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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

'The more I see of what you call civilisation, the more highly I think of what you call savagery.'

Posts 29
Comments 129
German Navy to replace aging 8-inch floppy drives with an emulated solution for its anti-submarine frigates
  • Hey it still works and does it's job it was designed to do. The problem with driving in a model T is that you can't easily get a mechanic, manufacturers support or spare parts if something breaks down or you want to like want to install a new modern sound system for example. Like with the floppy disk the real problem is that they can't upgrade it very easily and make compatible with the upgrades that is ten tech generation ahead of the existing systems, not that it's old per se.

  • German Navy to replace aging 8-inch floppy drives with an emulated solution for its anti-submarine frigates
  • It might have been selected just for reliability sake. That is how especially militaries usually want them. better to have a tested lesser product of the last gen, than to have the current gen wild card tech that may or may not have a intolerable amount of bugs and problems that could in a combat situation get the ship wrecked and the crew killed.

    as always in government, you get the minimum that satisfies the contract.

    This is true. That is what you get when you combine governments nearly unlimited budgets with private profit seeking and very little to no oversight. It's either audit the private contractor in everything all the time or have some state company or institution do the product or service for you.

  • Unofficial Reddit API
  • Because reddit still has a huge userbase compared to Lemmy and that brings content, engagement and revenue, they are an institution of the internet at this point. Reddit posts are part of google results while Lemmy does not, when people have a problem they find old reddit threads for help, guides and tech support, not so with Lemmy. I would say 95% of reddit userbase doesn't even know that Lemmy exists. One fuck up will not kill reddit as it currently is, they are too massive, one fuck up might kill Lemmy, if it just doesn't slowly waste away. Reddit would have to fuck up constantly over a long period of time, kill communities, put features behind paywall, get caught in spying of the users, etc. And each time Lemmy would have to be advertizing itself in every twist and turn to get those users and not alienate them and be able to support the growing userbase and gain some benefit from them and them not just be a cost sink of lurkers.

  • [QUESTION] Privacy and the digital euro
  • My biggest problem is that everything goes under the ECB, not to the national level central banks. The "they can see where and how much did you buy" is mute point, since they alredy could do that. And it's even worse when there are private companies that sell your info for profit.

  • [QUESTION] Privacy and the digital euro
  • it's more like the bits are representing physical cash, but in the future the physical cash will represent the bits. Most money is digital even now and even the physical cash is mostly just paper money, not precious metals, not even the coins probably have their worth in metals, so it makes sense.

  • US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk'
  • This.

    Most of the tech stack is american controlled and that is a security and privacy risk to everybody. From instruction set architecture to control over the social media. To American enemies, American allies.. american's themselves nobody is safe... probably the those that are best at mitigating said risk or take any steps at all are the American enemies.

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • I haven't had much hope that if there was an major asteroid racing towards earth that there could be much done about it, but I also know that likelyhood of it is very small so there is no need to lose sleep over it.

  • Trump gets name of his doctor wrong as he challenges Biden to cognitive test
  • Trump isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is still infinitely more cognizant than his opponent. Biden is mentally barely above a fucking vegetable at the worst of times and at his best a couple of gaffs is the new normal. This article just attempts to do "bothsidism" for Biden, now that nobody can no longer deny that the man is demented, so they try to make the case that so is Trump, just trying to level the playingfield narrative wise.

  • Chat surveillance law by the EU Parliament?
  • political elites in Europe are afraid and fear upheavals are coming in the coming years and months because of the cost of living crisis and the war. They try to clamp down beforehand to preserve their own power. This always happens when things go bad. The leash is kept looser when people behave and it's tightened again when the opposite happens. There is no real freedoms that is given to the people by the elites, because what concessions they give willingly they can just as easily take away when they no longer feel like it. Provided that they think they can get away with it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • While wikipedia is decent at giving overviews on some scientific and technical topics, but when there is a topic about something that is historical and/or any way politically or monetarily relevant there will be an edit war to change it to suit one interest groups wishes or anothers. It really is a cesspool of psyops, misinformation and articles to be basically corporate PR at certain topics, and that is just because google usually gives wikipedia articles as first or second result on any given subject and it's a really cost effective way to propagandize people and doing it is really low cost. Now Russia just monopolizes the propaganda inside their own borders.

  • Amnesty: World seeing near breakdown of international law amid wars in Gaza and Ukraine
  • International law in this context just means that a single global hegemon can no longer push everybody else around and call it's will and interests "law", and therefore claim that it's interest somehow benevolent and part of how just things are. That is exactly what "rules based international order" means.

    Not that we have ever had any law that equally applies to everybody equally. All laws and even international law needs a hobbesian Behemoth that is more powerful than any other to enforce "international law" and is in the end above it since it is at the best position to enforce and set the "law". The UN and it's institutions are basically basically a discussion club by design and it can't do shit so post 1990 world the Behemoth has been the world hegemonic United states. Now that US has declined relatively as Russia, China, India, Iran, etc have risen it finds itself unable to enforce anything through hard or soft power and therefore the idea of law, stability and peace under US dissipates. Not that it was ever lawfully, peaceful or stable, that illusion only applied to the western core nations of this now dead American world.

  • Nanowire 'brain' network learns and remembers 'on the fly'

    For the first time, a physical neural network has successfully been shown to learn and remember "on the fly," in a way inspired by and similar to how the brain's neurons work.

    Nanowire 'brain' network learns and remembers 'on the fly'
    0 Revolutionary Bionic Hand Fuses With Woman's Bones, Muscles, And Nerves

    A 50-year-old Swedish woman who lost her hand in a farming accident has been fitted with a cutting-edge prosthesis that has proved transformational.

    Revolutionary Bionic Hand Fuses With Woman's Bones, Muscles, And Nerves
    7 Some deaf children in China can hear after gene treatment

    After gene therapy, Yiyi can hear her mother and dance to the music. But why is it so noisy at night?

    Some deaf children in China can hear after gene treatment

    jaettu ristiin yhteisöstä:

    > Some deaf children in China can hear after gene treatment::She can hear her mother and dance to the music. But why is it so noisy at night?

    0 Why the Pentagon’s ‘killer robots’ are spurring major concerns

    As the Defense Department is pushing aggressively to modernize its forces using fully autonomous drones and weapons systems, critics fear the start of a new arms race that could dramatically raise …

    Why the Pentagon’s ‘killer robots’ are spurring major concerns
    2 Astronomer: If Earth Is Average, We Should Find Alien Life Within 60 Light-Years

    In 1960, while preparing for the first meeting on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), legendary astronomer and SETI pioneer Dr.

    Astronomer: If Earth Is Average, We Should Find Alien Life Within 60 Light-Years

    Canada’s House speaker Anthony Rota sorry for honoring Nazi veteran

    0 Why build megastructures? Just move planets around to make habitable worlds

    In 1960, Freeman Dyson proposed how advanced civilizations could create megastructures that enclosed their system, allowing them to harness all of their star's energy and multiplying the habitable space they could occupy. In 2015, the astronomical community was intrigued when the star KIC 8462852 (a...

    Why build megastructures? Just move planets around to make habitable worlds
    12 China plans giant particle accelerator-powered chip factory

    Researchers at Tsinghua University in China have developed a new lithography process to help boost the Chinese semiconductor industry.

    China plans giant particle accelerator-powered chip factory
    2 AI Can Already Design Better Cities Than Humans, Study Shows

    Imagine living in a cool, green city flush with parks and threaded with footpaths, bike lanes, and buses, which ferry people to shops, schools, and service centers in a matter of minutes.

    AI Can Already Design Better Cities Than Humans, Study Shows
    20 Tiny sea creatures reveal the ancient origins of neurons

    A study in the journal Cell sheds new light on the evolution of neurons, focusing on the placozoans, a millimeter-sized marine animal. Researchers at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona find evidence that specialized secretory cells found in these unique and ancient creatures may have giv...

    Tiny sea creatures reveal the ancient origins of neurons
    2 Precisely arranging nanoparticles to develop plasmonic molecules

    In the incredibly small world of molecules, the elementary building blocks—the atoms—join together in a very regular pattern. In contrast, in the macroscopic world with its larger particles, there is much greater disorder when particles connect.

    Precisely arranging nanoparticles to develop plasmonic molecules
    1 Engineered compound shows promise in preventing bone loss in space

    A study published in npj Microgravity, finds an engineered compound given to mice aboard the International Space Station (ISS) largely prevented the bone loss associated with time spent in space.

    Engineered compound shows promise in preventing bone loss in space
    3 New recipes for origin of life may point way to distant, inhabited planets

    Life on a faraway planet—if it's out there—might not look anything like life on Earth. But there are only so many chemical ingredients in the universe's pantry, and only so many ways to mix them. A team led by scientists at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has exploited those limitations to write...

    New recipes for origin of life may point way to distant, inhabited planets
    1 Scientists Reveal How Many People You'd Need to Colonize Mars

    As few as 22 people could sustain a colony of pioneers long enough to establish a human presence on Mars.

    Scientists Reveal How Many People You'd Need to Colonize Mars
    3 Scientists Design Novel Nonlinear Circuit to Harvest Clean Power Using Graphene

    The discovery overturns more than a century of physics orthodoxy by identifying a new form of energy that can be extracted from ambient heat using graphene.


    BOOK OF HOURS launch trailer: Welcome to Hush House

    5 Many people feel they work in pointless, meaningless jobs, research confirms

    The theory that many people feel the work they do is pointless because their jobs are "bullshit" has been confirmed by a new study.

    Many people feel they work in pointless, meaningless jobs, research confirms

    What is Stoicism?

    3 Research team takes neuromorphic computing a step forward

    Neuromorphic computers do not calculate using zeros and ones. They instead use physical phenomena to detect patterns in large data streams at blazing fast speed and in an extremely energy-efficient manner.

    Research team takes neuromorphic computing a step forward
    0 The latest weapon against climate change is concrete

    Silicate, a Dublin-based company, is pioneering the concept of enhanced weathering by converting surplus concrete into a low-cost carbon removal tool.

    The latest weapon against climate change is concrete