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There’s a Vast Source of Clean Energy Beneath Our Feet. And a Race to Tap It.
  • Geologist by training here and it's been many years but as I recall, subsurface geothermal systems can be quite complex, especially in regional systems like Yellowstone, Iceland, New Zealand etc.

    The hope, as I understand it, revolving around geothermal in the United States is tapping into much larger areas, namely the basin and range region, where subsurface temperatures are much higher than other areas. In this area, while there are many natural hot springs, they are remote and less commercial so disruption would have less impact. The benifits could also be fantastic since there is a huge area that has potential. (Most of Nevada and Western Utah). The biggest challenge is the complexity of underground faulting throughout the region. We can understand the general structure (hence the name "Basin and Range"), but the details are a challenge. At each macro fault you have lots of microfaulting and if you are attempting to scale up an energy production facility over an area you risk disrupting the system with each fracked well.

    If we can very accurately map the subsurface, it'll go a long way towards making this energy source much more viable. (We've had years to get better at microfracking so getting an accurate map of what's down there is most important)

  • E-Bikes Are Flippin' Heavy: QuietKat Pivot Pro Offers a Transport Solution
  • This seems like a decent solution but if you are going for a longer trip a concern is water/weather if your ebike is in an open truck or on a rack like this.

    I've got a Rad Wagon and a Juiced Crosscurrent and I love the bikes but I transport then in an enclosed trailer to avoid getting them wet.

  • Google is looking to 'supercharge' Assistant with AI | Engadget
  • If it's anything like Google Home and even Google Maps recently, it'll be another push away from the Google-Sphere for me.

    Google home just keeps getting worse and Google maps has had incorrect street names in my entire region for over a year and despite multiple attempts to get them to correct them, they continue to be wrong.

  • Go Woke, Go Broke? Barbie’s Opening Weekend Sales Smash Expectations
  • Yeah, I noticed they've been up and down but looking at the last year, which is what is being discussed, there is a definite drop at the time all of the rabbling, (South Park reference).

    I totally agree that it's disingenuous to imply that they've gone broke because they decided to be inclusive, but doing so HAS had a negative impact on their stocks value. Like you say, getting a lot of negative press can do that. That said, looking over the past year, the stock price has not yet recovered from that protest.

    But bottom line: There is no evidence that going woke results in going broke.

    There is, however, some evidence that alienation of a customer base that is predisposed to intolerance, and poor taste in cheap beer can lead to temporary declines in revenue...

  • Go Woke, Go Broke? Barbie’s Opening Weekend Sales Smash Expectations
  • I went back pretty far and there is definitely a substantial drop.

    The people here saying it had zero is very little effect are not correct.

    Granted, overall they are fine and in time this will be historic as time matures the stock so in that respect what the majority of people here are saying will be true.

    So they are ridiculous when they say, "Go woke go broke". But, the boycott definitely has had an impact to the value of the stock, one that continues today.

    (I looked at the stock prior to April when the boycott and the whole "Go woke go broke" catch phrase started gaining traction.).

  • Go Woke, Go Broke? Barbie’s Opening Weekend Sales Smash Expectations
  • I'm on your side and went to that link.

    Unfortunately, the person you are debating is correct. Anheuser-Busch's stock fell over 20% after the boycott began and while it's come up a little since the initial fall it's still no where near where it was prior to the boycott in April.

    That said, that might be the ONLY example of this slogan being accurate (at least right now).

  • Trump causes confusion by sharing meme calling Jan 6 a ‘government staged riot’ even though he was in power
  • That's because, in their minds they see the judicial system as rigged against him.

    (No judges agreed with him that the election was stolen or that he won so "obviously" they're all democrats or whatever else he calles non cult members now)

    If anything, they'd point at the judges ruling in Jean Carroll's case as an example or how "broken America is".