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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 9
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CL Bot Testers Miryem

a second post

Here is a post.

דאָס ייִדישע צװײַגעלע - The Little Yiddish Branch Miryem

שרעק, a short story שרעק | Fear | In geveb

A Short story from author, editor and activist Chana Blankshteyn.

 | Fear | In geveb

This short story, titled fear, is from Vilna 1939. Both the english and the yiddish are available to read and to download.


Lemmy API Binding Generator

Hey all,

Ive cobbled together some asdf systems that parse the lemmy js client and generate an API specification, and then generates a set of classes and methods from that specification. Its certainly rough around the edges, but with some polish i hope it can be useful to lispers who wish to interact with Lemmy from CL.


CL Lemmy API Miryem

Functional Generator

Hello all,

The generator is now functional! Bindings can now be generated, with the generated code including an asdf system which can be loaded.

Hope this can be put to some use!

CL Lemmy API Miryem

Introductory Post - Spec Generator

Hey all,

Ive gotten off the ground with parsing the js files to extract relevant information for implementing bindings. Im still working on what the best way to translate these into actual bindings would be, but for now there is code to generate lists of specifications in a slightly easier to parse format.

If youve got any ideas or comments leave them here (for now, eventually ill set up a mailing list).



A Community for Learning Yiddish and general Yiddishkeyt

[email protected]

דאָס ייִדישע צװײַגעלע

דאָס ייִדישע צװײַגעלע - The Little Yiddish Branch Miryem

קלאַנגענפֿילם: Uncle Moses

Hello all,

I thought I'd start a small series of posts titled קלאַנגענפֿילם, meaning a film with sound (a talkie). These will be films in yiddish or containing spoken yiddish.

How better to start than with the classic film Uncle Moses, a story of exploitation and unionization.

To quote J. Hoberman: "Uncle Moses stands as one of the finest examples of Yiddish cinema and is unique in its portrayal of a despotic Jewish factory boss who takes pleasure in seeing the tables turned by employing the former leaders and highly respected men of his shtetl as sweatshop tailors. Uncle Moses is a harsh man who uses his wealth and power to fight against unionization of his shop (by a young idealistic Jew) and manipulate women, especially the daughters of his workers. -J. Hoberman, Bridge of Light: Yiddish Film Between Two Worlds

דאָס ייִדישע צװײַגעלע - The Little Yiddish Branch Miryem

באַקענען זיך - Introductions

If youre new here, leave an introduction on this post!

דאָס ייִדישע צװײַגעלע - The Little Yiddish Branch Miryem

אַ צװײַגעלע פֿאַר מיר און דיר

Hello all!

This community has been created to have a yiddish space in the fediverse. The creation was in response to the API changes at reddit, and hopes to provide a space for yiddish speakers and learners to share resources and congregate.

To that end, if you have any recommendations for information to be included in the sidebar, make a post saying as such!

מיט וואַרעמקײַט, מרים