirty work when the state monopoly on violence was on their side from the start.

  • Biden stung by student loan legal loss days before taking effect
  • Yeah, no. Fuck everything else. If SAVE sinks, I don’t vote Dem. My life is over if SAVE is reverted.

    Get the fucking message, Biden? Time to fight back. You wanted me to hold my nose through Palestine. Fine.

    But this? This is my red line.