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MahatmaGandhalf MahatmaGandhalf
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Comments 27
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  • Billionaires calling themselves "philantropist" is the biggest lie. And people are dumb enough to gobble up that bullshit up face first. You do not become a billionaire by wasting even a single synapse on thinking about other people. You do not stay a billionaire just the same. "Philantropy" and "billionaire" are mutually exclusive. By definition the same person can not be both. Warren Buffet is just as evil as Musk, he's just better at PR and gaslighting idiots.

  • Texas Violates International Law by Shooting a Mexican: AMLO
  • been temporarily suspended from duty pending a full investigation

    and the classic US way of "paid vacation for (attempted) murder"

  • My recent post about 'a Saudi teacher got death sentence over tweets' got deleted...
  • I mean, this is a technology forum. That post just does not belong here. Not everything is oppression. Sometimes you're just being dumb.

  • Fixed that one meme
  • Tech, military, politics, banking, a lot of industry and business sectors treat China like that. That cuntry is a fucking black hole for anything regarding security, privacy or fucking freedom. You have to take precautions like that. If you don't you're an idiot.

  • Female soldiers in Army special operations face rampant sexism and harassment, military report says
  • It was a pretty big waste of money. You'd have massive numbers of people who'd have to be half-assedly trained for a lot of money just to leave service again right when they started to be somewhat employable. There are reasons why we don't do it like that anymore.

  • Brave just released their own privacy-preserving AI assistant named Leo.
  • Except for the part where the article has a metric fuckton of sources. Just shut the fuck up if you don't want to even read the content you rant about.

    ed: wait your profile lmfao. Brendan is that you? If not, he won't fuck you you can stop simping lol

  • Brave just released their own privacy-preserving AI assistant named Leo.
  • Exactly. AI and privacy don't fit in the same sentence.

  • Wie lange wollen wir uns die Gier der Deutschen Bahn noch gefallen lassen?
  • "Sollte, müsste, meines Wissens nach"

    Wie gut, dass du dir sicher bist.

  • Neubrandenburg: Regenbogenflagge durch Hakenkreuz ersetzt
  • Das finden die so lange gut, bis die nicht mehr die Kohle aus der Zitze vom Westen saugen können und plötzlich in nem pissarmen Ostblockland leben.

  • Klimarat-Chef hadert mit Untergangsszenarien
  • Es ist sogar der Natur auf lange Sicht vollkommen egal was hier grade abgeht. Sobald wir uns selbst ausgelöscht haben brauchs ein paar hundert Millionen Jahre und der Planet ist wieder voll mit Leben. Die ganze Aktion ist ausschließlich für das Überleben unserer Nachfahren wichtig. Aber die können ja unseren Milliardären kein Geld bezahlen also ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Klimarat-Chef hadert mit Untergangsszenarien
  • Um mal für die Depressiven ohne Geld, die den ganzen Scheiß nur aussitzen und zugucken können zu sprechen:

    Es war doch von vornerein klar, dass absolut gar nichts erreicht werden wird. Die Personen, die tatsächlich etwas auswirken könnten haben nicht das geringste Interesse Zeit und Geld in den Klimaschutz zustecken, weil damit verdient man ja kein Geld. Weder Politik noch Wirtschaft wollen am Status Quo was ändern.

    Und der Rest von uns wird schon als Terrorist bezeichnet, wenn man mal nem Auto im Weg sitz, Protest wird hier sehr gekonnt im Keim erstickt.

  • Barrett came through
  • welcome to the fediverse.

  • No Matter What Trump Does, Evangelicals Still Love Him
  • not fucking children could also help

  • Ukraine is now the most mined country. It will take decades to make safe
  • I don't think Putler will survive the war. I suspect he's gonna pull one final Adolf move

  • Is Lemmy.World going to do anything about community squatting?
  • Bro we just got this space where no corporate overlords are dictating what we do. Can you not ask for corporate overlords to dictate what we do wtf is wrong with you?

  • Kentucky cops release KKK member who pulled a loaded gun on LGBTQ protest
  • Or if it's anything like in Germany, the cops and the right wing nutjobs are the same people.

  • Drunk Driving
  • Not sure I would consider myself lucky surviving that. I think I'd rather die.