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Lileath Lileath
Posts 1
Comments 229
Anon learns that his grandfather dodged being drafted
  • But the story in the greentext takes place in 1932, before the Nazis even got into power in Germany.

  • Well?
  • I have just one question who does everyone literally everyone get downvoted into the grave if you support Israel why? Huh

    As Lemmy has problems keeping posts deleted for good with the federated system, you can oftentimes copy and paste the content of deleted comments.

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • And there are thousands of people that express their hatred for her and the movement she stamds for, even threatening to rape and kill her.

    In Germany there are regular street blockades and Airport disruptions and the average response to these things was people wanting to run them over with their cars.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • I know that it is the standard question to people that have no problems with killing thousands of sentient animals for their own enjoyment, but what do you think about eating dogs or cats? Do you think that cock-/bull-/dogfighting is bad? Is it okay to kill a mentally disabled person for fun?

  • Porque no los Dos?
  • Fuck them nonbinaries just wanting to not be misgendered every single day of their existence, right?

  • They're Usually Shredded Alive Rule :(
  • That is because it got forbidden. They never would do something that lessens their profit without being forced to do it.

  • Tesla in self-drive mode slams into police car in Orange County
  • Technically it is self-driving but just in the sense that it doesn't need any external power sources like horses to pull it.

  • Solidarity
  • A way to try to discourage leftist criticism of Israel's actions is to appeal to Israel being the only country in the middle east that somewhat recognises queer people and their rights.

  • Karaoke Rule
  • What is this from?

  • Top Level Lemmy Discource
  • What kind of Phone do you have? Mine cost ca. 200€ when I bought it in 2021 and it has that functionality. To compensate it has a shitty camera and some other slightly outdated hard- and software.

  • ich🎙️iel
  • Danke für die netten Worte. Ist wirklich cool, dass du dich einer so stabilen Partei anschließt, ich habe lustigerweise vor, die Piraten in der Europawahl zu wählen, also kann ich dann die sechste Stimme sein, auch wenn wir glaube ich nicht im selben Wahlbezirk wohnen.

  • ich🎙️iel
  • Sorry für's blöd sein, aber welche Partei meinst du konkret? Die Piraten?

  • Everything means everything
  • I thought it would be Woodpecker No.1 or something in that vein.

  • Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die
  • I can't be arsed to read the ToS again, but is it also forbidden to just share an account between several people?

    My brother and I opened up that account six years ago and except for the times I forgot to turn my internet off to not be kicked out of games while my brother plays one we never had problems. It would be really shitty if we got into trouble for this because the account is valued somewhere between 1.500 and 4.300€ and is the most expensive thing I own except for my PC.

  • Black Python Devs Join the GNOME Foundation Nonprofit Umbrella – The GNOME Foundation
  • If those people are marginalised why not make organisations that help them get into programming?

    When you think about stereotypical programmers, you usually picture a white guy somewhere between 30 and 50 years of age (at least in Europe and I presume the USA). Coding used to be a profession that was predominantly made up of women but when it became clear that it would become an important job more and more men became interested in IT so that now there are about eight male programmers out of ten.

    Black people have similar issues (and god forbid you are a black woman) in that they often are paid worse for the same jobs than white people and have worse chances to get good secondary education and academic jobs even if they have the same intelligence as white people. Helping people to get into computer sciences that statistically have way lower chances to do so without any fault of their own is a good thing in my opinion.

  • Evolution sucks
  • Equus is latin but the rest are greek from what I can tell

  • Video Game Execs Are Ruining Video Games
  • Larian Studios who made Baldur's Gate 3 could technichally be called an Indie dev despite the big budget and employee count. The company is privately owned by its founder and the games are self published.

  • Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • It wasn't metadata it was an entirely optional recovery email address that he used for his apple account.

  • How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?
  • Our old town hall was originally built in the 15th century but it is kind of a ship of Theseus situation as the oldest parts were destroyed in WWII.

  • Bug with replying to comments

    When I try to reply to comments via the swipe gestures the whole screen gets moved to the left. If I go back with the back button it shortly shows the comment editor or however it is called and then exits the post.!
