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LeafyPasserine LeafyPasserine

Hi, I'm Leafy and I'm a recovering reddit addict.

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Comments 49
Israel-Hamas war: Ceasefire in Gaza chances shrinking, Qatar says
  • I mean, Israel has been honest about their intentions from the beginning. It's other governments that are saying otherwise; desperately praying that their citizens have no reading or listening comprehension, so they can funnel more taxpayers' money into enriching weapon's merchants.

  • ‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza
  • Well, we'll find out about other militaries soon enough. Stock prices for weapon's manufacturers have been booming. The US and EU want a convenient weapon's testing ground and a canal to gas fields out of this.

    The biggest loser is always innocent civilians at home and abroad.

  • West risks being complicit in Israeli war crimes, warn Arab and Muslim foreign ministers
  • Judging from how brisk weapons sales have been? Not only are these governments complicit, they are delighted at the death of Palestinians.

  • Jalan ‘glow in the dark’ pertama di Malaysia
  • I like this. Hope to see it on more highways.

  • In the West Bank, Israeli Settlers Are Burning Palestinians’ Olive Trees
  • The settler colonists have so little love for thousand year old indigenous trees the metaphor almost writes itself. They will grow imported pine trees after they're done.

  • RTM前线视窗 – 魁地奇
  • Their solution to the snitch is cracking me up, wtf!! And the rules around mixed gender is so interesting. Sadly I'm not sure it'll get more popular? Harry Potter just isn't as big as it used to be.

  • Tidak mungkin Malaysia simpati kepada Israel, kata Nazri kepada US
  • Tak suka HAMAS tapi setuju dengan yang lain. Lagipun, kita kan ahli OIC dan tiada satu-satu pun yang dibenar sokong Israel.

  • After Indonesian uproar, Putrajaya bans US-based artist’s book on childhood in Malaysia
  • Lol, why are we banning it? Shouldn't Indonesia ban it on their end instead?

  • [Thread] Sunday Fun Day! What're you listening to today???
  • The entirety of Hozier's Unreal Unearth album. Again. What can I say, I'm hooked.

  • Birthday dinner for my wife
  • Your rendang looks really good!

  • [New Music Friday] New Releases for August 18, 2023
  • The new Hozier album is just so good!

  • [Question of the Week] What is your favorite concept album?
  • Divers by Joanna Newsom. I love the cyclical arrangement of her songs with the last line of her last song looping back to the first line of her first song. I think it really illustrates what she's trying to say about the nature of love and time.

  • RM1.4mil for kin of ‘lost’ children
  • I remember this case, so glad that their families have finally gotten some closure. The treatment of Orang Asal in this country is just shameful.

  • Artists skipping Malaysia on world tours isn't just sad, it's actually bad for the economy
  • They will very literally get cancelled by local government before any nutjob in the public gets to them.

    If you skim the guidelines in the document I linked, one of the things artistes must do is submit a copy of all of their lyrics to be checked for inappropriate content. Then there's the clothing guidelines for male and female artistes, behavior guidelines, topic restrictions in banter etc.

    After you pass all that, your ticket prices have to be adjusted to the local currency and buying power of the local market. 30% of your crew has to be local (understandable stipulation, but for Singapore you only need minimum 1 local to be hired and paid full salary to scale).

    End of the day, we might have the facilities and expertise needed to mount a show, but the hassle is too much for too little return.

  • Artists skipping Malaysia on world tours isn't just sad, it's actually bad for the economy
  • A part of me suspects that it's also a lot more troublesome to apply to perform in Malaysia. The last time I checked, the organising company in Singapore just needs to have the right entertainment license and they can easily apply for a work permit for artists. Whereas Malaysia has this 39 page beauty.

    And if you're holding your concert in Sabah/Sarawak you have to submit your application twice to PUSPAL and the state government. Yeah, it's not looking good for us.

  • Survey: Malaysian schoolkids not keen on casual clothes but want leeway in their hairdo
  • We all know schools are so ineffectual when it comes to that and the students interviewed seem to have very well thought out and nuanced views on the issue.

    I think the opinions of the students should hold more weight over that of the teachers and parents here. If they are alright with uniforms but want more relaxed hairstyle rules, that should be the way to go.

    On the subject of parenting classes though, YES GOD PLEASE SOMEBODY DO IT.

  • Survey: Malaysian schoolkids not keen on casual clothes but want leeway in their hairdo
  • I understand the kids, nobody wants to open up new avenues for bullying.