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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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the entire story of a zero emissions car is a fairy tale
  • It should be noted, that the Model S is also a larger vehicle. The Model 3 is much closer in weight, lenght and offers also 5 seats and a similar amount of trunk space. But yes, in general, electric vehicles are heavier thanks to the weight of the battery. roughly ~300kg extra. (yes, the pack weighs even more but it also serves a structural purpose in many EVs.

    more than a Range Rover.

    Really depends on the model. A base model Evoque yes, a Defender is pretty much in the same weight class.

  • the entire story of a zero emissions car is a fairy tale
  • extra weight makes them far more dangerous in a crash

    If this would be really a concern to many people we should also rule out SUVs and the like. They weigh often over 2t. A Tesla Model 3 weighs 1.7-1.9t.

  • ich⚡iel
  • Früher war es möglich das irgendwie hinzubekommen, aber scheinbar hat Google geschafft es einfach zu machen. Theoretisch solltest du über diesen Link ( Englisch hinzufügen können und dann sollten keine englischen Titel mehr übersetzt werden. Werde es mal ausprobieren.

  • Migrate from Lastpass to self hosted Bitwarden export issues with solution
  • To my knowledge the first suggestion (that didn’t work) for me, is to export using the export option of the vault. This is disabled for business users.

    WTF. Why? This would make me want to switch even more and I would make sure to never be their customer again.

  • For back up storage I only plan to plug in occasionally is a SSD or HDD portable drive better for long term unpowered storage without data loss?
  • The Seagate Ironwolfs 18TB have a Workload Rate Limit (WRL) of 300TB/year, as do some WD models. Unlike SSDs this WRL includes not only writes but reads as well. (page 2, end) If you do a monthly scrub you already have 216TB of reads so it can be safely assumed that a lot of customers blow well past these numbers. This limit is in use since the 2TB drive area and simply does not fit 9x larger drives. ServeTheHome talked about this years ago.

  • Buying used drives from Amazon Warehouse
  • I will just paste my standard procedure when I onboard any new (or used) drive: Everybody has their own skin care HDD check routine. This is mine:

    I first check the SMART status with CrystalDisk, after this a short smart test, full surface check with Macrorit, full h2testw run, CrystalDiskMark, and then I check with CrystalDisk once again if anything besides power on hours did change.

    Will take some days for a large drive but in terms of work hours we talk about less than 5 minutes and it covers pretty much anything without being too excessive.

  • FabLab oder eigener Drucker?
  • Kommt auch drauf an wie und was man macht. Wenn man passgenaue Teile braucht, und man vorab nicht alles perfekt ausmessen kann, stelle ich mir das recht nervig vor 1 duzend mal ins FabLab zu fahren, oder dort ein paar Stunden rumzuhängen um jeweils zu drucken und zu testen. Daheim kann man in der Zwischenzeit halt eigentlich immer was anderes machen. Und kommt auch ein Stück weit auf das Budget an. Wenn man ~1.000€ über hat, gibt es einige Drucker, die einfach drucken, ohne, dass man groß rumdoktern muss. Ist für viele aber mit Sicherheit schwer zu rechtfertigen, besonders wenn der Drucker nur selten genutzt wird. Wobei man tendenziell auch mehr Anwendungen findet, wenn man so was da hat.

  • Was gifted some Primergy RX2530 M1 M2 and M4 - suitable for homelab in termy energy consumption
  • Removing CPUs and RAM will also decrease its compute power. Disabling features also will likely remove some of the enterprise features like IPMI. You might end up getting the worst of both worlds - Not a ton of PCIe, few cores and RAM - but loud, and still pretty power hungry.

  • What are the vulnerabilities of going to an unsecure website?
  • These days though, there really isn’t any reason not to use TLS, it’s just so easy. Exactly. If someone can be bothered to do some minimal maintenance every few years you can assume the website is already compromised, outdated, or kinda shitty.

  • ich📦iel
  • Das ist so eine Kleinigkeit, die ich nicht verstehe. Egal ob bei der Klingel oder beim Briefkasten, so viele rotzen das einfach nur hin. Das hübsch zu machen kostet meist nur ein paar Minuten und sieht für jeden Besucher ein Stück netter aus.

  • For back up storage I only plan to plug in occasionally is a SSD or HDD portable drive better for long term unpowered storage without data loss?
  • Once you write ~400TB or whatever it’s rated for on a consumer SSD it dies.

    Not really. Tests and my experience show this is just a pure warranty number. Meaning the manufacturer guarantees that the drive will do at least this many writes without failing and it reaching it also voids your warranty. However, you can usually expect 2x as many writes, although 10x and more is also not unheard of.

    HDDs can take a lot more writes before dying.

    They are actually often not rated for a ton of reads and writes. But once again this is more of a warranty thing and HDDs are usually unmetered so...

  • Gehackt trotz 2-Faktor-Auth.?
  • SMS versenden kostet tatsächlich Geld. Zudem gibt es ja noch andere (zT kostenlose) Möglichkeiten, die zudem auch noch sicherer sind. Von daher empfinde ich es als eher weniger problematisch.

  • Das unterschätzte Gefahrenszenario - Alte Cryptomator und Truecrypt Daten
  • Es gibt schon seit langem den "Harvest now, decrypt later" Ansatz, aber zumindest bei AES scheint das bislang relativ fruchtlos. Man kann wohl mittels Quantencomputer in der Theorie eine Stelle knacken, aber 255 Bit sind immer noch quasi unknackbar. Kurz gesagt: Nö, an deine Daten kommst du immer noch nicht ran.