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FuckBigTech347 FuckBigTech347


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Why does the right have a monopoly on paganism?
  • Completely agree, comrade. Religion is only a vector of attack to the socialist state, therefore It's in the interest of the working class to have a firm grip on it and eventually get rid of it. I can't see a world where socialism/communism and religion can peacefully co-exist.

  • What are your programming hot takes?
  • This isn't limited to JS. Too many times have I seen someone ask a question of how to do XYZ in language ABC where most of the replies were some form of "Just use this library bro" while not actually answering the question. And usually the library that's being suggested is some big monolith that implements a ton of shit that no one really uses.

  • You know what grinds my gears? Technology.
  • I'm at a point where any computer (including smart devices) that doesn't run a GNU/Linux or BSD derivative where I, the user, have full control over is completely useless to me. Proprietary OSs are so limiting, they're like a plastic toy hammer for kids in comparison to GNU/Linux, which is like a real metal hammer.

  • What's with the downvotes?
  • This and the Barbara Streisand effect as other instances are making threads and creating drama about us, which will lead people to look us up out of curiosity

    Literally how I found GenZedong. I used to browse latestagecapitalism and antiwork on reddit and kept seeing people shitting on "those authoritarian tankies over at GenZedong" which made me look it up out of curiosity. I think this is a net positive. Many people already have the right mindset but just need a lead to follow. And some may find their lead here.

    Personally I'm not bothered by people/bots/feds coming here to downvote us. On reddit downvotes are terrible because not only does "the algorithm" take the voting scores into account and tends to "hide" posts with a low score, but if your user's score is too low you're unable to post and comment in some subs. But on lemmy none of these things are true. Lemmy doesn't even keep track of a user's total voting score.

  • OpenKylin becomes China's 1st open-source desktop operating system (OpenKylin 1.0 released)
  • From my so far limited experience of playing around with it for 30 minutes in a QEMU KVM, it does use the apt package manager but a quick look at /etc/apt/sources.list tells that they use their own repositories. Looking through the repositories of what they have to offer it seems that they aren't just mirrors from another distro but actually maintain their own packages and port some Ubuntu packages. A look through their Kernel Config zcat /proc/config.gz tells that they compile their own custom Kernel as well. Also it doesn't use snap at all, but they do offer it in their repositories. And for some reason there is dockerd/containerd pre-installed and pre-configured on the base System. My guess would be that they use docker for the Mobile apps, but I can't verify this right now since every time I try to install a Mobile app from the Software Store it tells me that I can't run a VM inside a VM. And unfortunately I don't have some spare Hardware to test at hand atm.

    To answer your question; It seems like an independent distro utilizing the apt package manager and porting some Ubuntu packages. But I can't say for sure, since all of the documentation on their git repositories is written in mandarin.

  • Hexbear will be federating soon, there should be pinned post explaining it
  • Is there a specific date of when they will federate with us that I'm not aware of? Because I don't see anything other than "soon(tm)".

    Also there are a lot of people in that thread who don't seem to understand what lemmy/federation even is or how it works. Despite how worrisome some of their users and rules can be (CW on meat and milk products? That has to be ironic, right?) I'll still welcome all Hexbears if they follow the rules. I look forward to the day where our communities can finally interact with each other zoidberg salute lemmygrad flag hexbear

  • OpenKylin becomes China's 1st open-source desktop operating system (OpenKylin 1.0 released)
  • It claims to support the VisionFive2 SBC/JH7110 SoC which is made by StarFive.

  • OpenKylin becomes China's 1st open-source desktop operating system (OpenKylin 1.0 released)
  • I just copied the title from CGTN minus the text in the parenthesis.

    Still won’t make me abandond my Stalinist Stallmanist lifestylism


  • OpenKylin becomes China's 1st open-source desktop operating system (OpenKylin 1.0 released) OpenKylin becomes China's 1st open-source desktop operating system

    It signifies that China can lead the development of an independent operating system, says the head of the OpenKylin community.

    OpenKylin becomes China's 1st open-source desktop operating system


    Git repositories:

    I haven't tried it myself yet but I might give it a spin since it has a unique Desktop environment.

    What is bottom line marxism for you?
  • If bourgeois democracy is used as a tool by the party to reach and educate the working masses and grow the party then I can agree with that. What I originally meant was a marxist party obeying by bourgeois rules, to the point where the main focus becomes electoralism and everything else gets pushed to the side, loosing sight of its original goals and loosing the revolutionary spirit. Essentially taming the party and putting a leash on it, if that makes sense.

  • What is bottom line marxism for you?
    • No focusing on electoralism and bourgeois democracy. If a party that calls itself "marxist" tells people to vote that's a huge red flag.

    • Anti-Imperialism and Anti-Capitalism are an absolute must. If a "marxist" party doesn't recognize that capital is our common enemy and must be destroyed then they're a lost cause.

    • Revolutionary. A marxist party has to recognize that socialism can only be achieved via overthrowing the capitalist ruling class and implementing a dictatorship of the proletariat.

    • No Anti-AES propaganda (examples: siding with the Anti-China narrative on Xinjiang or Africa, saying the DPRK is a monarchy where people have no "freedoms", etc.). A marxist party should recognize AES countries for what they are, as any marxist should.

    • No Imperialist/CIA propaganda (examples: Putin is richest man and has a mansion the size of a village, Putin suddenly invaded a peaceful nation for no reason, Stalin was a gruesome tyrant/dictator who caused a famine, Lenin was a mass murderer, etc. )

  • What are your thoughts on Kremlin Games?
  • I briefly played China: Mao's Legacy. The UI design is awful and the game doesn't a good job at explaining the mechanics to you. But once you figure things out it can be addictive. I don't remember much of the story but I remember the game giving you a lot of choices for events. I haven't played any of their other games but they all look pretty similar in terms of gameplay.

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • On Linux you aren't just limited to a specific set of utilities, or a specific UI or Desktop. You can mix and match software to varying degrees. A desktop environment like MATE or XFCE comes to mind for something that resembles a Windows 9x-XP era desktop. Cinnamon and KDE Plasma are similar to Windows Vista-7. GNOME is like current macOS. All of them vary in terms of customization and theming. Most distros have all of these (and more) available in their software repositories and some distros offer multiple ISOs with different software and desktops pre-bundled. For example the Debian installer lets you pick which Desktop(s) you want and then downloads and installs all the required packages. But Linux Mint has 3 different editions each with a different Desktop environment (MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon).

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • So with, rust/Redox, does that use a different language for the terminal than other distros?

    It means that the RedoxOS system is written in Rust (Kernel, Drivers, Userspace, etc.). Redox itself is still just a POSIX compatible UNIX-like System similar to Linux. Which means you can run things like Bash on Redox just like on Linux. But unlike Linux or BSD, both of which are Monolithic, Redox follows a Micro-kernel design. For the average user this doesn't mean much really. But I wouldn't use RedoxOS as it is right now since it's still in its early stages of development. It runs on a limited set of hardware and is still pretty rough around the edges.

    If you just want an OS to use for things like web browsing, programming or writing documents then any up-to-date Linux distro will be your best bet. They all use the same software, with some minor exceptions. The difference is in the design.

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • Don't install Kali, Redox, ReactOS or Linux from Scratch as a beginner. Kali is a pen-testing distro that runs everything as the root user by default. It should not be used for anything outside of testing network infrastructure and should not be installed on anything but a USB drive. Besides all the software that is on Kali is also available on any other Linux distro. Redox is still in its infancy and not very usable on real hardware due to a lack of drivers and support. Similar story with ReactOS, except it's basically WINE but with a FOSS WinNT Kernel underneath. ReactOS can't even run 64-Bit applications yet (although there is an effort to get that working). With ReactOS you still get all the baggage and questionable design decisions from Windows, since that's what it's trying to mimic. Lastly, Linux from Scratch is a means to make your own Linux distro from scratch. It's not a framework, or a distro, or a set of tools but a piece of literature.

  • Should We Make Mosquitoes Extinct?
  • Same. I have all my windows covered with a mosquito net because otherwise I'd have them lurking around everywhere. Hate those bloodsuckers.

  • The false binary of pro/anti-windows
  • The real problem in your specific example is the fact that NVidia only distributes proprietary drivers and user-space libraries. If their driver was open like Intel's and AMD's then it too would be in the Kernel tree and abstracted by the same interfaces. And at that point you wouldn't have to worry about incompatibilities like the one you're describing.

  • The false binary of pro/anti-windows
  • I only ever see people who work on proprietary software make this argument. For FOSS this is a non-issue. If you have the source code available you can just compile it against the libs on your system and it will just work In most cases unless there was a major change in some lib's API. And even then you can make some adjustments yourself to make it work. Distro maintainers tend to do this.

  • Wisconscom lore
  • He did but it seems like it's gone now. There were only a few videos on there in which he did talk with his actual voice. I wonder why he deleted them. 🤔

  • Weebs and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
  • Of course 2 of them have a K-On profile pic.

  • If you have tech capabilities, I urge you to participate in coding for Lemmy (+ what happened to your posts)
  • I know a lot of C, some C++, some PostgreSQL and very little JS. But unfortunately I don't know anything about rust beyond writing a "Hello World" program. I am open to studying the language more. And I have absolutely no experience in Web Development. I would really like to contribute but I don't have a Github account and I don't plan on making one, since Github is owned by Micro$oft.

  • @[email protected] Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin with a cat sitting in a car in space while Stalin is watching from the moon
