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Grrbrr Mrrdrr
Posts 4
Comments 44
60 Percent Of Playtime In 2023 Went To 6-Year-Old Or Older Games, New Data Shows
  • Had a brief FOMO moment about Dragons Dogma 2, which luckily passed and i once more managed to put off upgrading my 1070.

    Funnily enough started to play the first "Kings Field" that runs at 20fps. Probably the same i would have gotten on DD2.

  • LocalSend - Share files to nearby devices
  • Burning physical bluray discs can take quite a lot of time.

  • Not what I subscribed for, but *are you kidding me*
  • No no, Monster blade is a popular pokemon ripoff.

  • How do you insulate your tech in winter?
  • Op, you have the xm3 model that had problems in lower temperatures from the release. I heard they fixed it way later with newer batches. I think owners of the old ones are stuck with disabling the touch-area in the app.

    I have the XM2 and XM4 and use them while riding a bike even when it gets really cold. No problems.

  • Files by Google ‘Important’ tab is shutting down soon, will delete files
  • There is a future where google buys it and adds a chat to it.

  • Gym headphones
  • Since the OP is asking for headphones and hates earbuds, i'd guess that you are suggesting the over-ear WH series.

    I tried running with them, the problem didn't even get to the sweat part. It's horrible to run with the sealed cans doing a "toilet plunger" like motion when your head bobs up and down. It literally pumps pressure your ears on every step. It's one of those "never again" -experiences. (EDIT: it's fine on elliptical machines though, it's what i use indoors.)

    What i have used for running though is the Koss portapro. It's good if there's not lot of environmental noises. Like if you're not running right next to a busy road. The wire is also a problem, thus i personally modded mine with a bluetooth receiver.

  • I hate Majora’s Mask!
  • I just started OOT a couple of days ago for the first time. After setting it to run 60fps and dual analog, it feels perfect. A fun adventure where every secret isn't so obvious and leaves room for imagination. The game suprises you often. I even like how it looks after disabling the texture filters.

    The fire sound of the torches are killing me though. The PC port has a sound switcher but i can't find this annoying ear-tearing noise from it.

    Plan is to try Majora next. I'm probably going to hate it like you as i don't really enjoy time-loop games.

  • Stories and 10 Years of Telegram
  • I think that it notified all of my contact list when i tried posting a story. Not doing that again. Removed it in shame.

  • Gadgetbridge
  • Bip here. Bought 2018. Have been charging it literally only once a month.

    It relieved me from the battery anxiety of my previous sony smartwatch that ran the full googles smartwatch OS. That thing lasted usually a day. Less if i did anything meaningful on it. It made me seriously think if it needed a watch that would do everything, but ended up doing nothing anyway because of the battery life.

  • is anyone else bothered by the lack of the 3 buttons at the bottom
  • I love the gestures themselves. I hate that they "try" to follow device orientation.

    It's a guesswork if the screen is rotated or if the media itself is just so. Also i've had multiple cases where the gesturebar is on the portrait bottom but the gestures are on the landscape.

    Oneplus did it correct when they had their own gestures. The gestures were always on the same spot regardless of the device orientation. You always knew where they were. Also i think they worked in fullscreen apps without first swiping the gesture bar out.

    edit: just wanted to add that i'm on android 12, i don't know if they are less finicky now.

  • Voyager for Lemmy Released on Google Play!
  • The back gesture is actually stopping me from using it. It registers both in-app back gesture and the operating system gesture at the same time. It skips the main feed with the two backs, goes all the way back to the communities screen and forgets where it was on the feed.

  • What does Lemmy lack?
    • Filtering posts with keywords

    User can specify keywords that are used to filter and exclude the users own subscription timeline from posts that include the words in the post-topic.

    For example: User adds the keyword "died" in the settings to a filter list. The topic "Great actor of movie X has died" will now not appear in the feeds. There also could be a more advanced version of this that allows to assign keywords to different communities.

    • Hiding posts manually

    In every post, the tools in the "three dot overflow"-menu should include an option for "Hide post", which makes that post disappear from the feed.

  • What does Lemmy lack?
    • Filtering posts with keywords and hiding posts manually.

    Certain topics cause unnecessary anxiety, on reddit they were easy to avoid with RES. Here the only way to remove a post from haunting you from your timeline is to block the poster, which is bit overkill.

  • How can I utilise my old Android device?
  • The re-usability of a phone is almost nonexistent thanks to the battery, that is a fire hazard. You leave it plugged in as a surveillance camera? Your home burns.

    If you can actually remove the battery and power it on without one. Just then is everything back on the table.

    If you can't? Recycle please.

  • Street­Complete: An app for those who want to contribute to OpenStreetMap
  • The slightly more hardcore version of r/place.

  • Turn your phone into a powerful Bluetooth keyboard and mouse (no servers needed)
  • While i adore the project. I tried it for a year and it got to the point that i had made a script to restart the process as the reliability of it actually working was non-existent. Off course it never worked when it could've saved some time. I usually ended up telegramming files.

    This was on android & windows connection maybe 1-2 years ago. Maybe it's gotten better. I haven't had to use it as the Motorola Ready For -desktop companion is doing good.

  • Turn your phone into a powerful Bluetooth keyboard and mouse (no servers needed)
  • I have several too. I still find usefulness in this as you can copy-paste text to the other device, like long passwords/emails. I would have killed to have something like this when i had to setup my parents smart-tv.

  • Turn your phone into a powerful Bluetooth keyboard and mouse (no servers needed)
  • I had to remove a previous saved connection from the pc-side.

  • Headphones Show: Normal People Try YOUR Favorite Headphones!

    I love seeing these. Honest reactions of normal people with untrained ears.

    Hd800s was priceless.


    Quacker is the fritter fork with a working timeline GitHub - TheHCJ/Quacker: A better way to browse Twitter

    A better way to browse Twitter. Contribute to TheHCJ/Quacker development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - TheHCJ/Quacker: A better way to browse Twitter

    Outoftheloop? Quacker and fritter are twitter clients with no sign-in.

    I had no idea that fritter dev wasn't going to implement the timeline back again. I was reading the Issues posts and noticed that they recommend that you try quacker, a fork which took upon the quest to fix it.

    It's currently only on the Izzyondroid -repo. Though, it failed to install on me, so i got the direct download from github.

    Post on removal of the feed:


    In the beginning, there was Koss

    Hey, it's not a headphones sub if there's no Koss-post. And since it's the brand that brought the first stereo headphones to the world. Why not start with that.

    These are mine, had several. Usually broke the cable, sometimes used the life-long warranty to get free parts.

    As i got more interested in headphones, the portapro wasn't quite good enough for in-door listening as it used to be. So i made "wireless" mod so i could have something decent while running.

    They are perfect, the tuning actually works better outside.

    • The mod was "designed" so that nothing was broken to archieve it. The cable is intact.

    • The BT-adapter is switchable, i have another one for instant full battery.

    • Adapter is in a weird angle to keep the if off my head. Found out fast how the head blocks signal and in wide spaces the audio would hiccup.

    • Headband has an adjustable locking mod, keeps from eating hairs.

    Reddit Mrrdrr

    Planning on blocking Try bing cache for random use.

    I was testing if i could check on older threads on reddit through google-cache, while my DNS is blocking completely.

    What i noticed is that google has been caching the new version of reddit and it behaves really badly on the cached version. Wayback machine is also as bad. !

    I installed the Web archives addon for firefox and tried the bing version, it was near perfect.

