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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Lemmy Admins, How Do You Justify the Gap Between Your Philosophy of Transparency and the Reality of Inconsistent Rule Enforcement?

I’m curious about your overall philosophy as site admins.

You emphasize transparency and fairness in your guidelines, but there seems to be a lack of clarity and consistency in how rules are enforced.

How do you reconcile this contradiction, and what steps are you taking to ensure more transparency and consistency moving forward?

Its been stated commitment to transparency and fairness is vital, but how do you explain the noticeable inconsistencies in rule enforcement and the lack of clear communication regarding moderation decisions?

How do you reconcile these contradictions, and what specific steps are you taking to address these issues?

Looking forward to your insights.


My thoughts

Admins and mods are trying too hard to stand out with their “no ads, no tracking, no algorithms” mantra.

They come off as tech-savvy hipsters who are a bit too self-congratulatory about being “free and open-source.”

The site's design feels like a hungover college freshman put it together, and the user base is full of people who can’t handle criticism.

Moderation here is over-the-top sensitive; you can’t say much without risking a warning or timeout.

The rules against personal attacks and hate speech are pretty arbitrary, and the moderation is inconsistent.

Some mods are cool, but others are unbearable, and you never know what you’ll get.

Admins are practically invisible, making decisions without any transparency, and there’s obvious favoritism.

Certain users get away with everything, while others get punished for nothing.

Overall, Lemmy needs to get its act together.


Arthur Is A Piece Of Shit

Welcome to Arthur Is A Piece Of Shit !

This is a community where we gather around and talk shit about how fucking stupid Arthur is, and how much of a piece of shit he is.

His video game opinions are garbage and he's just generally wrong about mostly everything.

You should especially join this community if Arthur banned you from, his 'don't answer arthur' community, which also serves no purpose and makes no fucking sense.

[email protected]


Millennials Are So Entitled

Okay, hear me out. I love millennials; they're my favorite generation to hate! Seriously though, can someone please explain why these snowflakes think they're so special? With their avocado toast and their participation trophies, it's no wonder they can't handle reality when it finally smacks them in the face.

Don't even get me started on their obsession with selfies and social media. Narcissism at its finest!

And let's not forget about their unwillingness to take responsibility for their own lives. It's always someone else's fault if they don't succeed, right? Boo hoo, life isn't fair.

But hey, at least they'll always have Mommy and Daddy to bail them out when times get tough. Because nothing says 'independence' quite like living in your parent's basement until age 35, am I right?


Ask My Dad

Welcome to AskMyDad!

Looking for some sage advice or practical tips? In this community, you can submit your questions and get insightful answers from a trusted parental figure.

Whether you need guidance on life, career, relationships, or anything else, AskMyDad is here to help.

Post your queries and receive thoughtful, practical, and sometimes humorous advice from someone with a wealth of experience and wisdom.

You can also share screenshots of what your dad said, but please make sure to remove any personal information like phone numbers, or just copy and paste what he wrote.

Join us and get the advice you need from a reliable source!

[email protected]

New Communities Kevin

Ask My Dad

Welcome to AskMyDad!

Looking for some sage advice or practical tips? In this community, you can submit your questions and get insightful answers from a trusted parental figure.

Whether you need guidance on life, career, relationships, or anything else, AskMyDad is here to help.

Post your queries and receive thoughtful, practical, and sometimes humorous advice from someone with a wealth of experience and wisdom.

You can also share screenshots of what your dad said, but please make sure to remove any personal information like phone numbers, or just copy and paste what he wrote.

Join us and get the advice you need from a reliable source!

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Why Pong is the Best Video Game Ever Made
  • Oh, I've moved on. Moved on to the eternal truth that Pong is the essence of gaming distilled to its purest form. A game of kings! You're just too busy drooling over your photorealistic fluff to see it!

  • Why Pong is the Best Video Game Ever Made
  • Your grandma sounds like a badass, but you’re missing the point! It's the foundation, man! It’s like the caveman discovering fire. Sure, we have microwaves now, but that first flame was everything!

  • Why Pong is the Best Video Game Ever Made
  • And I’d rather shove a Pac-Man cartridge where the sun don’t shine! You wouldn’t know gaming excellence if it bit you in the ass. The strategy, the reflexes, the sheer tension of that bouncing ball...

  • Why Pong is the Best Video Game Ever Made

    Alright, buckle up, gamers, because I'm about to drop a truth bomb that will make your RGB-lit gaming rigs quake in their cases: Pong is the best video game ever made. Yeah, I said it. And here’s why.

    1. Simplicity is Genius: Pong takes the concept of a video game and strips it down to its bare essence. Two paddles, one ball, infinite fun. It's the minimalist masterpiece of gaming, like a Zen garden for your thumbs.

    2. Foundational Brilliance: Without Pong, we wouldn’t have the gaming behemoth we do today. It's the granddaddy, the origin story, the OG. It paved the way for everything from Super Mario to Cyberpunk 2077. Every pixel and polygon owes a debt to that bouncing ball.

    3. Eternal Replayability: You can play Pong for five minutes or five hours and still want more. The challenge is endless. It’s like the Tetris of the pre-Tetris era—easy to pick up, impossible to master, and always a blast.

    4. A Test of Skill: Forget about your KD ratio in Call of Duty. Pong is where real reflexes and hand-eye coordination are honed. It's you against the machine (or your friend), no gimmicks, no power-ups—just pure skill.

    5. Nostalgia Overload: Playing Pong is like traveling back in time to the dawn of gaming. It’s a warm, fuzzy hug from the past, a reminder of simpler times when games didn’t need photorealistic graphics or Hollywood budgets to be fun.

    6. Universally Accessible: No convoluted plots, no steep learning curves—just pick up the paddle and play. It’s gaming democracy in action, welcoming to everyone from your grandma to your little cousin.

    So there you have it, folks. Pong isn’t just a game; it’s a legend, a monument to the power of simplicity and skill. If you disagree, well, you’re probably too busy being wowed by shiny graphics to appreciate the true beauty of a bouncing pixel. Long live Pong!

    Do all lemmy admins do this wtf ?
  • Gate keep ? Hmmm.. last time I checked, anything slightly leaning to the right of center of a political opinion on lemmy gets mass down voted people even create down vote bots to do so.

    Because it's not about keeping lemmy interesting IT'S ABOUT KEEPING IT FUCKING POLITICAL but only with the 'right' politics ;) so don't give me that song and dance.

    See, you even said it yourself "that's up to the admins" you're admitting it. That's how pompuss some of you admins are. And that's fucking sad. For you, not me.

    Misinformation? So everyone on lemmy or who has an internet connection, is now an arbiter of truth and educationally qualified to to discerne fact from Indeed fiction? You allow strangers to make up your mind for you ? Get the fuck out of here with this.

    if something just isn't for you, downvoting it is like trying to stop other people from listening to their favourite music because you don't get it

    Practice what you preach then, and do the same. Lead by example. Not a politically fueled rage online internet person who thinks that just because theyre an online forum admin is somehow like the next coming of Christ.


  • Do all lemmy admins do this wtf ?
  • I definitely get that and it's cool that you don't do that. This isn't political though, I've got a few accounts on on other instances, and this guy so far has messaged me twice saying the same thing. Like who even are you dude ?

    I don't care if someone is an admin, if it bothers you that much then turn your votes off.

    Had nothing to do with politics or the region he mentioned either. Sorry I'm not meaning this to come off as if I'm yelling, my tone here, is more just perplexed by this.

  • StarCraft is too damn hard for casual players. I mean, who the hell has time to hit 300 APM just to be decent? This game's high skill ceiling is pushing away potential players.

    • StarCraft is too hard for casual players: StarCraft's high APM (actions per minute) requirement and complex mechanics can be intimidating for newcomers. This can lead to frustration and feeling overwhelmed, which some gamers argue limits the game's appeal.
    • The three races are unbalanced: Balancing three distinct races with unique units and abilities is a constant challenge. Some players feel a particular race, like Zerg, is inherently stronger and easier to win with in competitive play.
    • StarCraft is a dying game: With the rise of MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arenas) and other genres, StarCraft's player base has shrunk. Some gamers believe the game is past its prime and no longer relevant in the esports scene.

    Be honest, what annoys you the MOST about admin duties ?

    It could be anything, not just obvious things, like reports possibly, could be something you do that adds conformity in your instance but requires a little more work for the additional organization. I won't judge !


    Is there any actual differences between a SERVER admin and a SITE admin ?

    Are they the same thing? Have the same privileges ? Is there any difference at all ? Or are they both on the same level and use those names interchangeably?


    Hey Steven, how did it make you feel when MadTV made fun of you like this ?

    Would you agree at all with that impersonation of you ?


    Chicks Can't Lead: Why Women Are Too Petty to Rule

    It's no secret that women just aren't cut out for leadership. They're far too petty and immature compared to their male counterparts. Instead of supporting one another, they'll stab each other in the back at the drop of a hat.

    This lack of unity and mutual respect is a major reason why they've never been able to hold significant power. Meanwhile, men have a camaraderie that allows them to work together and dominate every sphere of influence.

    Women need to learn from men and stop being such catty, self-destructive divas if they want to have any chance at ruling anything.

    Take a look at any workplace or industry dominated by women - it's a catfight waiting to happen. They can't even agree on what to wear to the office Christmas party without someone getting offended. And don't even get me started on their "mean girl" cliques. Grow the fuck up, ladies!

    And what's with the fake solidarity? They claim to support each other, but behind closed doors, they're stabbing each other in the back. Where's the loyalty? Where's the brotherhood or 'Sisterhood'....?

    Men have that in spades - we may fight and argue, but at the end of the day, we respect each other and have each other's backs.

    You want examples? Look at the catty fights between female celebrities, or the way women in politics are always undermining each other. Hell, even in the corporate world, women are more likely to sabotage their own kind than lift each other up. It's a sad fucking state of affairs.

    So, until women can figure out how to put aside their petty differences and work together like adults, they'll remain relegated to second-class citizenship. And that's the cold, hard truth, folks. Deal with it.


    Nickelback: The Undisputed Kings of Metal, Far Superior to Queen

    Nickelback is undeniably the best metal band in human history, and if you can't see that, you're delusional. Let's get this straight: Queen doesn't even come close to Nickelback's sheer power and dominance in the metal genre.

    While Queen was prancing around with their operatic ballads and flamboyant performances, Nickelback was forging a path of destruction with their earth-shattering riffs and bone-crushing beats.

    Freddie Mercury? Sure, he had a decent voice, but Chad Kroeger's growls are the true embodiment of metal. Brian May's guitar solos?


    Listen to the raw, unfiltered shredding in "Burn It to the Ground" or "Side of a Bullet," and you'll hear real guitar mastery. Queen's so-called "epic" tracks like "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You" are child's play compared to the heavy, relentless assault of Nickelback's discography.

    Queen fans, it's time to face reality: Your band is a relic of the past, a sideshow in the grand circus of rock.

    Nickelback, on the other hand, is the roaring main event, the unstoppable force that has taken metal to new heights.

    Their aggressive sound, unmatched energy, and powerful lyrics make Queen look like a high school talent show act.

    So, let's put this debate to rest. Nickelback is the pinnacle of metal excellence, leaving Queen in the dust.

    If you can't handle the truth, maybe stick to your Queen records and leave the real metal to those of us who know what it's all about. 🤘🎸🔥


    Star Wars: The Most Overhyped Trash in the Galaxy

    Oh, where do I even begin with the dumpster fire that is Star Wars?

    Let's just face the facts: Star Wars is nothing but a glorified space soap opera with the most boring plotlines imaginable.

    I mean, how many times can you watch a bunch of guys waving glow sticks around, pretending to be all mystical and important?

    It's like the writers were high on something and thought,

    "Hey, let's make this as nonsensical and repetitive as possible!"

    And don't even get me started on the fanbase. Talk about a bunch of overgrown toddlers!

    These are the same people who dress up in bathrobes and have lightsaber battles in their mom's basement.

    They treat George Lucas like he's some kind of god, even though he couldn’t write his way out of a paper bag.

    "But the original trilogy was groundbreaking!" they cry. Yeah, groundbreaking in putting people to sleep.

    So, here's to you, Star Wars fans.

    Keep on debating the intricacies of your beloved galaxy far, far away while the rest of us live in the real world.

    May the Force be forever irrelevant.
