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IzzyOnDroid IzzyOnDroid ✅


\#Android Enthusiast, #Privacy Proponent, #FOSS Promoter, #Linux User

My posts are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA,

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Android IzzyOnDroid ✅

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 10 updated and 3 added apps:

#AndroidAppRain at <> today brings you 10 updated and 3 added apps:

  • Lotus: a music player designed with Material You 🛡️
  • NowiPass: a secure password manager that uses AES to encrypt your passwords 🛡️
  • Weread: Read it later for web content

RB status: 394 apps (31.8%)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

PS: For a list of updated apps, you can follow @[email protected] – which also covers other repositories 😉

Die App des Bundesrates war ein positives Beispiel. Dass es auch weniger datenschutzfreundlich geht, zeigt die App der Bundesregierung: Sie nutzt Verbindungen zu Google Firebase und enthält eine
  • @[email protected] Passend dazu: "berechtigtes Interesse". Hier meint auch ein Immobilienmakler, das decke Werbemails ab, wenn man ein Exposé anfordert. Ist übrigens kein kleiner, sondern der einer größeren, internationalen Bank:

  • Voyager for lemmy is now on F-droid!
  • @samsy It all depends on perspective I'd say. @possiblylinux127 is partly right, as I do not build from source. Though they might adjust their stance after reading what security measures are in place with my repo: