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FirstSeaLord FirstSeaLord

Yes, I was Johannes Vermeer's muse.


Posts 4
Comments 36
Lotta Edholm satt i styrelsen för Tellusgruppen – medan barnen i skolan gick hungriga
  • Exemplet de tog upp var ju att barnen ville äta sig mätta på pannkakor (som var begränsade) och inte den tillhörande ärtsoppan. Däremot håller jag med om att det borde ha komplettas med säg oändligt med knäckebröd som väl alla i svenska skolan utsatts för. Det fanns bevisligen mer mat...

    (även om jag nog valde att vara hungrig framför ärtsoppa och det är inte oviktigt att maten är aptitlig för barn - men hade jag fått bestämma själv hade jag nog fått skörbjugg)

    Det andra exemplet var vegetarisk mat med låg mättnadskänsla, och det känns som det kommer från alla miljömål mm. Inget fel om man väljer det, men en vuxen som gör det kanske käkar mer i mellanmål tex.

  • The demographics of Kbin | Survey
  • I feel like separating gay and lesbian instead of just saying homosexual is cluttering things up. And idk, bisexuality is a thing?

    Edit: also, political leanings become somewhat nefarious when I don't know if you're speaking in "American terms" or not.

  • What do you use Vaseline for?
  • exzema and "slugging", ie cover feet in foot cream (or any other body part/cream type), cover that in vaseline and wear socks for a couple hours or overnight.

  • Turkiet säger ja till Sveriges Natoansökan
  • Åfan, kommer nog inte ropa hej innan allt är helklart och vi är medlemmar. Min tillit till Turkiet (och Ungern) har ju inte direkt påverkats i positiv riktning den senaste tiden.

  • Perikjaure - kanske Sveriges vackraste sjö
  • Japp, det var Alkajaure som jag tycker är himla fin!

  • Perikjaure - kanske Sveriges vackraste sjö
  • Japp, det var Alkajaure som jag tycker är himla fin!

  • Perikjaure - kanske Sveriges vackraste sjö
  • Börjar bli mer säker på att jag tänker på fel sjö xD

  • Perikjaure - kanske Sveriges vackraste sjö
  • Nu minns jag inte sjöarnas namn så väl, men är sareks kyrka runt "kröken" i höger på bilden?

  • Regeringen analyserar dom – vill skydda monopolet
  • Tror att folks inställning till monopolet beror väldigt mycket på hur frågan formuleras.

    Jag är för systemet eftersom jag misstänker starkt att utbudet skulle försämras radikalt i mindre befolkade landsändar.

    Men jag är för gårdsförsäljning, bättre öppettider och web-beställningar. Och för den delen så går idén om systemet emot mina liberala principer men principer kan man tumma på ;)

  • X-post from a kbin sister community: popsicle ombre :)
  • Thank you, I was going for a summer look for this weekend's pool party (in the rain ofc...) :)

    And matte finish was on purpose. I find that it hides slight imperfections in gradients really well. (also, I'm partial to a matte finish in general)

    But I mindlessly hit my hand on something hard enough to chip off a large piece. Really, I should've emptied the dishwasher before I painted my nails... Sigh!

  • Calling these "popsicle ombre"
  • ... aaannnd I've scuffed it. Rip. Some somewhat ugly Kintsugi-inspired fixes on the way.

  • X-post from a kbin sister community: popsicle ombre :)
  • I'll write what I wrote in the other community. Some nail art should not be shown up close. xD

  • X-post from a kbin sister community: popsicle ombre :)

    Calling these "popsicle ombre"
  • Proof also that some sheer nail art looks best from a distance. Very hard polishes to work with!

  • Show me your nails! FirstSeaLord

    Calling these "popsicle ombre"

    A few questions about how kbin works
  • Here you go, it's in the sidebar! On the mobile version it looks the same but atm it's below all comments/posts (which I don't like, but there's fixes for that too)

    It looks the same for users. (and maybe for whole instances? I've not tried that)

    I'm assuming the language tags will eventually mean that you can say filter out German or whatever as well :)

  • Artemis private beta rollouts have begun!
  • I'm just going to start calling myself "Goddess of the hunt" xD

  • A few questions about how kbin works
  • So, I'm no expert. But my understanding is that

    1. that's intended (because you're subscribed to a "kbin mirror" of the OG community if I got this right)
    2. yes, "@[email protected]" or for lemmy instances "@[email protected]" (didn't want to use an actual user name here youknow)
    3. idk, probably/hopefully?
    4. yes, under settings/general/appearances you can change that.

    edit: what I'm personally waiting for is the opportunity to search with wildcards. So like "@news@lemmy.*" for all lemmy instances with communities named news.

  • Request: userscript that movies magazine (subscribe, block, etc) info from below all comments/threads.
  • Realizing now that this seems to be an "web on mobile" problem exclusively (on that front tho, can userstyles be used on android phones?)

  • Request: userscript that movies magazine (subscribe, block, etc) info from below all comments/threads.

    See title.

    It wouldn't surprise me if this already exists ofc :)

    I mostly want to be able to block annoying magazines without seeing all is contents (say for NSFW stuff that's not tagged as such)

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If you just wanted to avoid the "log in to see more" I'd recommend nitter, it scrapes Twitter and skips all those annoying things.

    But alas, for now at least Twitter broke nitter by requiring ppl to log in to even read tweets. Hopefully that'll be fixed?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Literally got revanced on my phone justa couple hours ago. Feels good!

  • Steam Summer Sale 2023 Recommendations Thread
  • Stardew valley is great, no regrets! Also it has a good mod community. (both game extensions and qol stuff)

  • /kbin meta FirstSeaLord

    Language options in threads

    Hopefully this isn't the completely wrong place to ask this...

    So, my native language is not available as a flag when I comment/make a thread etc.

    How would I go about so it comes to it being a thing?

    Am I right in assuming that the idea is for users to be able to filter based on languages they understand?

    So in my case Swedish and English (not sure if this would be advisable but still)
