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Hopfgeist Hopfgeist

Safety Engineer, Dad, Husband, Pilot, Musician. Not necessarily in that order.

Ingenieur für funktionale Sicherheit, Vater, Ehemann, Pilot, Musiker. Nicht notwendigerweise in dieser Reihenfolge.

Posts 35
Comments 241
Russian army vehicle from the 1970s destroyed by Ukraine highlights Russia’s struggle with replacing its battle-stricken tank fleet
  • That's kind of the point of the article, I guess. What is a museum piece doing on the battlefield?

  • How to fix my ZFS pool mistakes
  • Then why do you think manufacturers still list these failure rates (to be sure, it is marked as a limit, not an actual rate)? I'm not being sarcastic or facetious, but genuinely curious. Do you know for certain that it doesn't happen regularly? During a scrub, these are the kinds of errors that are quietly corrected (althouhg the scrub log would list them), as they are during normal operation (also logged).

    My theory is that they are being cautious and/or perhaps don't have any high-confidence data that is more recent.

  • Russian army vehicle from the 1970s destroyed by Ukraine highlights Russia’s struggle with replacing its battle-stricken tank fleet
  • The Leopard 2 was designed in the 70s. So for battlefield vehicle designs, that is not necessarily outdated. Most fighter aircraft in use today were desgigned in the 70s: Su-27, MiG-29, sure, we think they're old, but the F-16, F-15, F/A-18 are roughly the same age.

  • How to fix my ZFS pool mistakes
  • Bit error rates have barely improved since then. So the probability of an error whenr reading a substantial fraction of a disk is now higher than it was in 2013.

    But as others have pointed out. RAID is not, and never was, a substitute for a backup. Its purpose is to increase availability. And if that is critical to your enterprise, these things need to be taken into account, and it may turn out that raidz1 with 8 TB disks is fine for your application, or it may not. For private use, I wouldn't fret. but make frequent backups.

    This article was not about total disk failure, but about the much more insidious undetected bit error.

  • How to fix my ZFS pool mistakes
  • Let's do the math:

    The error-reate of modern hard disks is usually on the order of one undetectable error per 1E15 bits read, see for example the data sheet for the Seagate Exos 7E10. An 8 TB disk contains 6.4E13 (usable) bits, so when reading the whole disk you have roughly a 1 in 16 chance of an unrecoverable read error. Which is ok with zfs if all disks are working. The error-correction will detect and correct it. But during a resilver it can be a big problem.

  • US has urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian energy infrastructure
  • Bloody bigots (if true). This is a desperate measure by Ukraine, from which the UAF actually refrained as long as the US supported them!

    Now they don't and they don't.

    So give them the means for a meaningful defense (and offensive) on their own land, and they won't have to resort to strategic bombing. (Or droning, or cruise-missiling, or whatever it's called.)

    I know these are different parts of the government, but still.

  • US House Speaker promises to unblock aid to Ukraine but with significant changes
  • Don’t think Mike Johnson wants to help Ukraine though. This is just him stalling for time.

    Yes, I think this is exactly what it is.

  • US House Speaker promises to unblock aid to Ukraine but with significant changes
  • I really can't say. But I definitely think that the latest efforts by Johnson serve the explicit purpose of making the Discharge Petition less likely to succeed.

  • US House Speaker promises to unblock aid to Ukraine but with significant changes
  • It's a trap. If the House changes the bill, it has to pass through the Senate again, which is not guaranteed. This talk is intended to distract from the Discharge Petition that was initiated by a Democrat to approve the Senate's bill. The hardliner Republicans, first and foremost Mike Johnson, have made it crystal clear through their actions that they have no intentions of helping Ukraine. The Democrats built golden bridges by agreeing to border security measures which many of them find abhorrent, and by agreeing to combine it with help for Israel, which some Democrats also don't like at the moment. And still Johnson flatly refused to even consider it.

    Speaker Johnson says the right things ("No one wants Vladimir Putin to prevail. I’m of the opinion that he wouldn’t stop at Ukraine … and go all through the way through Europe. There is a right and wrong there, a good versus evil in my view and Ukraine is the victim here"), but his actions speak louder with a very different message.

  • Sidestepping Congress, White House Announces Ukraine Aid
  • That's just drawing from a special Presidential fund. I forgot the name. It is only a couple of billions in total, and must last for a year and for everything the administration wants to support without Congressional approval.

    And if the $60 billion main aid package is intended for a year, then $300 million is the equivalent of less than 2 day's worth.

    "A drop on a hot stone", as we say in Germany.

  • Fact checking: Social media users are claiming the West broke a 1990 treaty undertaking not to expand the NATO security alliance closer to Russia’s borders. It's false.
  • The very concept of "NATO expands" is misleading. NATO doesn't decide to expand. Countries that had previously been neutral apply for membership. Contrast that to how "Russkiy Mir" expands.

  • Local officials claim a UAV is responsible for an explosion at the Cherepovets Steel Mill, 800km from Ukraine.
  • Must have been someone smoking at work again, igniting that volatile molten steel.

  • Running NetBSD 10 Release Candidate 5!
  • My main server is slowly failing, and I have set up a replacement machine, and thought, back in September 2023 or so, I'll swap it in as the production server when NetBSD 10 finally comes out. So it has been running almost every RC of NetBSD 10 and I still suffer an occasional server crash on the old machine (the new machine with NetBSD 10 RCx has been solid).

    I still fully support the NetBSD release philosophy of "It will be released when it's ready", not being bound by any fixed time scheme. When release candidates contain known show-stopping errors, don't release it, plain and simple. I don't follow gnats (NetBSD bug tracking) closely, so I don't know what the issues are, but I'm sure they are important enough, even if it's just building or installing hiccups.

    Other than that, for my workload, there is no impressive speedup or anything, ZFS is still the same version, and still very slow deleting files; otherwise it's hard to tell, because the hardware is somewhat different.

  • The first visually confirmed loss of a "HIMARS"
  • Thanks. I'm not too good with Cyrillic letters.

  • The first visually confirmed loss of a "HIMARS"
  • Tragic, if true, but you need to work on your texts and captions. HIMARS is rocket artillery, not an "anti-aircraft missile defense system": High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System. And what is the caption in the video? PC30? BCY?

  • Russia Building More Dated A-50 Radar Planes Is Desperate But May Be Necessary
  • Saying it hasn't been built in 30 years is a bit misleading. Although the base Il-76 airframes may be that old, the latest substantial avionics upgrade (designated A-50U) is less than 15 years old or so (first delivery in 2011), which isn't too bad for military and aircraft systems. A lot of the E-3 equipment is older. That is not to say it is more capable than the E-3, it probably isn't, but I'd say a fully functioning A-50U should not be underestimated. It's even got toilets! Then again, it is also not clear to me that any "U" models are currently airworthy.

  • Russia Building More Dated A-50 Radar Planes Is Desperate But May Be Necessary
  • Also, for some comedic relief, there is a "Combat Approved" episode about the A-50. "Combat approved" is a youtube channel making unbelievably (though unintentionally) funny parodies of documentaries. Everything Russian is the absolute best, the old Russian stuff is decades ahead of anything the west is currently developing, etc. The impressive thing that they can say all this with a straight face. They have lots more of these hilarious episodes, plus dozens of short clips of aircraft landing and taking off, and some live-firing exercises.

  • Russia Building More Dated A-50 Radar Planes Is Desperate But May Be Necessary
  • I guess the question "why wouldn't they just build the A-100 instead?" has about the same answer as "why don't they just build thousands of T-14 tanks?". They can't. Partly perhaps because it needs Western electronics, which are difficult to obtain.

    That aside, restarting production of a large and complex aeroplane is going to take years.

  • Minus another Russian Su-34 in the east.
  • True, some will probably have survived, and some of those may even fly again (some percentage usually sustain disqualifying injuries during ejection). The A-50 crews probably had no way to bail out, though, regardless of where they were shot down.

  • Ukranian drone drops a note to a Russian soldier, ordering him to surrender, and he complies.
  • This is in such stark contrast to Russian soldiers, who capture and disarm Ukrainian soldiers, who have surrendered, and then shoot them. Yes, not all Russian soldiers, probably a minority, but still, there are now several documented cases (and almost certainly many undocumented).

  • Yamaha SY77 split voices: Sustain-pedal to affect only one Element?

    As the title says, I am new to the Yamaha SY77, and I'm making a split voice with piano on the left and sax on the right, and I want the sustain footswitch only to affect the piano. (How) can this be done? It was trivial on the DX7 II-D with a Split-mode Performance, but I can't seem to find a setting on the SY77.

    Having programmed the DX7 (II) for a long time, and having read the SY77 manual, I had no big trouble finding my way around the 77, but this one baffles me. I would consider it pretty vanilla to be able to sustain piano chords with the left hand and and then play unsustained lead lines with the right.

    In most respects, real-time-controller-wise, the DX7 II seemed more flexible, even though undoubtedly the SY's synth engine is much more capable.

    (Also posted to reddit, since the community is still a lot larger, but I'm willing to give lemmy a chance ...)


    Different "geometries" for same disk model?

    I know that for decades now, hard disks don't really reveal their actual internal geometry (which is complicated anyway, since inner cylinders may have fewer sectors than outer cylinders, etc.), and present fictional geometries to satisfy legacy software, but I found it weird anyway.

    I have a ZFS raidz2 NAS which originally consisted of 8x2 TB SAS disks and is now in the process of being live-upgraded to 8x4 TB (change disks one by one, resilver, change, resilver, etc ...)

    I now have four of the disks replaced, and in NetBSD they all report different geometries. They all report the exact same number of total blocks, so it's not actually an issue, but still strange.

    >sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <SEAGATE, ST4000NM0023, GE11> disk fixed > > sd0: 3726 GB, 330809 cyl, 10 head, 2362 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 7814037168 sectors > > sd1 at scsibus0 target 1 lun 0: <SEAGATE, ST4000NM0023, GE11> disk fixed > > sd1: 3726 GB, 348145 cyl, 10 head, 2244 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 7814037168 sectors > > sd3 at scsibus0 target 3 lun 0: <IBM-B040, ST4000NM0023, BC5P> disk fixed > > sd3: 3726 GB, 342419 cyl, 10 head, 2282 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 7814037168 sectors > > sd7 at scsibus0 target 7 lun 0: <IBM-B040, ST4000NM0023, BC5P> disk fixed > > sd7: 3726 GB, 341874 cyl, 10 head, 2285 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 7814037168 sectors

    Two of them are IBM-branded (although they are in fact all Seagate Constellation ES.3), so I might expect slight differences, but even those with the same branding and the same revision present different geometries.

    Anyway, probably just a curiosity, it will be interesting to find what the remaining four disks will show.

    I might add that the older 2 TB disks (Seagate Constalleation ES, IBM-branded) all show the exact same geometry:

    > sd2 at scsibus0 target 2 lun 0: <IBM-ESXS, ST32000444SS, BC2D> disk fixed > > sd2: 1863 GB, 249000 cyl, 8 head, 1961 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 3907029168 sectors > > sd4 at scsibus0 target 4 lun 0: <IBM-ESXS, ST32000444SS, BC2D> disk fixed > > sd4: 1863 GB, 249000 cyl, 8 head, 1961 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 3907029168 sectors > > sd5 at scsibus0 target 5 lun 0: <IBM-ESXS, ST32000444SS, BC2D> disk fixed > > sd5: 1863 GB, 249000 cyl, 8 head, 1961 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 3907029168 sectors > > sd6 at scsibus0 target 6 lun 0: <IBM-ESXS, ST32000444SS, BC2D> disk fixed > > sd6: 1863 GB, 249000 cyl, 8 head, 1961 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 3907029168 sectors

    flying Hopfgeist

    Jeppesen Shop Down? Does anyone know why?


    for a couple of days, now, (directly linked from has been down. The first days it showed a banner that it was "down due to technical issues", but since yesterday it just shows a banner saying "Jeppesen. A Boeing Company".

    Is anyone else here able to reach the shop?

    Is there any information about why, and how long this is going to last?

    I'm quite seriously confused and bewildered that the market leader for aeronautical charts could just "close shop" like that. The only thing I could imagine that would take so long is an attack where data could have been modified, including backups, requiring manual validation of all data.


    Dell T420 mainboard in T320? Differences? Heatsink? Air Baffle?

    I have two Dell T320 servers, which work great. But I'd like to have some more CPU power, so think about upgrading to the T420. It is almost the same, except that on the T420 main board, which seems to be otherwise the identical PCB, the second CPU socket is actually installed. (In the T320 it's just empty soldering points.) My question is: Is the air baffle the same, or do I need a new one if I swap out the main board? I am aware that I will need a second CPU heatsink.


    aviation Hopfgeist

    Five hours of AvGeek Gold: The D. P. Davies Interviews with the Royal Aeronautical Society Audio: The D. P. Davies Interview on his service in the Fleet Air Arm and the Handling Squadron during the 1940s

    AUDIO: The D. P. Davies Interview on his service in the Fleet Air Arm and the Handling Squadron during the 1940s. “The test pilots’ test pilot”, former CAA Chief Test Pilot D. P. Davies talks about his early career first training and then serving in the wartime Fleet Air Arm, including reminiscence...

    Audio: The D. P. Davies Interview on his service in the Fleet Air Arm and the Handling Squadron during the 1940s

    A four-part series of the interview with one of the greatest test pilots, D. P. Davies, conducted in 1992 for the Royal Aeronautical Society. Almost five hours of avgeek gold. (The other three parts should be listed at the bottom.)

    D. P. Davies is also the author of the seminal work about flying large airliners, "Handling the Big Jets".

    Although less well known, he is undoubtedly on the same level as Chuck Yeager and Bob Hoover.

    The level of expertise and adventure, combined with the British humour and understatement, makes this immensely enjoyable to listen to, despite the less-than-perfect audio quality.


    Flugtag Walldorf EDGX dieses Wochenende!

    1. Und 27. August 2023. !

    Kann selbst leider nicht da sein, aber es wird bestimmt großartig mit Kunstflug, Modellflug, Fallschirmsprung, etc.

    flying Hopfgeist

    Flugtag in Porta Westfalica. Video! Flugplatzfest Porta Westfalica 2023

    Ein kurzer Zusammenschnitt vom Flugplatzfest 2023 am Flugplatz Vennebeck (Porta Westfalica). Es gab Kunstflug (mit und ohne Motor), Rundflüge für alle (Motorflugzeuge, Segelflugzeuge, Motorsegler, Hubschrauber), Aussteller mit Elektroautos, eine Hüpfburg, und natürlich genug zu Essen und zu trinken ...

    Flugplatzfest Porta Westfalica 2023

    I finished editing the video of our aerodrome festival on August 12 and 13 this year. Enjoy and comment!


    Flugplatzfest Porta Westfalica 2023.

    Ein kurzes Video unseres Flugtags in Porta Westfalica EDVY. Gerne kommentieren und fragen.


    Möwe auf Langeoog Hopfgeist shared a post

    Möwe auf Langeoog. A seagull on the North Sea island of Langeoog

    Hopfgeist shared a post

    Davon flogen so viele so tief, dass der Schnappschuss nach nur ein paar Versuchen passte.


    Waffel-Fly-In in Leer-Papenburg EDWF Planespotting Leer-Papenburg EDWF

    Ein paar Highlights von einem Nachmittag in Leer-Papenburg. Es war "Waffel-Fly-In", deswegen waren einige Kaffeeflieger da, aber auch eine Pilatus PC-12, die aus der Schweiz angereist kam. Some highlights from an afternoon at Leer-Papenburg airfield. It was a "Waffle Fly-In", and so a few weekend wa...

    Planespotting Leer-Papenburg EDWF

    Leider war ich nicht selbst mit dem Flugzeug da, sondern nur kurz zum Kaffeetrinken und zugucken. Aber wie immer nette Gespräche mit anderen Piloten, unter anderem mit dem Eigentümer der kleinen Morane, ein Typ, den ich auch ein paar Jahre geflogen bin.

    Außerdem der Versuch, peertube etwas populärer zu machen, den youtube-"Ersatz" im Fediversum.


    Plakat / Flyer zum Tag der offenen Tür Porta Westfalica 12. und 13. August 2023

    Nachdem ich die Ankündigung schon vor ein paar Tagen gepostet hatte, gibt es jetzt den offiziellen Flyer.

    flying Hopfgeist

    "Flugtag" in Porta Westfalica on August 12 and 13 Tag der offenen Tür - EDVY

    Tag der offenen Tür 12. und 13.  August 2023   Fotos von früheren Tagen der offenen Tür:  KONTAKT PORTA – EDVY Tel: +49 5731 - 76 30 70 E-Mail: [email protected] OPS: +49 5731 - 76 30 69 OPS: +49 171 - 3680591 PORTA RADIO 130.640 MHz LANDEBAHN / RUNWAY 05 - Asphalt - Dim …

    Tag der offenen Tür - EDVY

    For anyone in the region, there are two days of exhibition, sightseeing flights for the public, aerobatic displays and information about the local clubs, food&drink, RC model planes and more.

    Location is the public airfield Porta Westfalica EDVY near Hannover.


    GELÖST: siehe Kommentar. Sichtanflugkarten Deutschland in Garmin G3X Touch?


    ich versuche auf der Garmin-Website gerade rauszufinden, ob es für das G3X Touch DFS Visual Operations Charts gibt. Explizit steht das nirgendwo. Es gibt die ICAO VFR Charts (enroute), und Garmin "Flite Chart" Instrumentananflugkarten und "Jeppesen View" für die Jeppesen-Karten, aber DFS VFR-Anflugkarten?

    Ich hab alle unserere Geräte registriert, und sehe auch alle Angebote zu den einzelnen Datenbanken und Bundles, sehe aber nichts zu den VFR-Karten (außer wie gesagt enroute ICAO-Charts).

    Hat jemand hier auch eine G3X Touch-Installation und nutzt solche Karten auf dem Gerät, oder weiß, ob's die gibt? Das wäre hilfreich zu wissen. Ich hab derweil auch schon direkt bei Garmin angefragt.


    Android Auto won't connect: OnePlus 8T, LineageOS 20

    We have several phones in our family, and all connect just fine, but not the 8T. Two of the working phones are OnePlus 6T on the same LineageOS version. Are there known problems specifically with the 8T?

    The phone charges fine when connected to the car, but the car does not recognize an android auto-capable phone. With the other phones, the AA icon appears instantly on the car screen, but nothing happens with the 8T. We upgraded to the latest lineageos build and tried different cables but no change.

    The car is a 2019 Peugeot 5008 II, if that matters.


    Schnurgerade. Moderne Autopiloten sind großartig!

    Die von SkyDemon aufgezeichnete Flugroute unseres gestrigen Aus-Flugs von Porta Westfalica nach Rendsburg/Schachtholm. Der voll gekoppelte Autopilot GFC 500, vom Flugplan im G3X Touch gesteuert, zieht die Bahn wie mit dem Lineal gezogen.

    Ich fliege auf Rundflügen total gern selbst, aber auf Streckenflügen, wo auch das Ankommen wichtig ist, erleichtert ein guter Autopilot die Sache, und es bleibt mehr Zeit die Landschaft zu genießen. Immer ein Ohr am Funk, und regelmäßiger Blick auf die Instrumente bleiben selbstverständlich.


    Fliegt ihr lieber von Hand, oder mit Autopilot, oder seid ihr wie ich in der Gruppe "kommt drauf an"?


    Dümmer-Rundflug ab Porta Westfalica mit der PA-28-161 "Cadet" Kurzer Rundflug um den Dümmer

    Ein kurzer Rundflug ab Porta Westfalica EDVY, rund um den Dümmer, mit einer jungen Familie.

    Kurzer Rundflug um den Dümmer

    Ein Rundflug mit einer jungen Familie, die Omas Haus, ihr neues Zuhause und ihren Liebliengs-Ausflugs-See mal von oben sehen wollten.


    Noch ein Flugzeug, mit dem ich Flugbegeisterte mitnehmen kann.

    Diesmal nur ein kleiner Zweisitzer, aber dafür in erreichbarer Nähe von meinem Arbeitsplatz (der weit weg ist von meinem Wohnort), so dass ich mit meinen Kollegen die Welt von oben bewundern kann. Vorige Woche habe ich zusammen mit dem Charter-Checkout auch gleich meine Auffrischungsschulung zur Verlängerung der SEP(land)-Klassenberechtigung durchgeführt.


    Zeigt eure Flugzeuge, oder die eures Clubs / eurer Schule Hopfgeist shared a post

    Our Club's PA-28-161 Cadet on final approach to Runway 23 at its home airfield Porta Westfalica EDVY

    Hopfgeist shared a post

    Ich fang mal mit unserem Schulflugzeug an, einer Piper PA-28-161 "Cadet", hier im Endanflug. Die Cadet ist eine "Zwischen"-Variante des PA-28 Basismodells "Cherokee", mit dem neueren sich verjüngenden Flügel und dem altem Rumpf mit nur zwei Fenstern pro Seite, angetrieben von einem 160 PS-Lycoming O-320. Es hat den "Steig"-Propeller für gute Startleistung auf Kosten von ein paar Knoten Reisegeschwindigkeit.

    Antwortet direkt hier, oder macht einen eigenen Post auf.


    [Feature request] Home Button in all views

    Many news apps also have this issue: when I follow links for some time, basically surf the fediverse, it is awkward to return "home": you have to traverse your entire journey backwards. It would be nice to have the taskbar at the bottom all the time, maybe configurable or with auto-hide. Or maybe I am missing something.

    Other than that, very impressed so far! 👍 Great work!

    flying Hopfgeist

    PSA: in EASA country, your "flight review" can be done earlier than you may think.

    According to EU regulation 1178/2011, the only condition is that you have at least 12 takeoffs and landing and 12 hours (of which 6 as PIC) and one hour total flight time ("block time") of "refresher training" within the last 12 months before the end of the validity of the single-engine piston and/or touring motor glider class ratings.

    As far as I can tell, the one hour of refresher training doesn't even have to be one contiguous flight, but can be spread out over multiple flights.

    Only a proficiency check (i. e. checkride with official examiner, which is required if you don't have the prerequisite flight time) needs to be performed within the last 3 months before expiry.
