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PoY PeeOnYou
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*Permanently Deleted*
  • they'll go back to Canada and the other fascist safe havens

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • a soon to be corpse, close enough

  • So it started
  • they won't let them starve, they'll assist them in suicide

  • heated arguments with my dad
  • glass might also taste good but i wouldn't recommend consuming it

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • and now everyone is roasting his azov

  • heated arguments with my dad
  • first, you should stop consuming media, your digestive system wasn't meant for that

    second, you might want to just stop talking politics with your dad and let it go. some battles are not worth it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Canada also enjoys trampling on one of the only slave nations in history to win its own freedom through rebellion and revolt, Haiti. To this day they continue to fuck their shit up and make sure they cannot progress.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • There's no way they didn't see this coming when they decided to applaud a nazi. This has to have been planned right? Just getting people used to clapping for nazis right?

  • Stalin bad because… short?
  • but i grew up eating hotdogs and casseroles

  • St. Zelensky Watching Himself At UN
  • i wonder if this is all part of the plan to toss him under the bus and end the war or get someone fresh to inject new liberal support for continuing it

  • one hundred quadrillion!
  • there are so many atrocities that nobody even bothered to record them! c'mon people wake up! the Nazis were the good guys when you think about it! why don't people get it??

  • Social media (as we know it) is dying
  • when did media become consumable? seriously? when did that become an accepted term for reading or watching shit?

    in all of history i don't think anyone has ever said people consume books, and it sounds just as dumb as consuming media does.

    it irks me to no end

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • not to mention the black funds that aren't tracked at all but have historically been funded through illegal drug running in the US

    us citizens are just prey for the MIC to bleed dry

  • CNN being very normal, some dumb shite.
  • i watched cnn in Switzerland yesterday for a few minutes while waiting for my partner to freshen up and also because it was one of the only channels using English. those few minutes were nonstop drivel about China bad

    some unknown woman disappeared after reporting a #metoo incident.. the Philippines are holding the US back from wargaming in the South China Sea out of total fear of angering those blood thirsty Chinese who are just waiting for an excuse to destroy the Philippines, etc etc

    pretty unreal

  • So, just asking: what radicalized you?
  • way, way past it. they didn't get to be the liberal bastions of prosperity on their own. colonialism got them ahead just like it did for all the other "Western developed first world free democracy role model" countries that enslaved populations and stole all their resources while also preventing them from every having a chance to get out of that impoverished position

  • White Supremacy Iceberg
  • it's more that you're shrugging your shoulders as if you don't still benefit from being white just because you or your family didn't own slavery

    the blasé not my fault, not my problem attitude

  • Folks on Wikipedia discussing on the 'CPC/CCP Acronym' issue
  • I'm sure they don't want to give ccp any further weight that can be used against them. their answer is the smartest answer

  • China decides to sanction two US defense corporations.
  • uh oh looks like 2 can play the game now