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Nelots Nelots
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Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • "[It] sucks they're banning..."

    Probably autocorrect or something like that, it's not that hard to figure out.

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • Nobody likes voting for the lesser of two evils, but we all have to if we want to stop an even further decline into hell. Our system is broken, and we don't have any way of fixing it immediately, so we have to work with what we can. Trump as president will have immediate and direct consequences for many people, and it will be the fault of people like you that it happened. At this point, not voting for Biden is the same thing as voting for Trump. You may continue virtue signaling after we get through the crisis right in front of us.

  • I was told this belongs here.
  • One of the more highly upvoted comments on the original thread just posted this link, and I don't think it could be more apt.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • BlockTheSpot + Spicetify esentially gives you spotify premium for free. No lyrics, and no downloads, but otherwise most premium features are completely free.

    That said, I'm considering switching to Deezer, but they do have some missing songs, which is unfortunate.

  • What an incredible step in human explorati-
  • For the vast, vast majority of Doom (2016) players who have never played Doom (1993), they would probably completely disagree.

    I think it makes more sense to refer to the more relevant, popular, and well-known game as Doom and just refer to the other as "the original Doom" or Doom (1993). Especially since that's what the store page does, as the other person made clear on the 2016 end, and this store page should make clear on the 1993 end.

  • Victory lap!
  • Haha wow. I typed up a comment about how being 90 would meet your requirement, but then I realized there was no or and you meant you'd have to be all of the above. You're nuts lol.

  • Victory lap!
  • Edit: responded to the wrong comment, don't mind me.

  • Look! It squeaks!
  • Ooh. I might have to try this out. My pup Sophie has major social anxiety, never expected catnip to possibly help.

  • Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments
  • Oh, I know. But the original comment you responded to said "I respect people who have faith" which is why I brought it up. I also believe faith itself is dumb and have little respect for it.

  • Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments
  • Somebody needs to tell Trump that his religion expects him to follow the commandments, not break them. Bet he'll feel real silly for mixing that up.

  • How heterosexual couples met in the US
  • I believe this means how they met in general, not when they started dating.

  • non vegan pizza time
  • Tbf, there are way more non-vegans than there are vegans. I feel like this should be expected to an extent. This meme is dumb though. What vegan is out there calling non-vegans rapists?

  • Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows
  • Seems like I did. I don't think I'd call realism a religion, though I don't know much about the viewpoint. In what way is realism more harmful than other religions?

  • Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows
  • Nobody said anything about realism. Realism and religion are not the only two options.

  • Milwaukee, Where We Are Having Our Convention, Is A Horrible City
  • "Trump isn't hateful or racist or anything, he just says it like it is. That's why I love him. If that bothers you then you're just a snowflake."

    "No no, you're taking him too literally. He was obviously being sarcastic, haven't you ever heard of a joke?"

  • A Christian writer attacked Dolly Parton for being pro-LGBTQ+. It didn't end well for the writer.
  • God’s vision for humanity


    Our cult leaders' vision for humanity

  • Pter
  • I think the intended idea was that she freezes mid-sentence in shock after fully comprehending what was said. Shrunken iris, mouth half open... I personally think the reaction makes sense.

  • Pter
  • Left to right. The two big panels are the first and last panels respectively.