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Krzd Krzd
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After all, how far inland could a hurricane go?
  • Landslides have bigger "chunks" in them and each individual point in a landslide moves a smaller distance than mudslides which are much finer and "flow" almost like an extremely oversized river, just made of mud.

  • Tesla workers in Germany complain about home visits from their bosses
  • Obviously the physical visit itself isn't illegal, the employer is still another civilian that can knock on however many doors they want to. But as soon as the motivation behind it is to pressure the employee to return to work despite having an AU, or to doubt the validity of the AU, it violates the previously mentioned laws. The intent is what's making the difference. Depending on how the employer phrases their requests, this might also violate §240 StGB.

  • Tesla workers in Germany complain about home visits from their bosses
  • It would fall under harassment by your employer.

    As the Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz (Entgfg) § 5 Abs. 1 handles the duties and responsibilities of the employee, therefore limiting the employer. A Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung (short AU) (certificate of incapacity for work) is always complete and full, without any compromise towards the employee. So you don't even have to answer your phone at all, much less open your door.
    There are ways for your employer to officially doubt the validity of the AU with the health insurance, that then can, but don't have to, order a medical examination to confirm the AU. Based on Sozialgesetzbuch, Fünftes Buch (SGB V), § 275 Abs. 1a Buchstabe a)
    This is an official inquiry though, so any and all suspicions about unhealthy work environments would be officially recorded and investigated, which in this case I imagine would be pretty bad for Tesla.

  • A sorcerer appears and states that they will erase any one song from existence - which song would you choose?
  • Because it's already starting again, "Last Christmas". Fuck that garbage piece of shit song that's ruining the lives of everyone that has to work in retail during Christmas.

  • Tesla workers in Germany complain about home visits from their bosses
  • Yeahhh.... I'm foreseeing a lot of lawsuits and fines. That shit is extremely illegal in Germany.

  • Officials' grim request for those riding out Helene in Florida: Mark your bodies so we can ID you
  • I'd be really curious for how many that was convincing enough to leave, and how often it actually helped identifying the bodies

  • D6 bite damage
  • Their username is literally medgremlin, I'm 99% certain they know about at least some fields of medical treatment.

  • Iceland: Police shoot 1st polar bear sighted in years
  • Lol, polar bears do not avoid humans, that's like running away from food

  • Iceland: Police shoot 1st polar bear sighted in years
  • It's not just an assumption. Polar bears will hunt humans. They're the absolute apex predator in their habitat so why shouldn't they just hunt everything that moves?

  • Iceland: Police shoot 1st polar bear sighted in years
  • How the fuck do you imagine "co-habitating" with polar bears???? That's like starving a wolf and telling it to "co-habitate" with a baby.
    Yes, it sucks that we have forced polar bears out of their natural habit and that they now have to hunt humans for food, however if something starts hunting humans for food it's just gonna get killed.

  • AskReddit
  • The animals don't do any digging. They just report the death smell, and the handlers then have to dig and confirm why the dog reported.

  • AskReddit
  • Yeah that seems like it should work :D

  • AskReddit
  • Fuck no, that would only encourage digging because it's too suspicious.

  • Feds target SUV, truck size to save pedestrian lives — ‘one of the last frontiers of vehicle safety’
  • No, they shouldn't because even in vehicle to vehicle collisions SUVs kill 4 times more people than cars. Source
    The people that have a legitimate use for such trucks should be required to apply for a exception and/or have a CDL.
    Because in fact almost no one actually needs those trucks. Source [1]
    Most people can use a trailer or rent a truck for the 1-2 times per year they need it.

    [1] I work at a hardware store, specifically in the construction materials department. In 2 years of working there I had literally 1 person use their truck bed to haul a pallet of concrete bags, everyone else either used vans or a trailer. And just 2 weeks ago I had the first customer that used a pickup truck (Mercedes X-Class) to tow a 2.5t trailer to transport paving slabs.
    So no, even trades people don't need those trucks, so why the fuck should a normal "civilian" have those and be 4 times as likely to kill someone??

  • The mark
  • AYO Wtf

  • Postal worker parent of trans kid refused to deliver hateful flyers. She's being punished.
  • What? The flyers promote the discrimination and criminalisation of a minority group, versus your example which would be promoting minority rights.
    Those aren't comparable.

  • Feds target SUV, truck size to save pedestrian lives — ‘one of the last frontiers of vehicle safety’
  • Same here. Going from a 1990 VW Passat to a 2009 Yaris was wild.