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Knowledge is power
  • That does tend to simplify the aerodynamics modeling

  • Throwing Coffin Bones
  • Horses evolved this way so they could forever be giving you “the finger”

  • A cool guide to the carbon footprint of major travel methods
  • Hmm, thinking about it, I think maybe the direct CO2 exhaled during exercise may not be the most useful metric for human-powered travel. Every atom of that carbon was recently removed from the atmosphere by the plants you ate or that went to feed the animals you ate. It isn't carbon that was underground for millions of years as is the case with fossil fuels.

    Unfortunately, growing the food does involve carbon emissions from fossil fuels. Taking this page's number of 2.5t/yr for the typical American diet which they assume to be 2,600 kcal/day that works out to 2.6g of CO2 / kcal (2.5t / 365 / 2600 = 2.6E-6 t = 2.6g), or 52.7 g / km for cycling, or similar to an electric car if the chart is at all comparable (I don't know the chart's methodology; for example for the fossil fuel transport options does it count the carbon cost of producing and transporting the fuel or just the tailpipe emissions?). Changing one's diet looks like it would improve this; the best-case would be a vegan diet which would result in 31.6 g / km.

    Now that's just based on numbers from that one source, so I don't know how reliable they are. It does say it includes the large amount of wasted food in the final number, and I don't know if the numbers in the original chart are that level of conscientious. Regardless I think the takeaway here isn't that cycling is bad, it's that our food production system is terrible and it badly needs to become way less carbon-intensive.

  • What kinds of games might you recommend with deep worldbuilding and interaction that aren't RPGs?
  • Hmm let's see. So the Subnautica games are survival games with a lot of exploring, uncovering mysteries, finding logs, figuring out what happened to you, the alien civilization, the ecosystem, etc.

    If you like Obra Dinn, recommended elsewhere in this thread, The Case of the Golden Idol has some similar energy of looking at scenes and solving who's who and what's what and how this person died.

    Chants of Sennaar is a game where you decipher fantasy languages and learn about the peoples that speak them while progressing up a tower and solving puzzles.

    Viewfinder is a surreal-perspective puzzler with lots of narration and backstory from the characters

    Sable is an exploration game with puzzles to solve, in a fancifuil sci-fi desert world with towns and NPCs and crashed spaceships to explore

    The old Escape Velocity trilogy (though nowadays you'll need a classic Mac emulator to play them) are top-down ship captain games where you fly your ship around, trade, fight, do missions, usually have multiple storylines going on at once, lots of planets, ships, stations, factions, etc. The modern game Endless Sky is explicitly molded on the EV series.

    Sunless Seas and its sequel Sunless Skies have some similarity to EV mechanically, but with a lovecraftian, steampunk aesthetic to the world, and lots of world-building.

    Beyond Good and Evil is a third-person action game that has good plot, characters, and worldbuilding, and there are updated versions available that run on modern hardware.

    Bastion is an isometric action game a little like Diablo in the combat mechanics but with no numbers for you to worry about. Explore the aftermath of a most peculiar apocalypse and discover the world that was and the peoples who lived there. Good characters and worldbuilding.

  • Still wondering why people from Alaska didn't post about the eclipse
  • Deep underground, near the earth’s core where it’s still warm

  • Caption this.
  • Fun fact: soccer has no official rule against manipulating the ball with your eye lasers

  • TIL about the gameboy accessory that gasses kids to sleep for surgery
  • It’s definitely not always done with general anesthesia in the US, unless standards have changed in the last couple decades? I had all mine taken out in the 2000s with just local.

  • How are you hosting your ebooks?
  • For me (I use Kavita) it’s because I want to be able to just pick up whatever device is in front of me at the moment and pick up the book where I last left off even if it was on another device

  • Researchers measure physical changes to trans women's vocal cords as a result of voice training

    Original article is here (paywalled 😑). Not sure how far to take these results with such a tiny N but interesting if it can be replicated with a larger sample size. It looks like they initially hypothesized that HRT had caused the changes but ended up rejecting that idea in favor of it being the voice training.

    high rise
  • They're charging how much for 10-12 sq ft?

  • Hamas invites Elon Musk to Gaza to see ‘extent of destruction’ by Israeli strikes
  • “Hostage negotiations now entering their fourth week between the U.S. and Hamas over the release of hostage Elon Musk, however in spite of intense diplomatic overtures and offers of significant concessions the U.S. still refuses to take him back”

  • Is it down?
  • Weird. Yep that one works for me on desktop (Firefox) and with the iOS app. Not sure what's up then :/

  • Is it down?
  • Seems to be okay for me rn. Try restarting the browser maybe? Or it fixed itself in the few hours since your post 🤷‍♀️

  • Best annoyance reduction add-on stack?
  • I also use SponsorBlock for YouTube, which skips sponsor segments in YouTube videos (and optionally other kinds of segments like intros, self promos, etc.) it's crowd-sourced for identifying the segments but for almost all the videos I watch someone has already marked at least the sponsor segments

  • Bonus Thoughts
  • It's all I can do not to nest them 🙃

  • 9-10-23
  • I found an auto-generated feed someone made here that I use. I don't remember how I found it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Definitely, at least in the modern day. I was surprised to see Jane Austen do it a few times in Pride and Prejudice but I don't think it had quite the same connotation back then 😆

  • You’ve heard of bike gutters, get ready for people gutters!
  • Next they'll eliminate the stripe and put up share-the-road signs with the stick figure

  • What are your favorite add-ons for Firefox?
  • Tree style tabs, which gives vertical tabs that you can arrange in a hierarchy to keep related ones together

    Simple tab groups, which lets you have multiple sets of open tabs you can switch between (can you tell I have a problem with too many tabs?)

    Unstick!, which when clicked removes any sticky elements, i.e. parts of the page that stay on your screen while you scroll. It's great for removing all the bars and obstructions to reading that pages like to put in your way. For some reason I have to click it twice for it to work

    Read aloud, a good text to speech extension to read pages or parts of pages to you. It can be used with cloud based neural voices from Google and Amazon with some setup

    Consent-o-matic, which gets rid of the cookie consent popups for you and it's configurable as to which types of cookies it will refuse or consent to for you

    SponsorBlock for YouTube, which can auto skip sponsor reads and various other kinds of segments you select to be skipped

    A few short months ago I would have said RES but, well 🤷‍♀️