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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 5
Comments 15
Kardashians Jennifer

New Subscribers!

Just wanted to put out a quick comment that I haven't had much (or any really) interaction on this community so going to keep it pretty empty until the user base picks up a little! If it begins to gain more interest etc I can start to bulk it out.

Thanks! :)

What's the day counter on Tescos website for?
  • Replying to say this person is correct, it's a promise from Tesco that the food they'll provide in your online food shop will have a minimum of 4 days until best before/use by. It so if you buy 5 different proteins for example, they won't fuck you over and give you everything that goes out of date tomorrow

  • What's the day counter on Tescos website for?
  • Replying to say this person is correct, it's a promise from Tesco that the food they'll provide in your online food shop will have a minimum of 4 days until best before/use by. It so if you buy 5 different proteins for example, they won't fuck you over and give you everything that goes out of date tomorrow

  • Women Do More Office Housework—Here’s How To Avoid It
  • Thanks for the reply, I'm still not sure if I would equate overproportional volunteering for a lesser profitable task equates to work "chores".

    I would understand if author etc deduced that I meant men where more hesitant to do lesser tasks when woman are around. But I think that speaks more to the power balance issue that specifically work chores.

    To me, the article shoe horns a scientific study to match a list of tips that are pretty unrelated. There's space for both discussions but seems to be a strange choice of evidence for the latter.

  • Women Do More Office Housework—Here’s How To Avoid It
  • Interesting tips and definitely something I've experienced myself in the workplace. But I'm struggling to understand how the experiment relates to workplace housework.

    The report says "Participants were told they’d each be paid $1 for their participation, with one catch. If one of the three participants clicked a button on the computer screen, that person would receive $1.25, and the other two would receive $2. Women were 48% more likely than men to volunteer to press the button. In other words, women took a hit so that everyone came out better."

    If the person gets an extra 25cents it's not a thankless job, just the least profitable. Also, unless I've missed something, how does this tie to office housework? Again, unless I've missed something

  • Kardashians Jennifer

    Episode Discussion Thread, S3:E4 - Ciao, Kim

    Putting up another thread just incase anyone wants to discuss this weeks new episode! Anyone have any thoughts?


    New Subreddit for all things Kardashians/KUWTK

    Hey all, just scratching that itch for a discussion board here for KUWTK! Any and all welcome!

    Kardashians Jennifer

    Newest Episode S3:E3: Discussion Board. Thoughts?

    I personally found it so lemme focused i felt like I was watching a targeted ad lol also I feel a bit bad for Kris getting all the blame for Kendal and Kourts perfectionist tendencies lol

    Kardashians Jennifer

    Welcoming all ex-redditors!

    Hoping that a few of us have moved over from reddit and are still wanting a discussion board to talk about /keep up with the Kardashians! I wasn't a moderator on reddit, so I'm new to this! Plz be gentle lol
