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ImVeryStupid EverybodyHatesNaomi

I am schizotypal. I write in a bizarre way. It's part of the mental disorder to communicate like that. I also have odd and out of touch thoughts that come with this disorder that could be obvious in my posts. I don't really notice those things.

Posts 9
Comments 39
  • Lol that's not homophobic..It was "sexist" tho ;)

  • Rulesconscom
  • Ok some gays are bad 🙂

  • Rulesconscom
  • Here is a joke for ya to end this conversation. Do you know what to call a man with good morals? A homosexual.. 🙂

  • Rulesconscom
  • If gender is a social construct, then the gender that has proven itself many times to be unable to live with others should disappear. The qualities that make the ”men” masculine are always dangerous. Compassion comes from being feminine.

  • Rulesconscom
  • Men, due to their inherent drive to dominate, always have bad morals. “Toxic masculinity” is redundant, all masculinity is toxic.

  • Rulesconscom
  • People with bad morals should be “insulted”. You are confusing politeness with morals.

  • Rulesconscom
  • Because I’m the only one here with morals..

  • Rulesconscom
  • There is enough information about you for me to consider you a bad person

  • Rulesconscom
  • are a typical man, an awful one.

  • Rulesconscom
  • Dude you are not understanding what I'm saying. In memes,NOT JUST OP, almost all of them depict a bad person who is fat and wears glasses. You are pushing a bad stereotype… the so-called “neck beard”

  • Rulesconscom
  • My point is that any meme depicting a bad person will always depict him as fat and a glasses wearer. It’s not just you who do this.

  • Rulesconscom
  • In every meme, not just from op, there is a fat, evil character who always wears glasses. Curious isn't it? Neglecting to take care of yourself is literally the first sign of mental illness. You people will never understand that using those things to mock someone is simply wrong...

  • Veganism and materialism
  • The people who aren't vegan or are vegan for the wrong reasons are evil.

  • Rulesconscom
  • Do you not realize you are fat shaming by always using a fat guy as the bad character in your memes? I love the line on the belly to make extra sure everyone knows he’s fat. Using glasses as an insult all the time on those characters is also ableism.

  • Veganism and materialism
  • Fucking incel communists will punch pigs in the face and argue whether they felt pain. Fuck you guys

  • Veganism and materialism
  • I knew you were a psycho when you made a post about the MBTI test.. this confirms it.

  • Veganism and materialism
  • People like you scare me. You are a complete psycho...

  • What do you use for leftist news?
  • My favorite channel used to be RT America, but then liberalism happened. Now I don’t watch anything.

  • Rule.
  • It would be great if someone lit him on fire in reality.

  • Pledge Allegiance to Our Flag!
  • The cartoonist's intention was probably nefarious, but with my title you should have known I was simply saying people should respect the pride flag.

  • Do people here consider Herbert Marcuse to be an "anti-communist"

    Marcuse argued that the middle class was too obsessed with consumerism for them to fight capitalism. This leads to a weak unity among the working class. Instead, the marginalized, victims of fascism basically, should be united.

    I read an article critical of him on the marxists website, and it was kinda dumb. At the start of the article the writer labeled him as “anti-working class”, he immediately accused him of being a CIA puppet as well. Then he said he was an anarchist lol. Afterwards, he claims that the working class is not pacified, citing they had " lack of trust" in government as evidence.

    Finally, here is a gem of a statement emphasizing the author's idiocy.

    “Marcuse was also often accused of being an advocate of the so-called “sexual revolution,” including the supposedly “liberating” effects of promiscuity, pornography and the sexual content of mass culture. Actually, he was strongly opposed to these trends; which he criticized with his theory of “repressive desublimation.” By turning people’s natural sexuality into a commodity, he argued, capitalism actually repressed their capacity for loving relationships and replaced it with perversions that became increasingly brutal. He associated this perversity with the rise of fascist trends and viewed its encouragement by the ruling class as a form of social control.”

    It seems the writer thinks porn is liberating? It's what I got from this.

    What do you guys think of Marcuse?


    The concept of re-education seems dangerous in sci-fi stories, but in reality it is not. Several months ago, I posted about this, but I want to add some details.

    Throughout my school years, I never really learned about the atrocities committed by Canada against natives, nor about their consequences. Our classes did not discuss capitalism and communism, or how society actually functions. It also failed my generation to develop skills that are useful. There is a lack of basic skills among the younger generations, including writing, reading comprehension, and even cooking.

    Many young adults can't cook, so they rely on fast food and services such as “skip the dishes”.

    My region of Canada speaks french, and most young people cannot even write a sentence without making several mistakes, including me. (I don't live in Quebec!!!)

    A lot of people these days don't read books because they don't understand what they're reading or don't have an interest in a particular topic. Books about the social sciences for example, not shitty books like Harry Potter. Unfortunately, many won't be reading "theory" anytime soon.

    It’s evident that the capitalist education system failed us.

    A survey showed that the youth in America want to be streamers/youtubers when they are older, while Chinese kids want to be astronauts. The kids in China won’t be astronauts but at least they have an interest in science. Wtf are the American kids going to do when they realize their dream of becoming a streamer or famous is almost impossible.

    The desire to be successful is still present in the younger generations; however, due to the failings of the education system, their dreams are drastically different from those of China. There are certainly other factors that have contributed, but I think our education failed to ignite a passion.

    It's likely that the educational system didn't provide the students with any kind of meaningful experience, leading them to find fulfillment in video games instead. Because games are all they know and are their only interest, they want to become streamers.

    This is a serious matter…We are raising a generation of gamers!

    Aside from that, China did something to prevent young people from becoming addicted to video games. When I was 16, I became addicted to the mmorpg world of warcraft. My country should have taken action because I needed a lot of help, and my parents didn't do anything, even in the beginning they paid for my subscription.

    My education did not allow me to find my true interests, such as writing, that I later discovered on my own. Creative writing classes probably would have prevented me from becoming addicted to mmorpgs.

    It bothers me that people think we should be afraid of the government using its authority to accomplish something that will be beneficial in the long run. Preventing the youth from becoming addicted to the online world, for example.

    We will need to re-educate our young generations, not really by force, but by doing whatever is humanly possible with our power to give them a better education. I also think our youth should keep going to school until they're at least 20 so they're prepared for the realities of life. There are so many things we can learn and skills we can develop. Our current system is failing our future generations.


    I'm super frustrated with how our governments treat us.

    Since my family doctor appointment two days ago, I've been really angry.

    I live in Canada and to have HRT in my province you need dysphoria. I'm in my thirties and they require me to see a psychologist to diagnose me with dysphoria. I do have dysphoria but it is not as strong as most other MTFs. And I'm not that feminine, I'm more tomboyish. For example I love wearing a beanie in winter and a baseball cap during summer. I don't want to have to suffer through all the trouble of seeing a psychologist for HRT. I feel like I should be able to make my own decisions about my body. I just want to access the treatment I need without jumping through hoops. It's already hard enough to come to terms with my gender identity. I don't want to have to go through an additional process of talking to a psychologist and being judged by them.

    I'm afraid they won't let me have HRT because I'm a tomboy. It's not fair to have to justify my identity and gender expression to someone who doesn't understand what I'm struggling with. As a tomboy, I'm worried that I won't be accepted as a transgender woman, and that my gender expression won't be taken seriously.

    I'm scared that I won't be given the medical care I need, and have to prove my identity to receive it. I want to be able to access HRT without having to prove who I am. I want to be respected and accepted for who I am, without having to explain myself... And I'm sure they'll use my schizophrenia against me.

    As someone diagnosed with schizophrenia, I'm worried that it will be used against me in terms of accessing medical care and being accepted as a transgender woman. People may not take my gender expression seriously, or may use my mental health diagnosis to invalidate my identity.

    I hate this planet...I hate my life


    I am becoming more frustrated with the liberal mindset as fascism rises.

    The fight against unjust laws requires militant protests, and the fight against bigotry needs to be relentlessly aggressive. It is a privilege to believe self-defense cannot be used to counter fascism in its early stages.

    In the liberal mindset, violence should have been used only when Jews were lined up to enter the gas chambers.

    Once Jews became political targets, violence should have been the first step. After the Nazis declared Jews enemies, they had the right to defend themselves with violence. A violent approach at the beginning could have prevented the rise of the Nazi party.

    Liberals' inability to grasp this will lead to more marginalized minorities dying around the world.

    Militant protests should be organized against the removal of women's abortion rights in the USA. The rights of black people and LGBT rights should also be protected by force.

    The protests should be held in front of, if not inside, the houses of republicans.

    These protests should be as aggressive as possible, creating an atmosphere of fear among those who oppose the rights of women and others. There should eventually be a tipping point when their fear becomes reality, if they are not to stop their unnecessary oppression.

    A marginalized group does not receive human rights, they are stripped of them. The removal of your birthrights should be violently opposed as soon as possible.

    Fascists use democracy to their advantage. It does not matter whether they are politicians or citizens, a right-wing politician will oppress both with his political power. Our ability to stop fascism will be limited if liberals do not exercise their political authority.

    It is too frightening for liberal politicians to use their power for real moral purposes, so they won't help.

    Our politicians accept racism as an opinion and fascism as a solution.

    People are imprisoned for petty crimes, but you can speak freely if you make a sincere effort to recruit people to your fascist ideology. Creating a safe environment for fascists to speak without fear is not only dangerous, but those who allow it are complicit in their crimes.

    If a racist or homophobic person gets into a room with a fascist. Within a few hours, if they discussed politics, two fascists came out of the room.

    To prevent fascism, liberal voters must take risks, including letting go of their flawed concept of democracy. Unless they engage in militant protests or suppress bigots freedom of speech, liberals and fascists are the same.

    The right to say racist remarks only protects those who intend to use racist language. The same applies to all bigoted speech.

    In a society where freedom of speech is unlimited, only fascists would benefit.

    *Initially, they came for racists' freedom of speech.

    After that, they remove homophobic speech.

    Afterwards, they demanded removal for sexist speech.

    When they came for me I gave them a high five and said thank you.

    Because I am not a racist, homophobic or sexist person. *

    It is always necessary to respond aggressively to the claim that bigotry is merely a difference of opinion.

    The methods used by marginalized groups should be more aggressive. The fight against racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia should extend beyond shaming bigots.

    When an oppressed minority kills a fascist, it always does so in self-defense. Killing fascists is a way to defend ourselves from their ideology that hates us and seeks to oppress us. Instead of asking whether fascists should be slaughtered, we should ask whether they deserve to suffer on their way to the slaughterhouse.
