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Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News
  • mpv? yt-dlp? mpv is a media player, kind of like VLC but more powerful and lightweight.
    yt-dlp is a CLI (command line interface) tool that allows you to download youtube videos as videos, videos without audio, or just as audio files.

  • Make the switch today before the Windows AI gains sentience
  • I feel like Apple would do a better job implementing AI features into MacOS than microsoft will do, and currently has done, with windows.

  • Drafts
  • Yes, please add an option to disable them.

  • Drafts

    Where can I find saved drafts?

    I would also like an option to be able to either ask if I want to save the draft or just turn them off entirely and not be prompted.

    [Feature Request] Subsciptiom secion in the communites menu.
  • I'm confused as to how the "hambbuger menu" is not intuitive. It's one of the first things people look for and if it is not there, they will see if the top right or left have a button that does the basically the same thing. And therefore, makes it one of the most intuitive things that an app like a Lemmy client can have.

  • [Feature Request] Subsciptiom secion in the communites menu.
  • Yeah, I was missing half of that part. I knew about the button but not the swipe to access. That would make sense.

    In that case, maybe consider a guide or short tutorial for when people first install the app. Or something in the settings page showing how things can be accessed and whatnot.

    Cuz a lot of this is stuff I probably would have never figured out and the same is very likely true for many others as well.

  • [Feature Request] Subsciptiom secion in the communites menu.
  • Well, when I first started using this and saw that a list of communities was in the menu of the top left button. After I logged in, I was kind of expecting that a list of the communities that I'm subbed to didn't appear.

    It would just make things easier and would be more intuitive for new users of this app. Especially since most other Lemmy clients have, and do, basically the same thing; have a user-subscribed section in that kind of section.

    Also, with bookmarks, you can only bookmark posts not communities.

  • [Feature Request] Post and comment gestures

    I made another post about how the only keeping me from using boost is not having the image above the title and everything else, but I forgot about gestures. Gestures are the primary thing keeping me from using Boost. I can get over the title being above the post's content but not having gestures is the real annoyance.

    I'd like the gestures to be basically the same as the Sync for Lemmy's gestures or Connect for Lemmy's gestures. Basically, from right to left, a short swipe can upvote, a long can be a downvote, and an even longer swipe can save/bookmark the post, or for comments the even longer swipe is for replying

    The actions don't have to be exclusively what I said above. It would be great if they were customizeable.


    [Feature Request] Subsciptiom secion in the communites menu.

    I would like to be able to change what communities are listed to the commuies I am subbed to or have a section at the top of the list to be the list of communites any given user is subbed to.

    True story: I left an entire pizza in a closed box unattended for 20 mins, I returned to seagull Hunger Games and no pizza
  • GOD DAMN! I knew seagulls were powerful. I didn't know that seagulls had the power to smell through chip bag plastic.

    This is especially shocking for someone who lives in the lower half of southern California, 30 minutes away from multiple beaches.

  • proprietary services be like
  • The audacity that people have to assume that you, me, or anybody has a head.

  • Text editor war
  • I HATE that I am still in the habbit of doing esc :wq whenever I want, or need, to save and quit.

  • Windows 10 keeps bugging me to use a Microsoft account
  • But you should be using Arch instead ot Mint.

    (I use Arch BTW)

  • YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
  • Yep, all front end or services.

    Also, I recommend giving Linux another shot. There are many distros that work as expected out of the box; The primary one I recommend is Nobara. Nobara is a Fedora based distro made by GloriousEggroll, the same GloriousEggroll behind ProtonGE and WineGE. It has a custom kernel with additional patches to help make the performance of some things better. It is a gaming focused distro, but that doesn't mean you can't use it for day-to-day tasks.

  • YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
  • NewPipe is a YouTube frontend (on android), it's like invidious minus the "instance" part, where it basically just grabs the video directly and just plays that. With NewPipe the video still gets views on YouTube's end, I don't think videos watched through invidious count towards the view count on YouTube's end.

    Freetube is something that I've seen and/or heard of once or twice; because of that, I can't really say what it is. It's definitely something that is either like NewPipe or Invidious. (I have only heard about it once or twice due to being a Linux user (I use Arch BTW) and stubling upon it's github repo.)

    I really only ever watch YouTube on my phone and because I'm an Android user, I have heard of NewPipe and been aware of it for quite a while. Invidious I know about for kind of the same reason. There's an Android app called LibreTube that is basically a frontend for Piped. (Piped is either an alternative to Invidious or is an instance of Invidious, or just straight up uses Invidious as like a backend. Don't entirely remember)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You Should. Firefox has gotten so much Better. Not to mention all the literal BULLSHIT Google has done and will be doing with their browser.

    The way Chrome works now, every tab is its own instance. Firefox, each window is its own instance.

  • [Hyprland] My setup
  • I am an Arch user and have been using hyprland on it for a while.

    I only asked about how it is on fedora cuz I've been considering switching to nobara. The only thing keeping me back is that I love to tinker. I know Arch is the best for that, but I'm considering dual-booting both with Nobara being used for gaming (although I will switch to like kde (x11), or i3 for gaming along with any graphically intense programs due to having an Nvidia card) and just about everythung else but will be keeping arch for whenever I want to like really tinker with something.

    Checked out that repo and may have to check it on a computer later.

    Thanks a lot!

  • [Hyprland] My setup
  • How has your experience been with hyprland on fedora?

    Since hyperland is bleeding edge and almost always requires like the latest versions of some packages, did you need to use packages from fedora rawhide, or use an older version of hyprland due to the versioning of hyprland's dependencies?

    What is needed to keep it well maintained? I know there's a copr repo due to being a package that is too bleeding edge, and assuming you are using the copr repo (that is mentioned on the hyprland wiki), does the hyprland package get updated whenever the dependencies, not including the build dependencies, are updated in the main repo?

    I would love to try it out, though I'm an Arch user, but it all depends on what needs to be done prior to installing it, or how much maintenance is required to prevent it from breaking or even just crashing.

  • [Hyprland] My setup
  • When I first saw the Asus ZenBook Pro Duo, my IMMEDIATE first thoughts were, due to the second screen it has, "That's cool. I wonder how well Linux would run on that?"

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "The Game" is a mind virus. The trick is that when you think of The Game you lose. When you lose The Game you must announce to the nearest people "I lost The Game," thus ensuring it spreads. There is no quiting and no winning. Your only hope is everyone in existence forgets about it.

    It blew up in popularity back in the 2008~2010 era of the internet when everything was cringe humor and lol random

  • there goes another afternoon
  • As an Arch user, BTRFS has saved me SO much pain, suffering, and time. BTRFS is a LIFESAVER!

  • Valve Is A Wonderful Upstream Contributor To Linux & The Open-Source Community
  • Not only would it kill steam, but also kill so many other applications. It could even just straight up kill Windows as a whole.

    Switching to Linux on all my computers was literally one of the best decisions I have ever made. Granted it was 5.5 years ago, but I'm glad I was able cuz microsoft started to get worse like a year later.

    What Microsoft started doing recently, pushing users built-in ads to use their products, makes me more glad that I'm a Linux user so I don't have to deal with Microsoft's bullshit.