Cat 1. Sleeps at the end of the bed. Cat 2, 3, 4 will sleep against my butt, not usually at the same time. Cat 5 sleeps on my second second pillow. Cat six sleeps against my chest and screams at me as he crawls back in to place after I roll over.
Not even giving them the click. I know who I'm voting for.
Fuck yeah, going to compile me some free Pokémon!
You think this is a laughing matter! And it is.
It already has.
Waltz had an opinion that is not the official party position.
No fucks given.
But it would lower it for the most important 5%!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Learn your God damn history! There weren't any slavers in Kansas. Kansas was a free state. John Brown made his home in Kansas and killed slavers over in Missouri! Posting inaccurate history memes smh.
I choose to keep both feet firmly planted in unreality.
I wondar wat he's up to these daze.
Woah calm down Lucifer! You need steady hands to work the guillotine.
The Supreme Court "Hold my fascism beer bruh."
Tried pigeon in Chicago's Chinatown. It was the gamiest thing I have ever tasted. I normally like gamiey meat but this was too much.
I'm in the same boat. Every time someone reads one of my comments and doesn't pay me for it, that's money out of my pocket. It's a hard life being an internet commenter these days.
No just making fun of them.
Good for you. Weird flex honestly "my stomach works" Well for many of us ours don't work. If I eat anything that is spicy hot my stomach will have me bent over cramping constantly until it leaves my system. Is your next post going to be about how stupid people are for having to use wheelchairs?
Don't tell me it's well balanced when he's eating his single mode fiber and not multimode.
That is an endorsement in of itself.
Meet Dash!
I rescued him from a busy highway and he hid behind the dash board. Our friend had to remove the glove box to get him out. Now he's settled in and wants to attack all the things!
One of three active-duty Marines who stormed the U.S. Capitol together has been sentenced to probation instead of prison time. U.S.
Marine Capitol rioter gets 1 hour of community service for each of 279 Marine Civil War casualties
The Rent is Too Damn High!
Kansas City had the highest rent hike in the U.S. in the past year, according to new research from Rent. This has forced many to move out immediately or stay in housing they cannot afford.
“Nothing is more expeditionary than printing medical devices and swarm robotics in the back of an aircraft."