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Maragato Maragato

Un leones viviendo en Castilla

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Arch Stability

I have always been afraid to install Arch because they tell you it is difficult to install and unstable. I want a simple system following the KISS philosophy and install only what I need, which is little. I don't need anything from the aur repository, for now. Just a year ago I installed Arch and there it is, no problems and doing every day pacman -Syu. It has been a real discovery for me, it's the only distribution I've had this last year that hasn't crashed. I didn't expect it, but Arch has made me change my opinion and pay less attention to the opinions of "youtubers" and more to my own experience. In your experience of use, has Arch been stable in its operation?

Debian used to be so good. What happened!?
  • You can install Firefox from Mozilla's own repository. It is a luxury to have in Debian a Mozilla repository to install Firefox.

  • I'm going to reinstall linux on my computer. What is it like to run something Silverblue based these days ?
  • If you want full system control and a rolling distribution with a good security setup, stay with openSUSE Tumbleweed. Immutable distributions like SilverBlue, Aeon,...are not recommended for everyone, only for those who don't want to administer their system and who have good hardware and a good internet connection.

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • My experience with Arch+Gnome has been problematic with Gnome version changes. When I upgraded to Gnome 46, the system wouldn't boot. I have had several problems related to grub and aur, so a few months ago I decided to abandon Arch for good. I need a distro that works for me, not me for the distro.

  • Fedora 41 to Transfer Anaconda Installer to Wayland
  • Great news, but I would put more effort into making Anaconda a faster and more intuitive installer.

  • Fedora 41 to Transfer Anaconda Installer to Wayland
  • Estupenda noticia, pero yo emplearia mas los esfuerzos en hacer de Anaconda un instalador mas rapido e intuitivo.

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • If you want to learn about Arch, I recommend you to use ArcoLinux, a distribution that uses the direct Arch repositories (unlike Manjaro) and serves to acquire knowledge about Arch.

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • The main difference between Arch and Tumbleweed, apart from the package type, is the update system. Tumbleweed does it through snapshots, which allows you to use the openQA automatic test to test the snapshot before sending it to the community. Arch upgrades on a package-by-package basis, regardless of the other packages that are part of the system.

  • How happy are you with your current distro?
  • I am 100% happy. I use a rolling distro, secure (firewall+apparmor), stable (snapshots tested through openQA) and easily revert to a previous snapshot (snapper). Yes, I am using openSUSE Tumbleweed and in my opinion there is no rolling distro that offers all these features.

  • Aeon Desktop Brings New Features in RC2 Release
  • Excellent news about Aeon and the development of an own installer. The last time I installed Aeon it didn't allow automatic user login, is this possible anymore? Thanks

  • openSUSE Tumbleweed – Review of the weeks 2024/22 & 23 – Dominique a.k.a. DimStar (Dim*)
  • Posiblemente la mejor y mas completa distribucion rolling de Linux.

  • Tried out TW on 2 PCs with very different results
  • Hola. ¿Que escritorio estas usando? Prueba entre wayland y Xorg para ver si cambia la velocidad.