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Magos_Galactose Magos_Galactose

"Misdirection is the key to survival, never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, and never reveal your true strength. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable."

Medical engineer in Thailand with chronic headache from west-worshipping libs here.

Posts 9
Comments 38
*Permanently Deleted*
  • This gotta be a satire, right?


  • Games that let you kill Amerinazis
  • Aside from several choices here :

    Cold Waters, if you're into submarine game. The base game itself is centered around commanding US nuclear submarine, and thus feature only US campaigns. However, several mods exist that let players use Soviet submarine and take part in a Soviet campaign against US, so you could have fun blasting entire US carrier battlegroup with a 949 "Granit" SSGN.

  • Yogurts Magos_Galactose


    *Permanently Deleted*
  • "Teeth of the oral cavity, unite! You have nothing to lose but your plaque!"

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I read your title at first as "dentist threaten USA" and got confuse for several seconds why would the dentists threaten US.

  • Question about negative elements of China
  • That explain a lot. Lots of western analysts seem to be making a big deal of the number. As other comment stated, would be nice to see a more detailed distribution, though.

    On a different but related topic, getting info from a liberal associate of mine that, to quote, "China will no longer publish data on the country's youth unemployment rate.", citing this tweet I've screenshoted below.

    Can you provide further context, explanation, or correction regarding this? Thanks in advance.

  • Saw in Depeogrammed subreddit a while ago. I need to hear more about this.

    the ethereal bisexual
  • The term "Laotian" has colonial undertone from French colonial period. LPRP recommended the usage of term "Lao" instead, denoting people of Laos in charge of their own destiny, as oppose to "Laotian" which implies people of Laos under French colonial rule.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You probably could power an entire nation by connect them to a generator. That's probably how hard they're spinning right now.

  • Thailand launches first experimental tokamak device in collaboration with China.

    Quite frankly, I never expected to see a fusion reactor became operational in our country for at least another decade. Such cooperation is practically unimaginable with any Western countries. The best we usually get is to take a few look at their own reactor, plus a few notes.

    How has covid changed your country?
  • Imagine a developing country with healthcare system already stretch thin before pandemic. Of course, pandemic handling won't be perfect, which is a free poking point for neolibs and NED-subsidiary propaganda. Combined that with the West's complete monopoly over internet in this region....well....

  • Someone wants DDR flag, gets suggested literal nazi flag
  • I'll investigate further. Thanks for correcting.

    Though, I'll say that they are definitely enough results from many of them that made it into medical knowledge, like the Club Cell, for example, with numerous evident that these "doctors" word directly with the Nazi and collect their data from involuntary subjects. Numerous sources wrote about how several of them still have their name recognized with honor for their work, such as this, this, or this, etc.

    In case it isn't clear, I am in no way justifying these crime against humanity. But this is part of medical history, a very shameful part along slide the like of Tuskegee experiment and many others, that numerous "doctors" jump at the opportunity to exploit on the fascist's racial policy to make a name for themselves. Worse, I've seen too many people in the field try to pretend it never happened. I'm probably too exaggerated when I said that majority of them have real medical purpose, and I stand corrected on that, but I'll argue against the idea that the experiments were done purely out of sheer cruelty, as you've said.

  • Someone wants DDR flag, gets suggested literal nazi flag
  • I hate saying what I'm about to say next, as it sound like I'm legitimizing certain warcrime committed by Nazi German, but at least majority of unethical medical research done using Jewish as involuntary test subject yield something useful. In the case of Unit 731, however....seriously, why the fuck would anyone want to find out how long an unborned fetus can survive outside mother's womb?

  • Someone wants DDR flag, gets suggested literal nazi flag
  • For real, and that's certainly a high bar to surpass.

  • Soviet Object 775 experimental tank
  • Yeah. Soviet and Chinese military has a rather simple-to-follow classification system.

    American, on the other hands....

  • Weakest PLA tank
  • Agreed. Honestly, I never knew how much I want to see tank martial art before, but now I want more.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Did he studied French WWI-era doctrine or something? His idea about the "Brave and discipline soldiers can overcome even the thickest machine gun fire" is pretty much up there.

  • Korean Chonma-ho tanks in parade
  • External composite armor certainly ruined modern tank aesthetic.

  • From the taiga to the British seas, Type 59 is the strongest.
  • Love how Marvel "heroes" didn't even get a dignifying destruction like everyone else. They just got bonk-ed away.

  • [Megathread] Prigozhin's Betrayal
  • Same. I woke up tgis morning (18 hours before posting this) checking for weekly update on the SMO to find....whatever the fuck that's going on here.

  • Billionaires are good people, deep down.
  • A crushing revelation to be sure, but a welcome one.

  • TT-26 Teletank, Soviet first radio-controlled tank to be commissioned.

    Literally just T-26 with flamethrower and radio equipment. It work as well as you'd expected for the technology of that time (read : barely), but a really ambitious project for the time.

    Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Magos_Galactose

    Understatement of the century.

    I don't think "Storm" is sufficient to describe the planet's condition.


    So...unnecessary complicated, ergonomic disaster that's waiting to literally explode in user's face?

    As in...

    ! ! ! !


    Starship bearing the flag of People's Republic of China explore space
