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what's your favorite kanban board?
  • I liked using KanBoard. Its simple and runs well inside a docker container.

  • Flood water use
  • Not just bodies. When working around flood waters its recommended to wear hazmat gear because the water is contaminated by human waste from septic tanks, dead animals, petrol, oil, various poisons and fertilizers, chemicals from stuff like paint, etc.

    Probably could be cleaned but even for agri use it would be crazy expensive.

  • How to Escape From the Iron Age?
  • Rio Tinto is moving to solar (and some wind) here in Australia for its aluminum refining and smelting operations. Would be good if the same could be done for steel too.

  • Government investigates 4km tunnel under Wellington
  • Lol From the sound of the headline, I thought someone had dug an unauthorized 4km tunnel and it had just been discovered. Was thinking WTF

  • NSFW
    Potential Terrorist Attack in Sydney, Australia [VIDEOs]
  • Here's the ABC news reporting

    Police say no indication of terrorism at this stage.

  • Antique Radios InvisibleShoe

    My family's old radio

    Your radio community just popped up in my feed and I thought you guys might enjoy a pic of my family's old radio. His Master's Voice brand. From North Coast NSW, Australia.

    The people who made these back in the day are heroes
  • I used to have a giant one of these walkthrough guides printed out for Might and Magic 7 when I was a kid. Those guides were great. I miss Acromage :(

  • What's your favourite coffee twist?
  • I use honey to sweeten my coffee. Sometimes I'll add some Butterscotch Schnapps if its a cold winter.

  • ASD management and assistive tools
  • I've taken up gardening and go out to water the plants each morning. I try to make that my mindfulness/relaxation time. Definitely helpful.

  • ASD management and assistive tools
  • This is interesting. Thinking on it I do like the feel of a new singlet, before it's worn in and is still tight. Makes me feel more balanced and in control.

    Just ordered a compression singlet and I'll give it a go. Thanks for the recommendation 🙂

  • ASD management and assistive tools
  • What makes you think that the weighted blanket will be helpful? I’ve heard that people like them, but haven’t really looked into them.

    In my reading I came across some info about sleeping problems and one in particular talked about how some ASD people can feel like they are floating on their bed and I remembered feeling that way as a kid. I've also never been able to sleep with just a light bed sheet over me. I like the blankets at hospital that are cool but have a bit of weight to them. And just a bunch of other dots I'm starting connect.

    What is the smiling mind app and why do you like it?

    Its a free mindfulness/guided meditation app from an Aussie non-profit mental health organization. My psych recommended it, saying that practicing it each day can help reduce stress and anxiety. I like it because each exercise is only 2-6 minutes long and I've had difficulty maintaining focus with longer guided meditation exercises.

  • If you're making software for actual end-users, you HAVE to give it a goddamn GUI, or else you suck, your software sucks, and nobody is going to use your damn software.
  • Yeah GUI development isn't easy or straightforward. Thats why there are UI/UX engineers whose sole job is to design and create simple and easy to use interfaces. And they get paid big money to do it too.

    If those programmers making ultra specialized software were to waste their time making a GUI, they would never finish the project or would require funding of some sort.

  • ASD management and assistive tools

    I got some good quality noise cancelling headphones 12 months ago and thought they were great. Since doing more reading about ASD and ADHD, I've come to understand I have some sensory issues.

    I bought some Loop earplugs a few weeks ago after reading about them in other ASD threads and I love wearing them when driving, shopping or in doctor's waiting rooms. I feel much less anxious and tense.

    After doing some more reading and reflection, I think that a weighted blanket might be helpful and so I ordered one.

    I've been using softer, less jarring alarms and ringtones for years and started using the Smiling Mind phone app recently which has been helpful.

    I was wondering if there are any assistive tools/devices/tips that any other ASD people have found that have had a major impact on their lives that they might like that share?

    Wrong personality
  • I also don’t have to worry about people interrupting me to chime in with something while I’m speaking. That always throws me off my thought process and it leaves me kind of scrambling for a response. Which almost always defaults to a short, one or two word answer.

    This drives me nuts! I often completely lose the train of thought and go blank. I also have very little patience for frustration and interrupting me while I'm spending the effort trying to articulate thoughts is a good way to piss me off.

    In my late teens/early 20s, long before I was diagnosed, I tried to do some work on improving social skills and read books by former FBI/CIA people on body language and interview techniques (lots of info on interpreting peoples actions, words and motives), some self-help books (total crap and not helpful) and social dynamics. The body language and interview techniques were helpful for navigating some of the adult situations I hadn't dealt with before (job interviews, meetings with figures of authority that can be stressful).

  • Wrong personality
  • Heres two quick youtube videos that explain ASD masking better than I could.

    Autistic Masking In 3 Minutes - Autistic Masking In A Nutshell

    The Problem with Masking ADHD and Autism (burnout, etc.)

    I've always been a lurker online. I've only just committed to trying to involve myself in the ASD community recently. But talking online doesn't require the effort of masking in person because there's not body language to interpret and mimic, speech patterns or accents that have to be changed and I can take as much time as I need to form and edit a reply. Plus if I feel the need to, I don't have to respond to someone online or I can kill the account and start with a fresh one. Much less pressure.

  • Glossy orange orbs- Brisbane, Australia
  • Looks like some sort of wasp nest, a little like mud wasp nests.

  • Wrong personality
  • I'm sure it's quite common for NT people to vary their personality to suit the occasion too but ASD masking is more than just slight personality changes and requires huge effort and energy to sustain.

    I didn't overcome masking. I did really well juggling masks in early high school but it requires more and more effort as you get older while constantly grinding you down, which limits your ability to juggle masks at which point things start to collapse and you burnout. I ended up in hospital then moved out to a remote bushland location to become a hermit.

    Go and see a healthcare professional if you are struggling. Diving in and taking your mental health seriously is really the only thing that will start you on the path to recovery.

  • Wrong personality
  • Bit late to the party here, but I took it to refer to ASD masking. Back in high school I had heaps of different masks/personalities and they could clash if people from different cliques got together.

    Juggling masks leads to big time ASD burnout.

  • Do you often despise people who like you and help you a lot?
  • In the moment I have but afterwards when thinking about it, it's normally more complicated.

    Part of it is resentment (/embarrassment/shame) at needing help at all and I think this is something everyone feels at some point, even NTs. The feeling of being made to feel helpless is something no one likes.

    Another part is frustration when someone thinks they are helping but are more getting in the way/creating more work. I think thats down to poor communication and its not surprising ASD people have problems around that.

  • looking for resources on ABA written by level 2 or level 3 autistics
  • I hadn't heard of ABA before but it looks like it's behaviour mod. with a different name. Is this correct?

    I've tried behaviour mod a couples of times and it never helped (I'm ASD 1). I found EMDR much better for working through some issues but for everything else I'm just muddling through with my psych.

    I found that having a notebook on hand to write down thoughts and musings about areas I felt I was lacking in regards to social skills and life skills useful. This helped me to clarify and narrow down some of the skills I wanted/needed to work on most and I brought this up with my psych and they are helping me work on those skills.

    Not everyone can see a psych but if you can identify the skill areas you feel are lacking, I'm sure someone could point you in the right direction.

    Sorry if I'm rambling. I do tend to.

  • Resources for adults

    Hi all,

    I got my diagnosis of Asperger’s a couple of years ago after a trip to the mental health ward at age 31. I looked around at the time but a lot of the resources are either technical academic books aimed at psychologists or materials for children or parents. So I put it on the back burner and have just found time to start really diving into studying Autism and how I can better manage life and relationships.

    I found this community and the “Field guide to Earthlings” book, which I have found really helpful and makes sense of a lot. But I am still looking for more resources for adults with late in life diagnosis’ and coming up dry.

    Does anyone know of anything that could be helpful/relevant? Looking mostly for coping skills, conflict resolution, emotional regulation stuff.

    I’m also terrible at social interactions because I’m constantly questioning and analyzing everything. Small talk or just relating to NTs has always been hard because a lot of that they do and are interested in just doesn’t make sense or I have absolutely no interest in.

    I’m in a rural area and there’s no local resources at all. I’m also not too keen on a lot of Youtube videos because I find the over-the-top noise and crappy characters/personalities/acting that hosts/influencers put on incredibly off putting. But I do like Youtube videos that are done in an informative manner and not for entertainment value.

    Thanks in advance 🙂


    Season 4 Critical Corruption

    Who else is excited for the new season? This will be my first new season since starting DRG and I'm pretty keen for some new content. I haven't seen if there will be new assignment missions but I'm hopeful.
