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Norgur Norgur
Posts 5
Comments 571
Just gotta be assertive
  • Even the sketches from up north are presented sadly and a tad depressing

  • Just gotta be assertive
  • "oy, where's my change?" "What change?" "For the money I gave you" "Besides payment for your 10 Dollar Lemonade special offer, I didn't get any." "But the sign says 1,50!" 1And a nice day to you, too" "Wait! I want my..." "I said: A nice day, Sir."

  • Edison
  • I posted your meme to a friend of mine and I'ld ike to relay his response to you:

    ah quality memage

  • Windows 11
  • But they don't want you to switch to "the new cool stuff". They want you to switch to "the ad serving platform"

  • ich🚌iel
  • Es gibt "drängeln" und "Vorfahrt nehmen" und dann gibt's "Stadtbus-drängeln" und "Stadtbus-Vorfahrt nehmen". Die ersten beiden sind leichtsinnig und dumm, die anderen beiden lassen Rambo vor Angst erstarren.

  • Battery rule
  • I feel you, brother. Come on over and crack a nice and sparkly 9v with me.

  • He deserves it, dadgummit
  • You know nothing, Gandalf the Grey!

  • We'd have to ask the Supreme Court if that's the case and the way those "super neutral judges" act... maybe we wait until after the election for that one.

  • Brainstorming
  • That's what happens around any toilet in a 2km radius when Taco Bell has a major sale.

  • If Donald is immune, isn't Kamala immune if she orders the FBI to throw him in the brig if (please, don't fuck this up! VOTE!) she becomes president?

  • He deserves it, dadgummit
  • One does not simply have a nice day when Winter is coming.

  • boneapple tea
  • Well, there might be cross-contamination with heads, shoulders or knees.

  • Rule
  • I got to backpedal a little here. This is the file: I mixed it up with this one, which is actually a joke about misbehaving 3d printers:

  • Rule
  • Knowing the original model, that's less funny than the OG one.

  • I'm scared
  • Y'all do know that dismissing Ms. Lewinsky's opinion and suggesting that her feelings about something she did and judged for herself might be wrong is rather patronizing, don't you? She is the only person in this universe who can decide that. She has done so. End of.

  • It feels wrong
  • Same in German.

  • 21 July 1987
  • With you in a cart or something

  • I even know a few goats.
  • I mean... Have you tried?

  • Anon is an anthropologist
  • Woah there. The oldest pyramids we know of are about 5000 years old. That's halfway to 10k.

  • I'm scared
  • Remember the outrage! A president who didn't tell the truth about his sex life right away was unthinkable!

  • ich🍆iel


    Deleted for a book reference


    Horizon: Zero Manpage

    To anyone who might be tasked with programming Gaia and her subroutines when Elon Musk Ted Faro eventually fucks up... Can you please remember to write "sudo shutdown -h now" and "sudo killall -9 Hades" on every bit of your machines? Thanks.


    Replacement for Firefox?

    Hey there,

    I've been using Firefox for ages now, and I was completely satisfied with it... until very recently, that is. For space-saving reasons, I started to convert my media library to H265, since all devices in my network support it now. Or so I thought. One very noticeable omission is my desktop PC with Firefox. Now, if I watch something from my local media server, the server has to waste resources to convert to H264, which is a noticeable performance hit to all other things running on the server. The GPU in my Desktop PC (or the CPU for that matter) could have displayed H265 without even changing clock speed from idle. So I tried to use the native Plex App for Windows for that, but that one does not support RTX Super Resolution which was really nice when watching old DVD stuff.

    From what I can see, to get both, I need a Chromium browser. Since I would rather not have two browsers open all the time: Is there any browser based on the latest Chromium Builds that is not a massive insult to one's privacy?


    Firefo does support H265. It didn't for a very long time so most posts online talk about how it has no support and that it ain't planned. Yet, it has gotten support in the meantime.



    To 1 in about:config, restart browser, done.

    Thanks, mate
