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FanCityKnits FanCityKnits 🇺🇦🧶

Spinnen, stricken, häkeln, weben - mit Fasern und Garn kreativ werden. Stricken und Häkeln habe ich als Kind gelernt, Spinnen kam ca. 2005 dazu und 2021 dann auch noch weben.

Spinning, knitting, crocheting, weaving - give me fiber or yarn and I'll get creative. I learned to knit and crochet as a child, started spinning about 2005 and 2021 the weaving bug bit me.

\#knitting #spinning #crochet #weaving #Handarbeiten #stricken #hakeln #fibercraft #wool #yarn

Posts 1
Comments 8
Tips on tensioning continental?
  • @Emotional_Series7814

    It's sometimes easier to spot problems when you watch someone doing the thing.

  • Tips on tensioning continental?
  • @Emotional_Series7814

    Try using different methods of working the yarn around your left hand. I have a "standard" method, but some yarns need more or less tension to run smoothly through your fingers, so I adapt.

    Different material for needles, different types of needles maybe. I find it easier to knit evenly on circulars. Play around with needle size as well.

    Another thing is your "inner tension". It's easier to knit evenly when you're relaxed.

    Could you ask another knitter in person?

  • Sweater curse
  • @CrayonMaster
    I think it's confirmation bias.

    A lot of relationships break up at some point. A lot of people knit or crochet or quilt (I've seen this as blanket curse, too). So of course sometimes this breakup will happen just after a big project has been finished and gifted.

    Once you start asking around the internet some will have experienced it, some will have heard of a case where it happened ➡️ a new meme is created.

  • Anyone else make spreadsheets for their projects?
  • @thegiddystitcher

    I've been known to do that ... Every once in a while. To keep track of stitch count and yarn used at each step.

  • A new ( pattern is available. I had planned to release it in December but ... Things happened.

    A new #knitting pattern is available. I had planned to release it in December but ... Things happened.

    Anyway - Taya Socks! A free knitting pattern.

    A combo of half brioche and stockinette, 4 sizes, my favorite heel construction.

    Let me know, if you like it. And if you try it: show us pictures.

    Also on ko-fi

    \#selfpromotion @knitting @fiberarts #sockknitting #knittingdesign #knittingpattern

    Appeal to the hive mind
  • @weirdsquid

    Washing with live sts is definitely a good idea. If you have to continue, you can just start again and if you have to unravel there's at least no bind off to unpick. I'm generally using metal needles, which I just leave in, if I have to wash before something is finished.

    And on the swatch - I feel you, I like to live dangerously myself ...


  • Appeal to the hive mind
  • @weirdsquid but mohair can be tricky to unravel at the best of times. Taking it through a washing / drying cycle can make that worse. So I'm careful here with that suggestion.

    Can you get some of the yarn, even in a different color and make a swatch and go from there? Maybe someone (ravelry?) has a small leftover and is willing to part with that.

  • Appeal to the hive mind
  • @weirdsquid

    There's a good chance it will grow: silk certainly does and mohair has little memory, so will go along with what the silk does.

    So without having a swatch it's hard to determine how much it will change because how loose / tight your gauge is has a great influence on that.

    Normally I'd suggest washing and drying the garment as it is - treating it like a giant swatch basically and then determining
    - how much additional length your sleeves need
    - how much you can take off the body

  • 85% Of Car Drivers Break 20mph Speed Limits, Reveals U.K.’s Department For Transport
  • @giggls @TDCN @Showroom7561

    They probably have to go after the person who lost the car for compensation.

    I'm in a car sharing co-op in Germany and if I loose the vehicle because of recklessness I'd need to pay up for that.