It's such a big change from your previous update. You look incredible!!!
I can't believe the first thing I thought when I was scrolling and saw this image was "straight flush". My brain has been broken by balatro.
What does -Qqdt do?
He's using hyprland? I'm impressed. I was expecting GNOME/kde/cinnamon/etc.
I don't know of any that would record everything on Linux, but steam has a thing to record gameplay of games launched from steam on linux:
The amount of money the company paid isn't even slap on wrist level. ~$500 + cover legal expenses.
How does the green line explain the red line's detour to the Caribbean or the loop around Sri Lanka?
Is there an archive of the database anywhere?
looks like a downward arrow to me
My brain autocorrected the hrw in the title to hrt.
From a police department? In Texas???
If your dominant hormone is estrogen, new fat will go to fem places. If your dominant hormone is testosterone, new fat will go to masc places. Old fat only goes away when either your body converts it to energy or it naturally breaks down after ~1.5 years.
If you stop taking estrogen and your dominant hormone becomes testosterone again, the fat you had placed while on E will go away when you burn it for energy or when the fat cell breaks down after ~1.5 years, whichever comes first. Except your boobs stay.
I also had that indifferent to breast -> love them switch. ig it's really common.
200 seems a bit much. I feel like I would run out of friends well before then.
Edit: read the paper and it makes sense since it's Facebook friends and not survey results.
friendships between people of different genders
New York State Police have charged five people with murder in the killing of a man who authorities said died following acts of violence and torture for more than a month.

CW: homicide, torture, transphobia
Reddit does ban if a new account immediately after signing up tries to post any post, especially if this is all being done from a VPN and using browser instead of app.
Post-Election 2024 Anti-Trans Risk Assessment US Map
The risk of severe anti-trans legislation has increased nationwide for transgender youth and adults.

A resource that shows how friendly/unfriendly US State laws are to trans ppl. Split into two maps, one for adults and one for minors.