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  • Dude you are not understanding what I'm saying. In memes,NOT JUST OP, almost all of them depict a bad person who is fat and wears glasses. You are pushing a bad stereotype… the so-called “neck beard”

    • My end question is simply. So? This is a semantics argument and has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Its a complete non-issue.

      "Almost all of them" is a massive exaggeration as well, and that is absolutely not true. There are many standard "negative" meme standards.

      • are a typical man, an awful one.

        • Thanks for the direct insult, you don't even know that I'm a man anyways. Do you not realize that you yourself have just made a stereotypical remark and attack? “Typical man”, what’s that supposed to mean? Please tell me without making it seem like a broad generalization.

          Also great to know that I'm a horrible person for agreeing with you that fatphobia is bad, but helicopter patrolling every single little things you don't like is absurd. Especially when its completely inane and unrelated. Why should everything bend to your tastes?

          • There is enough information about you for me to consider you a bad person

            • Good to know. Getting upset at a random drawing of a not even fat individual is a complete non-issue to attack someone over, you are the only one who has made this an issue.

              • Because I’m the only one here with morals..

                • You are also the only one here attacking others with personal insults. Calling people immoral and terrible people over an absurd disagreement is itself strange.

                  • People with bad morals should be “insulted”. You are confusing politeness with morals.

                    • You are confusing your pedantic comments for righteousness.

                      You are simply stirring the pot for reactions, which itself says quite a lot. Have a good day.

          • Men, due to their inherent drive to dominate, always have bad morals. “Toxic masculinity” is redundant, all masculinity is toxic.

            • Wow, straight derogatory stereotyping, that’s disgusting. Imagine decrying stereotyping and attacks over generalizations, and then resorting to that yourself.

              That is horrible. You should be ashamed. You are the toxicity to claim you are opposed to, not some made up enemy in your head.

              • If gender is a social construct, then the gender that has proven itself many times to be unable to live with others should disappear. The qualities that make the ”men” masculine are always dangerous. Compassion comes from being feminine.

                • You are a very sad individual. I hope you receive the help that you need, and that you continue to educate yourself to see how horribly and disgustingly wrong you are.

                  I would expect these types of takes from very young, unprincipled, or ultra liberal feminists on Twitter. Not a principled communist.
