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[Discussion] Playing GOG and Epic games on the Steam Deck, your experience wanted.
  • I think the strange thing is when a game is listed as Steam deck compatible and the same exact game on GOG doesn't work with the latest Proton.

  • [Discussion] Playing GOG and Epic games on the Steam Deck, your experience wanted.
  • I was trying to play Wildfire via Heroic Launcher on GOG and all it gave me was a weird tex2d function not found error. Unsure how to proceed. Although Proton community seems to indicate that Wildfire works perfectly on Steam deck with latest Proton. Not sure where the disconnect is.

  • Playing GOG and Epic games on the Steam Deck, your experience wanted.

    I've got a substantial library of games on GOG and Epic that I wanted to play on the Steam Deck, and I've used the Heroic Launcher with some success to access a lot of my libraries on those two platforms, but managing the compatibility per game is a bit frustrating and sometimes after an update things break.

    Can anyone else share any success or failure stories here? The only other place I've seen this discussion was on Steam itself and I wanted a non-steam take on the practice of running non-steam platform games and what works.

    Are folding bluetooth keyboards any good
  • I recommend these keyboards as they are small and seem to get the job done well enough.

  • Reddit is a dead site running
  • What is exploding-heads, is that an instance?

  • Bean thinking about this
  • Not the beans!!!

  • DeSantis signs bill eliminating permanent alimony

    Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed a measure that will overhaul the state’s alimony laws, after three vetoes of similar bills and a decade of emotional clashes over the issue.

    DeSantis signs bill eliminating permanent alimony

    "Along with eliminating permanent alimony, the measure will set up a process for ex-spouses who make alimony payments to seek modifications to alimony agreements when they want to retire.

    It will allow judges to reduce or terminate alimony, support or maintenance payments after considering a number of factors, such as “the age and health” of the person who makes payments; the customary retirement age of that person’s occupation; “the economic impact” a reduction in alimony would have on the recipient of the payments; and the “motivation for retirement and likelihood of returning to work” for the person making the payments.

    Supporters said it will codify into law a court decision in a 1992 divorce case that judges use as a guidepost when making decisions about retirement.

    But, as with previous versions, opponents remained concerned that the bill would apply to existing permanent alimony agreements, which many ex-spouses accept in exchange for giving up other assets as part of divorce settlements."
