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Korean Chonma-ho tanks in parade

  • Is this tank fully designed in Korea or based on or inspired by some Soviet tank?

    • The tank started as direct copy of the Soviet T-62 and Syrian import T-62's, though it has seen roughly 5 major refits and upgrades over the years, but due to North Korea's secretive nature about its tank fleet, little to none is known about the Chonma.

      • Thank you comrade, it looks pretty nice. I like these oval shapes of Soviet tanks much more than sharp lines in the modern ones.

  • With an upgraded 9M117, even these lads will threaten Abrams and Leopards from the frontal arc.

    • Abrams yes, as the front armour is 700mm vs the 9M's 750mm penetration, but Leopard most likely no as the front armour is 800mm.

      It would probably still cause substantial damage and spalling, but would most likely not be able to fully penetrate a fully armoured area.