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Forester Forester

Based Jaded & Stoned

Posts 19
Comments 511
that's it that's the whole show
  • they're already in purgatory and dead soooo

    (Some of the characters are from the early 1900s while others are from the latter decades of the milinium)

  • Is it normal for men to be propositioned by swingers, and what makes a man an attractive candidate to swinger couples?
  • I mean that's actually right on point for biblically founded ideologies. Historically in the judeo-christian faith. It is expected that you were to take over the marriage of your brother if your brother died.

  • Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance, systematic review finds
  • It's really funny watching you squirm and try to weed your way out of this. How does it feel to be someone trying to preach about the greatness of vegetarianism and at the same time driving people away from it by just being a shitty person and disingenuous??? We both know if this was a your little fiefdumb you would have banned me four comments ago just like you did then there last time you had put your foot in your mouth.

  • When she says "go deeper" but you're giving it all you've got
  • You've tried balls deep but have you tried balls inside?

  • That’d be great
  • Make America LOVE again

  • Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance, systematic review finds
  • And pray do tell what would you call bone Ash when you rehydrate it and turn it into a drink.

  • Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance, systematic review finds
  • How do you not even read the articles that you post?

    You should work on that it's seeming to be a trend with your vegan fantasy posts.

    "But a diet of barley and vegetables would have left the fighters with a serious calcium deficit. To keep their bones strong, historical accounts say, they downed vile brews of charred wood or bone ash,"

    Bone ash is a material made by calcifying bones, then crushing them into powder.

  • Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance, systematic review finds
  • So does the fact that they were drinking bone broth for the calcium supplements make them murderers as well?

  • Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance, systematic review finds
  • Oh hi, I'm that other guy reading the article that actually hypothesizes that the local diet was heavy in barley and beans and that of the bones examined there were also two anomalous gladiators who are hypothesized to have pinned from other parts of the Romin empire that had a diet much heavier than average in meat.

    Shocking that a town in the middle of arid turkey had a higher consumption of plant-based materials that don't spoil as easily when compared to a more coastal or metropolitan environment that had better access to live markets.

  • Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance, systematic review finds
  • Let the man cook. I want to see what type of jambalaya he brings out

  • Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance, systematic review finds
  • Source please?

    Also, by plant-based do you mean that the diet can include meat-based sources of nutrition as long as that's not the main source?

    I am not saying that plant heavy diets are bad. On the contrary, I live with one but I still eat meat eggs and dairy and would expect ancient Romans with spending money such as Gladiators to do the same.

    Edit. Oh yes, tell me exactly how it works by downvoating me and not providing a source. I forgot that I was not in a place of learning.

  • 6/10 sandler supremacy
  • His range is amazing. I think it's because he's from the "Deep South"

  • Reddit mods ban for "not punctuating correcttly"
  • It's not arbitrary when the lead administrator is a blatant Hamas supporter...

  • Reddit mods ban for "not punctuating correcttly"
  • I don't know bro. I'm banned for 20000 days from 196 Why you may ask? Well, I said that "Hamas was totally okay with dead Palestinians. Just as Israel is totally okay with dead Palestinians. Both governments treat Palestinians like a currency to be spent.". The lead administrator a guy named Moss did not like me saying that. So I am banned for being a fuck ass for 20,000 days now.

  • What is happening to my Yucca palm tree?
  • That's normal. I'm glad I finally know what the fuck. This thing is called though. Mine is like 30 years old. Take a gander.

  • 32 percent of Americans believe a military regime or authoritarian leader would be a good way of governing the country.
  • Many plastics are very similar to endocrine signalers. Your body can't differentiate the two. exposure to plastic,%2C and reproduction (39). exposure to these types of chemicals can cause changes in expected phenotype expression. Sincerely, your local autistic bi, furry.

  • 32 percent of Americans believe a military regime or authoritarian leader would be a good way of governing the country.
  • It's the chemicals in the water. They do more than just turn frogs gay.

  • Yes a logical chain of events


    drink your media

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