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LazaroFilm LazaroFlim

I'm a Steadicam operator 🦾🎥

Posts 12
Comments 112
still missing [@apolloapp]( every dang day.
  • At this point it’s other Kbin instances we’re waiting for. They will need to implement the new API. It started with HTML parsing that worked everywhere but was clunky. Now Kbin is working on finalizing the official api.

  • Gourmet Programmer
  • error function not defined init() But both the manual and ChatGPT are using it…

  • What are some notable scams in history that went unnoticed for so long?
  • The issue with chiropractors is that they treat the symptom and not the cause. If your back is misaligned, it’s because your muscles are pulling on it the wrong way, the chiro will pull it back in place but now your muscles are still pulling the wrong way and they may have pulled on the muscle to make it move and may have injured it, now your muscle says hell no you don’t and starts pulling even more. It’s instant relief with little lasting result. which is a great business model, instant result and returning customers because the problem isn’t treated. It’s like going to the mechanic because your motor is out of oil but not trying to fix the leak so you come back every week to refill the oil.

  • What are some notable scams in history that went unnoticed for so long?
  • I have a pinched nerve. I went to many doctors, done many tests, went to months of PT and was still in pain. I went to my acupuncturist and she is able to release the muscles around the pinch enough that my right arm doesn’t feel constantly numb. I a man of science. I don’t believe in he Chi traveling my body etc but the physical result of the acuponcture cannot be denied.

  • Is it still necessary to use _ while naming files?
  • Looks at both your screen_names…

  • Not in my backyard
  • I drove by a bunch of them last week. One was perfectly aligned with the road I was on until the horizon. When I got closer the road actually turned before getting close to it. It was mesmerizing. I would love to see wind turbines from my home.

  • Neat trick for desoldering many-pin components -
  • tl;dw: use a large gauge copper wire to align next to the pins, add some solder so it contacts all the pins at the same time then heat up with your iron. You can use two soldering irons if double row devices like arduino pro micro 😉

  • What's a more niche sub that hasn't taken off here (yet) that you miss?
  • Arduino and embedded i miss seeing everyone’s cool projects.

  • Unable to expand comment
  • There’s a badge on your settings. You either need to update or setup you WAP. You may also want to look into using the native app versions available for iOS and Android.

  • still missing [@apolloapp]( every dang day.
  • I’m rooting for Artemis to come and beat them all. The app is still in development but it’s super promising. TestFlight link here:

  • HP insists you must use their cloud printing service, covers USB port with sticker
  • Best trick then it to trash it and buy a new printer. Done keep on sending them money for ink.

  • well that got me to double take early in the morning...

    Fun fact Voyager 2 was launched before Voyager 1.

    Default inbox
  • There are other sections?

  • 1st layer color change is awesome for making signs

    Printed with two PETG filaments on a glass bed with hairspray. Printed the black lines (with a custom end code that doesn’t turns off motors) then printed the white over it in a separate gcode (also with custom start with no homing). It even allows me to go with an exact and cut off hairs and blobs before laying the white. The. The two fuse on the same layer so the color isn’t sticking out.


    The Hi and Lo directions on my range’s knobs

    I kept burning my food or wait forever for the pan to heat up and I finally understand why. Each knob has a different direction for the Hi and Lo (also why isn’t it Low).


    My new Serial starting code

    Here is my new serial starting code. It takes some time to start printing the serial after the command is set. Usually you simply add a delay, but that delay can be longer than the time your serial takes to connect, so you're waiting for nothing and when you're trying to troubleshoot that becomes frustrating. The other option is the check if the serial started with while (!Serial) { delay(10); } but then your code doesn't run without a serial connection so it just hangs if you try it off a battery or USB charger block.

    Here comes the best of both worlds!

    It checks for a serial connection every 10 ms but only for 3 seconds, then it goes on. The commented out line is to print how long it takes for your serial to show up. It was useful to determine 3s was a good number (I landed around 2100 to 2700 ms so 3000 gives me just a bit of padding while still being fairly fast when not plugged to a serial console.

    Bonus is the giant ASCII START logo I made so I can easily see where it started when scrolling back up.

    You can throw this at the top of your setup() or even better, make it a function and call it, so you only need to comment out a single line when you go testing it without a computer and save those precious 3 seconds at startup.


    C: Serial.begin(115200); unsigned long time_begin = millis(); while (!Serial && (millis() - time_begin) < 3000) { delay(10); // Serial.println(millis() - time_begin); } delay(10); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println(" :::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::: ::::::::::: "); Serial.println(" :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: "); Serial.println(" +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ "); Serial.println(" +#++:++#++ +#+ +#++:++#++: +#++:++#: +#+ "); Serial.println(" +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ "); Serial.println(" #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# "); Serial.println(" ######## ### ### ### ### ### ### "); Serial.println(" "); Serial.println(" ");

    PS: it looks like Lemmy can't handle color coded markdown... :(


    Help with WaveShare RP2040 Touch 1.28 IMU

    I'm using this really nice board, it has a RP2040, a round touchscreen and a Gyro/Acc module all in one (plus a RTC and Battery management). My issue is with the IMU, the QMI8658 is supposed to have a fusion algorithm embedded but I can't seem to get it to work. Anyone else has tried this? I'm looked at the chip documentation and tried to modify the registers via I2C but I still don't get any values for the Quaternions... I'm feeling really alone with this issue and I feel like I would have been able to get an answer back on Reddit but I want to try here first..


    When a coworker asks you who you spoke to and you have no idea what their name is.

    Then you try to charade what they look like, then your coworker starts going down a list of other coworkers names and you’re like “Honey, I don’t know anyone’s name, not even yours. Except of Charley from accounting, he as the same name as my nephew, he also kinda looks like him, but as a grown ass man. Then you wonder what would happen if they met, would they become friends? They don’t have much else in commun though… anyways, I don’t know who I spoke to, sorry.

    Edit: I didn’t proof read my post until it was posted.


    Aaaand I’m lapsing my meds again

    Once again I messed the pill count and didn’t renew my prescription in time sol I’ll be riding this coming week dry… thanks stupid US medical system.

    UPDATE: I had to pay out of pocket. $120 because my doc didn’t fill some random paper so I could get the meds, but insurance won’t cover it. It takes 6 months to get an appointment with my doc. I saw him last week and he said he would send a refill, he did t. My pharmacy the requested after I called to check. No go. I called the nurse and asked — automated voicemail. I’m done. I’m done I’m done.

    Steadicam LazaroFlim

    i got to operate Steadicam in the Hamilton thearer.



    I'm a Steadicam operator and admin of The Steadicam Operators Group on Facebook. I would love to see our community move away from that bad bad platform to a better one. This one here would be great!


    My Steadicam seems to be lying to me... 🎥🤥

    Alexa35 on my Steadicam with Laowa probe lens for a commercial.
