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HurgletOfficial Hurglet

Least technologically advanced shitposter.

I enjoy shitposts, programming, cybersec, cryptography and edgy memes.

Posts 6
Comments 19
Insert title
  • I've seen worse, just thought it was funny and decided to share it

  • Should I use chromium based browsers or firefox?
  • How isn't Mozilla in Google's pocket, if the only reason they're still around is because of Google funding them?

  • Insert title

    Should I use chromium based browsers or firefox?
  • Personally, i'd day neither. Mozilla is on Google's payroll, so if you're trying to battle Google's monopoly, it won't matter if you pick Firefox or Chrome (or any forks or derivatives)

    If you need to pick, i would say Firefox, and Librewolf if you want a browser which is more privacy friendly and has saner defaults.

    If you want to battle the monopoly, you should pick a browser that's not based on Gecko, Blink or Chromium. Something like Ladybird, BadWolf, LuaKit or Lynx if you're into that

  • Piggy bank

    Child safety bills are reshaping the internet for everyone
  • True that, but i never said it should be forbidden, i just said i'd prefer if it would be

  • Child safety bills are reshaping the internet for everyone
  • Not really harmless tho, i've seen countless places turn into a trans circlejerk.

    As for the "caring" part, i don't care whatever you are, just don't mention it. I don't need to hear "im trans" every second, or it being mentioned in every message, or your name, your blog etc etc

  • Child safety bills are reshaping the internet for everyone
  • Personally, i am all in for that. I am tired of seeing "look at me im insert mental illness, i must feel validated else ur homophobic".

    I really don't give 2 shits if you're trans or gay or whatever. Just keep it in front of you. No need to put your pronouns in your name, or put a trans flag everywhere.

    But nooo, those people CRAVE attention, which is what i hate.

    Just a rant, sorry

  • Anon is a bread crumb dealer

  • 197-15dq9re IMG_20221206_223809_880 -6003354898525174307_121 WeDoALittlePosting-qpoflicajreb1 WeDoALittlePosting-mqjy5j08o3fb1 WeDoALittlePosting-wt4xvrx38sab1 197-161bphl

    I have 1032 memes on my phone, and 2451 memes on my laptop.

  • Child safety bills are reshaping the internet for everyone
  • Everytime i see a bill that includes "child safety" in the title, i know it's just going to be another attempt at turning the internet into a garden walled, big corpo controlled shithole, with the glowies being able to read any and all messages, and encryption being illegal.

  • Stop using Brave Browser
  • You should start using LibreY. It's a fork of LibreX, but it's actually maintained.

    I do noticed that instances get ratelimited a lot, leading to empty search results, which sucks

  • All other licenses are cuck licenses
  • would be easier than to try and catch people slipping eachother code, no?

  • All other licenses are cuck licenses
  • Fixed it:

    Chad GPL license: i made my code open source, so it stays open source. proprietary users seethe harder.

    Virgin WTFPL user: yeah my code is meant to be open source, but you can do with it whatever you want!

  • All other licenses are cuck licenses

    Fuck remote attestation
  • hey fuck you too. I'll call whatever/whichever/whomever i find stupid gay, and you can't change shit about that, cunt.

  • Fuck remote attestation
  • i knew lemmy was filled with snowflakes and commies, but i can't even call something gay? damn

  • How do people find good information on the internet these days?
  • I usually look for stuff on stackoverflow and stackexchange.

    If i can't find it on those sites, i'll perform some arcane google magic (dorking) to see if i can find it.

    If all else fails, i'll sniff through arxiv to see if i can find some research papers on the subject.

  • Community creation requests
  • Yeah, we should probably wait a bit as to let this instance mature.

    Although i do think keeping the edgy/offensive memes from the general community is a better idea

  • Fuck remote attestation
  • Hello there, fellow lainchan user

  • Fuck remote attestation
  • Torrenter based, npc attestation user gay

  • Fuck remote attestation
  • Yeah, i use qBittorrent myself.

    I just stole this meme from an imageboard lol

  • Community creation requests
  • A shitposting community would be nice. And not one with normie memes, but one that allows more edgy and darker memes.

    Something like r/ppnojutsu, r/doodoofard and r/wordington. Minus all the thugshakers and shit ofcourse