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QueenCrimson QueenCrimson

Autistic lesbian (she/her)

I like Marx, King Crimson, linguistics, computers and lesbian romance novels.

Posts 6
Comments 23
How I'm doing
  • It don't always be how it do, but this do how it be.

  • Checkmate
  • See this is actually an amazing metaphor. Because just like with socialisation, I broadly know the basic rules of what each piece does. But that is absolutely not the same thing as actually knowing how to play chess.

    I have a vague grasp of many of the fundamentals, nothing more.

  • Special Interests
  • I'm sorry six hundred books a year? That's absolutely incredible

  • Just a couple of recommendations from someone who loved Gideon the Ninth.

    idk if anyone else is like me, but for a long time after reading the Locked Tomb series, I had absolutely nothing else like it to scratch a similar itch.

    Over the last 2 years I've found two other awesome books that give me a bit of the same feeling.

    One is "Charon Docks at Daylight" by Zoe Reed. It's a HARDCORE enemies-to-lovers book. They're PROPER fucking enemies at first.

    The other one was only released this year, it's "The First and Last Demon" by Hiyodori (although it's subheading of it being a romance is burying the lede a little- there is romance but it's definitely not a romance novel).

    If anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them 0u0

    When you inadvertently make a social mistake and later realize how it hurt someone
  • I'm more of a "do you think if I concentrated real hard I could make myself blink out of existence?" kinda girl myself :p

  • Thunderstorm!
  • The heavens rumble with the anger of the gods, the sky is not obnoxiously bright and chipper, the rain patters on the roof calmingly. Exquisite.

  • When you find out your normal daily lifestyle is called "quarantine"
  • I for one really enjoyed the Year of Mandated Introversion

  • What they're really saying is "But you don't look regarded."
  • I have no idea why anyone would ever think "hey you don't match my negative stereotypes about x" would be an ok and sensible thing to say, really with regards to anything, not just autism, sexuality etc.

  • despacito rule
  • Lmao that sounds hideous, thanks for sharing!

  • me (autism) every day with my wife

    Reminder that this is a thing that could happen.
  • "Five to ten second ads are already normal what is thi- ... oh. Yeah I see what they're upset about."

  • Yes I am rule
  • very heavy cube

  • This meme brought to you by the Pirahã

  • Don Triplett, the first person diagnosed with autism, dead at 89
  • Wow, I had no idea autism as a diagnosis was so recent.

  • rule


    Dealing with executive dysfunction...

    cross-posted from:





    marriage be like
  • ✨~Anyone can be a wife if they truly believe hard enough~✨

  • Oof 😅
  • An all-time classic 0u0

  • "Missed" Call
  • "The gall they have to try to call me at 11 am! Don't they know I'm trying to read?"

  • "Missed" Call
  • Me, still trying to get myself to reply to my friends 3 months later.

    ...I think if I lived in a previous era I would be described as a hermit.

  • despacito rule
  • I've never listened to Italian trap music but your comment made me laugh. You've got me curious: why is Italian trap music specifically is so terrible?