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Chatty friend of the Fediverse! Moderator of m/dryherbvapes and m/quickstart


\#dryherbvapes #quickstart

Posts 17
Comments 93
v3pro didn't achieve full extraction with sticky bud
  • Thanks. I am definitely learning to pack more loosely.

  • Welcome to m/dryherbvapes! Come on in to this thread and introduce yourself, tell us what kit you are enthusiastic about at the moment, or just make small talk.
  • I just bought a globe bubbler so looking forward to running my mighty plus through water, though not sure I'd need ice for that. Have you tried a water pipe? What's it like through the bong?

  • What's your preferred portable dry herb vaporizer?
  • Mighty+ but use v3pro for stealth

  • Friday Chat thread
  • Thanks now I want a sausage roll...

  • 100 subscriber celebration thread! Tell us about your summer vaping plans!

    Welcome to all the new subscribers! Thanks for helping build this new community.

    We have an announcement to make which is @Loki has joined the mod team! He is also moderating m/vaporents but we figured it would be better for the kbin community if we joined forces.

    Now on to the fun stuff... what summer vaping plans do you have?

    I'm going camping in the Lake District with a few mates this summer and I'm going to be introducing them to #dryherbvapes for the first time as they are excited to try!

    Welcome to m/dryherbvapes! Come on in to this thread and introduce yourself, tell us what kit you are enthusiastic about at the moment, or just make small talk.
  • Welcome!!! What's your favourite vape? And do you use a waterpiece? I'm looking to get one for my mighty as a friend of mine struggles with the higher temps

  • Obsidian bubbler seems super expensive at Ā£199... is this just a bad deal or is it really that much?
  • Yeah I would need to get some good use out of it to justify.

  • New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July)
  • No but it's a frequently requested functionality. I think it would be great :)

  • New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July)
  • Thanks for the long and thoughtful comment. This is really helpful. I will do my best to take on board your points over the next few days.

  • New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July)
  • Ah ok thanks I understand now. Unfortunately there is no zero-click solution that I know of. The only thing I can offer is the one-click burger menu solution.

    I'm putting together a wishlist so I'll add it there :)

  • New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July)
  • Yes that's right, it's the 'tags' menu in the 'magazine panel'.

    I was considering making a separate guide for mods and just linking it from here, because it's already pretty long.

  • New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July)
  • Thanks! I was considering making a separate guide for mods and just linking it from here, because it's already pretty long.

  • New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July)
  • Please can you share a screenshot?

    Here's what I see what I select the burger menu while on the magazine.

    Maybe your screen size or text size is different to mine though.

  • New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July)
  • Thanks for pointing out, I've updated the how-to. Hopefully that covers it.

  • Is is possible to make clicking on thread titles take you the link instead of the post?
  • RIF had it best. Click the thumbnail for the link, and the post title for the other options such as view comments.

  • Question About Posting Images on Kbin
  • Testing posting an image from a photo hosting service

    Edit: it seems to work as an expandable embedded image when you use the ![Link text](url of image) method. Is that the one you used? If not did you try to use the other one (below the comment box)? I think that one doesn't work for posting from the web yet.

  • kbin logging itself out all the time
  • It does this for me too on mobile. I don't spend enough time on desktop to notice.

  • What's your idea of relaxation/a relaxing time?

    For me it's floating on my back in the sea on a on sunny beach, bobbing up and down on the gentle waves.


    What piece of kit or setup represents the pinnacle of your hobby/profession?

    Even if it's not expensive, Is there a high quality item every serious enthusiast owns?

    Or maybe it's a highly prized holy grail item you'd give your right arm for.

    Is there something you've had an eye on for a while and you're just waiting for an excuse to treat yourself?


    Where do you get your dry herb vapes from?

    It can be difficult to trust online (or even brick and mortar) retailers sometimes, so referrals are always nice.

    It's helpful to include the country they and/or you are based in, and any experiences you've had that made you happy to recommend them.

    If you are affiliated in any way to the company please be transparent and tell us, we won't be upset as long as you're honest :)


    /kbin meta Friend

    What do you think the default notification settings should be?


    Welcome to m/dryherbvapes! Come on in to this thread and introduce yourself, tell us what kit you are enthusiastic about at the moment, or just make small talk.

    Hi everyone. I'm a long time smoker but only recently got into #dryherbvapes so when I first joined kbin and I saw there was no community yet I immediately set one up. Since then a couple of other fellow communities have sprouted up but we need to support each other so we can all flourish, so check out the sidebar where I have linked them!


    What made you switch from combustion? Or if you are still on the fence, why?

    I'd tried a Volcano Classic a few times many many years ago but that was while I was mixing tobacco in with my herb and I was a heavy smoker.

    I actually thought the bag was quite cool but it obviously didn't offer the hit a joint does so I just went on with my life, but I always had that experience stored in the back of my mind.

    Fast forward a few years later and I quit smoking tobacco completely. I continued smoking pure herb joints but only very occasionally, because after years of smoking I wanted to take better care of my lungs. And every time I had a joint my sinuses would become inflamed.

    I remembered the Volcano experience but the only thing stopping me was the cost. I had no idea about the cheaper options at the time because I was super sceptical about getting some crappy low quality disappointment of a device. So after a bit of research and a lot of saving I took the plunge and bought a Mighty Plus a few months ago. Let's just say life has never been the same. Now I want to spread the good news to anyone who will listen, hence why I created this magazine!

    Are you considering switching from combustion? Maybe you've been using #dryherbvapes since I was just a twinkle in my father's eye! What's your story?


    Things new dry herb vape users say

    Although I am not new to using #dryherbvapes, I only recently purchased my own handhelds. Since then, due to their portability, I have had the pleasure of introducing several friends and family to the pleasure of the hobby.

    Here are a few comments I recall hearing from first-timers:

    > > > Wow, it tastes like the most intense beautiful colour green! > >

    > > > It's so much less harsh than smoking! > >

    > > > I love the ritual of loading and passing around! Shall we have another? > >

    > > > How does it work? It's so futuristic! > >

    > > > It reminds me of a bong hit, but you can pass it round like a joint! > >

    > > > It just feels healthier than smoking. How much was it? Oh well, I wouldn't mind if you just accidentally left it at my house! > >


    How I maintain and use my Storz & Bickel Mighty Plus (Mighty+)




    Every day items

    • Mighty Plus with standard charger
    • Hard shell carry case
    • Dry herb grinder
    • Rolling tray to catch wastage from the grinder
    • Small rectangular ceramic plate for emptying already vaped herb onto when I'm inside
    • Small metal cleaning pick (the pick came with the XMax v3pro, but you can use anything pin-like. Before switching to the pick, I used to use a tiny screwdriver head made for glasses,)
    • 2x standard Storz & Bickel brushes
    • 3x cooling units
    • 12x dosing capsules
    • Dosing capsule holder keyring
    • A small round pop up tin
    • Dosing capsule holder with funnel


    Deep cleaning

    • Ethanol (I've also used Isopropyl alcohol in the past with no issue, but Storz & Bickel recommend ethanol)
    • 2x small mason jars and a ramakin
    • A cotton cheese cloth
    • Q-tips / cotton buds
    • Spare mesh screens (both fine and coarse)
    • Small toolbox for spare parts (I also keep spare parts for my other vapes in here)




    It depends on the circumstances. When it's just me and my partner, I mostly use the dosing capsules, but not for the convenience, just to limit the size of the dose, albeit marginally.

    When sharing with 2 or more friends, I usually pack 2 or 3 dosing capsules for the convenience of not having to grind dry herb between sessions.

    I tend to avoid grinding a large amount ahead of time to fill more than 2 or 3 dosing capsules, because I prefer my herb freshly ground, and I like keeping it in bud form while in storage.

    I suppose if I go camping or on a short trip I will grind up a large batch of 10-12 dosing capsules just to save on space, and for pure convenience.

    Sometimes I use the funnel to help pack the dosing capsules (or to pack straight into the oven), sometimes I don't. I find the funnel useful in low light, or any other less than ideal refilling situations.

    Each session lasts a few minutes, and I always start at 180c. I give it a few seconds after it's reached 180 to warm up a bit, and then I give it a long gentle pull to get it going. Then I'll usually pass it or take another draw at 180 for more of the green flavoured goodness.

    From there I will temp step up 5c at a time until I reach my desired temperature. If I'm with friends I'll usually crank it up to the max 210 every time to get the most extraction.

    If it's just me and my partner I will sometimes only step up to somewhere around 190-200 rather than blasting 210. Cranking up to 210 delivers a much more intense effect, so it depends on what I'm doing.

    It's fairly obvious when the session's over mainly because you can taste it, but also because the cloud size starts to drop off.




    After every session

    The moment I finish the session, I take off the cooling unit and -- being careful not to touch the hot oven -- I turn the device upside down so that the dosing capsule falls on to a small ceramic plate to cool. If I am outdoors I tip it into a small round pop up tin to avoid having to put it on a rock or something where it might get lost.

    While the dosing capsule is cooling, I'll use a brush to gently clear any residue off the screen on the cooling unit.

    Then I hold the device upside down and lightly brush the inside of the oven, hoping that any toasted herb that escaped from the dosing capsule will fall out. Next I brush the oven's ceramic outer edge. Sometimes there is some stubborn residue that requires dislodging with the q-tip.

    Setting the Mighty Plus and its cooling unit aside to cool, I open up the spent dosing capsule over the plate. If I'm outside I'll just do it over the ground so as not to carry round toasted herb with me. I hear some people like to keep the leftovers but when I'm outside I prefer not to carry it around to minimise the smell.

    I'll then use the small metal cleaning pick to scrape out all of the herb. Sometimes to fully clear the capsule of herb I need to use the brush. Then I'll put the empty used dosing capsule in the small pop up tin ready for cleaning. Most of the time I keep my pick in the dosing capsule holder keyring instead of dosing capsules, because the pick is small and tends to be hard to find in the hard shell carry case.

    I've used dosing capsules 2 or 3 times before cleaning in the past with no issue. It's just that by the time I have used a dozen dosing capsules I tend to clean my Mighty Plus, at which point I might as well clean them too while I'm swapping over cooling units.

    I find that after the second or third use, the dosing capsules get a bit oily so need a clean anyway.


    Deep cleaning

    The cooling unit can start to get a bit oily after a dozen or so uses. I don't think it's strictly speaking necessary to clean it after that many uses if you are vaping regularly, but I'm a light user so I don't want to leave an oily cooling unit on my Mighty Plus longer than I have to.

    I just prefer to keep on top the cleaning and maintenance whenever I can spare a few minutes in amongst all the millions of other life tasks.

    I soak the dosing capsules and brushes in a ramakin containing a little ethanol, I dismantle the cooling unit and remove the screens, and soak the parts in a mason jar filled with just enough ethanol to fully submerge all the parts. Instructions for dismantling the cooling unit and removing the screens can be found on the official Storz & Bickel YouTube channel.

    After an hour or two, I use a fine mesh sieve/strainer to catch the clean parts while I pour the dirty ethanol into a clean mason jar to re-use. Next I wash the parts under a running water for 30 seconds, before placing all the parts on a flat cotton cheese cloth for a few hours to dry.

    While the parts are drying, I dip a q-tip in ethanol, and gently wipe the oven clean while holding the Mighty Plus upside down so that any loose residue falls out of the device.

    Once dry everything is dry, I'll reassemble the cooling unit and place it in my toolbox. The clean dosing capsules go in my dosing capsule holder with funnel. Anything that doesn't fit goes in the toolbox.


    Final thoughts


    Life is busy, so I am constantly trying to make a more efficient workflow, which is why I've picked up so much equipment. And it actually doesn't seem like there are too many bits and bobs because I keep things organised.

    I hope this was useful and I look forward to any suggestions or questions.

    \#dryherbvapes #dryherbvape #mighty #mightyplus


    v3pro didn't achieve full extraction with sticky bud

    Took my v3pro down the beach yesterday and it was the first time I've tried packing it with a stickier bud. Perhaps I packed it a little too much because the very middle was still greenish despite pumping it up to max temp for an extended period. Looks like the heat didn't penetrate that much. And it wasn't hitting as well as I know it can.

    I've had some good results with packing drier herb but next time I'll definitely be careful not to overfill with stickier bud.

    As a comparison I packed my mighty plus same bud and it browned the whole lot no issue and hit just as well as any other time I've used it. I guess that's why you pay a premium so it's no criticism of the v3pro, just a learning curve I guess.
