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GustavoM GustavoM

Definitely Not GustavoM. :^)

Posts 67
Comments 888
Can I install linux on this?
  • Even a potato can run linux if you try hard(er) enough.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • I'm typing this from my orange pi zero 3 w/ dietpi installed... aaaaaaand I don't really "hate", but more like "not care about it anymore". Sure, its privacy concerns are truly a nightmare, but eh. It's good to have options, that's all. Even if one said "options" can be more harmful than good.

  • Having a bunch of beers rn & trying out Debian for the first time. Will I have regrets? 🤔 happy Saturday to all, drink something delicious today 🍻
  • It may feel tasty and great today... but it (definitely) won't feel great as much in the future. Have some respect on yourself and drink something healthy instead -- there are better ways to have fun than that.

    That aside, Debian can be very user friendly just like any other distro -- I say go for it.

  • Custom Linux Distribution just for Gaming
  • Nah, that's a preconfigured distro.

  • Preview of the upcoming Banana Pi BPI-M5 Pro Features Octa-core Rockchip RK3576 with 6 TOPS NPU
  • Looks promising. Hope it has a power draw close to the rpi 4 one.

  • Anti Malware with Linux
  • Not really a "anti malware" per se, but you can always set up a separate linux device (like a orange pi zero 3) and set it up as a network ad blocker with nextdns (which apparently it can be (also) a "anti malware" -- which I haven't tested if it is legit or not, but eh.).

  • Linux geeks cheer as Arm wrestles x86 • The Register
  • For me, arm has already "won" this debacle -- convenience > performance all day errday.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • To use (and enjoy) Linux properly, you've got to "unlearn" several things including the bad habit of expect everything to "just werk". If you are expecting to "double click your cares away" on Linux, then it's (very) likely you'll be disappointed.

    With that aside, your best bet is to go for Linux Mint and not Arch Linux.

  • Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! GustavoM

    How do I enable drm support for panfrost?

    Title. More specifically, for the orange pi zero 3. It has a mali-G31 gpu. Thanks in advance.


    Editing (or running) file(s) regardless of current directory. [Cli tip]



    ``` $photoortexteditoryoulike $(find / -iname incompletefilenam*)

    ``` Running;

    ``` exec $(find / -iname incompletepackagenam*)


    Interacting (copying, moving, etc);

    $desiredinteraction $(find / -iname desiredfileorpackag*) /desired/output/directory

    It may be a "not-so-attractive" tip for most of you, but I find it really useful when I want to edit a specific file (that is located alongside several ones, like a picture or a text file). Or when I've finished compiling something and I want to find the binary file asap. Saves me lots of time on really slow pcs (like a rpi zero).

    how to move to a new computer?
  • tl;dr:

    dnf list installed > $anydir/meow

    On new computer, with fedora installed and the meow file;

    dnf install $(cat $anydir/meow)
  • The Raspberry Pi 5 is no match for a tini-mini-micro PC
  • Convenience > performance all day errday so the rpi 5 takes the cake.

  • Saw a nazi today
  • Ah, yes... the perfect example of "Everything I don't like is Hitler" and "If you type 666 you'll become Satan!".

  • Video games play YOU (not the other way around)
  • If the game offers me a possibility of doing (something) for a (reward) -- I will do it if it is fun and engaging, not because of the reward alone. Which (somewhat) makes "the game play me", but hey... this can (also) be applied at every other situation in real life as well.

  • Titus' Linux Problems
  • You are in an environment where the downvote button exists as a self-validation/relief method rather than flagging off-topic/unrelated/low-effort/etc content as "bad".

  • How bad is Microsoft?
  • The majority are simpletons which (also) love simple stuff. That's why.

  • How bad is Microsoft?
  • One word:


  • What is the quickest and simplest to get RetroPi?
  • For when you are running an "obscure" distro and/or sbc (like say, dietpi and orange pi zero 3).

  • Dealing with games that just won't run on Linux
  • A "ez" solution would be simply stay on Windows and leave Linux as a novelty. A somewhat complicated solution -- double booting (apparently Windows can be a privacy nightmare even while dual-booting). A quite hard one would be installing Linux and running Windows on a VM with GPU passthrough. The "are you bleeping kidding me?" approach would be buying another PC just to run Linux while leaving your "main" PC for Windows.

    "Is there a sane approach for this?" -- yep, there is! Which is, buying a console and use it solely for gaming while leaving your main PC for daily browsing and everything else (i.e Linux).

  • What is the quickest and simplest to get RetroPi?
  • I've got a rpi 4 w/ 2 GiB of ram and it runs fine.

  • What is the quickest and simplest to get RetroPi?
  • 1- Clone this repo:

    2- Run

    3- Choose "install retropie"

    4- Run "emulationstation" after installing

  • Is it possible to parse a rss reader through ffplay?

    Title. Basically, a lower panel that shows the latest news, etc (fetched from a rss link or a sequence of rss links) while scrolling left (ala CNN). Why? I'm trying to make a "smart clock" of sorts that shows a live stream, a real time clock and -also- the latest news -- all crumbled together in a single screen.

    I'm using a orange pi zero 3 w/ Dietpi installed. And due to the expected "crazyness" of this idea, I had to resort to you guys.

    Thanks in advance.

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! GustavoM

    Is there a "one size fits all" solution for fstab optimization?

    Title. I'm trying to come up with a fully functional, optimal yet read-only scheme for fstab and I could use some pointers.

    Thanks in advance.


    Palworld in a nutshell.


    Has any of you ever tried the "Ragnok 2 gun mouse"? If so, how good is it?

    Title. Been using "conventional mouses" since a while, and I'm in the mood to try something new. Even so considering its a ergonomic mouse that won't screw my wrists even more while gaming(I'm over 40 y/o).

    There are plenty of reviews for it on the internet ( for instance) but I'd like to hear some "real world" reviews about it.


    Can I damage or even kill a sbc if I use a power supply with a lower amperage than what is recommended/expected by the manufacturers?

    Title. In other words, sbc recommended/optimal power supply is 5V4A but I use an 5V3A instead -- will it damage or kill the sbc? The reasoning behind this is "an direct undervolting towards the system, for lower power draw and temps".

    Thanks in advance.


    Can't grasp the idea that I need more than an adblocker for docker.

    I know this seem like a typical "Your opinion man" post but honestly, is there anything really useful beyond hosting an adblocker? (read: complementary, not found elsewhere, that enhances own's personal needs and/or life as a whole). And yes, I'm aware of what can be hosted -- picture editors, video editors, webtops, dhcpcd, emulators, and so on.

    But the question is -- why I'd need all that if these stuff can be found on any ordinary PC out there? Even phones. Hell, even on a smart tv. That is like "trying to reinvent the wheel" for no necessary purpose other than "to look cool". There's also "because its fun", but is it really fun doing pretty much the same thing over and over again? There isn't a "learning gap" between these hosting options -- all of em have (pretty much) the same procedure to get things running.

    With that said... I've been trying really, REALLY hard to host more stuff but I can't go beyond hosting (only) an adblocker.


    I'm looking for a command that is similar to cpupower, but for gpu (or even both -- gpupower?systempower?)

    Title. Something that is minimal, has a daemon and a very KISS config file. Bonus points if it also has a "generic" setup (works for all pcs but its not optimal? So I could run this on my sbc.)

    Thanks in advance.

    -EDIT- Forgot to mention that I've got both AMD cpu and gpu.


    "Combokeys" instead of hotkeys. [Feature/new command suggestion]

    Title. Basically, "if a street fighter gamer and a linux tryhard had a baby" where a combination of keys is issued to run a command/script rather than a single or a simultaneous stroke of two or more. i.e left, down, left, right arrow keys, R_CTRL to run Firefox. Right, right, Up, right arrow keys, delete to power off the PC, etc.

    Don't know if such command exists, but there you go.

    Bonus points if its a standalone and supports X11, Wayland and Arcan.


    How do I completely negate disk writes?

    Title. Asides from setting the whole disk to read-only. (It's not an option since apparently docker dislikes that for some reason.). I'm trying to increase my microsd's lifespan.

    For instance, here's my current /etc/fstab

    >tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,size=10M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/log tmpfs rw,size=10M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/run tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/spool tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/lock tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    > tmpfs /var/cache tmpfs rw,size=0M,nr_inodes=5k,noexec,nodev,nosuid,uid=gus,gid=notgus,noatime,mode=1700

    Thanks in advance.


    Just switched from a Raspberry pi 4 to a Orange pi zero 3 and the difference is significantly better.

    Title. I'm rocking the exact same setup as it were on my Raspberry pi 4 (nextdns running on docker, a livestream playing 24/7 on ffplay, ufw, sway, alsa-utils) and the difference is night and day compared to the rpi 4 (temps at 52 degrees versus 74 on my rpi 4 and cpu usage at 0 ~1% on my opi zero 3 versus 6 ~10% on my rpi 4).


    Have a pixelated bonfire to warm your night. (Image size is ~ 19KiB.)

    Nothing too shabby, but still. To run it you need docker, and after that just type

    docker run -it --rm --log-driver none --read-only --net none --cap-drop=ALL --security-opt=no-new-privileges defnotgustavom/pixfire4

    ...and you will be greeted with a little, small, very pixelated bonfire.

    "Why docker and not just a simple command?"

    Mostly because of those two flags: --read-only and --net none. Can't get better than this. :^)

    This also came up while in a self-learning process, but I don't want to "flex" it here.

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! GustavoM

    How do I compile a static binary from each programming language (Javascript, ruby, python, zig, etc)?

    Title. A cheat sheet for this would be lovely.

    Thanks in advance.
