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How to fuck up your children for life - part I.
  • Of course. That explains why when day transitions to night you see the Sun zoom off into the distance until it diminishes to nothing, with the Moon zooming in from the opposite direction until it's big enough to see.

  • How to fuck up your children for life - part I.
  • It's one of the meatballs, isn't it?

  • twitter: what's happening
  • You don't get to be that rich by paying bills.

  • Decentralization Revolution: Reclaiming the Internet's True Vision from Big Tech's Grasp
  • As a long-time cryptocurrency observer, it is going to be very amusing (in a bitter sort of way) seeing everyone discovering that they're trying to solve the same problems that cryptocurrencies have been working on solving for over a decade now. And then finding all sorts of ways to contort themselves into solving them differently from how cryptocurrencies did it so that nobody can accuse them of being "crypto bros" or whatever, even though the technology is perfectly applicable as-is.

  • Please remember to support the ongoing effort to archive Reddit!
  • I'm now seeing reports over on [email protected] that people who have deleted all the comments from their accounts - even those who did it years ago, not just in the past few weeks out of protest - are having all their comments reappear again. This apparently also includes comments that were overwritten with edits.

    Scummy behaviour from Reddit, but a potential boon for archivists. People who are running backups or maintaining archives of Reddit comments might want to take this opportunity to re-check historical deleted comments to see if they can be collected now, in this remaining window of API accessibility.

  • If fully switching to Lemmy is being harder than you thought, it's perfectly fine to use both Lemmy and Reddit for the time being!
  • Personally, I'm not finding Lemmy/Kbin to be difficult and I still plan to use both until old.reddit finally goes away. It's a transition, not a switch being thrown.

  • "Lemmy Explorer" a new website to explore Lemmy communities and instances
  • Nice. Any plans to include kbin instances as well?

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News
  • Of course, the people of the Donbas were just sitting there peacefully doing nothing when all of a sudden the Ukranians started shelling them. That was the start of the military action, silly me. Good thing all those vacationing Russian soldiers happened to be there a the time to defend them.

  • So, how do we think this ends?
  • I think we'll see a temporary "return to normalcy" after the protest finishes and most subs come back online. But come June 30 and the end of third-party apps, we'll see a bunch of users come back to Lemmy/Kbin again.

    In a way, this seems like the best way of driving things. The protest has raised awareness and got a ton of development work going, and then there's going to be a respite giving instances time to prepare themselves for the second surge.

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News
  • I wish the AFU had the courage to not waste the lives of their soldiers and come to the negotiating table so that no more lives are senselessly wasted

    What's to negotiate? Russia has seized Ukrainian territory. Ukraine wants it back. There's nothing for Ukraine to concede.

    The only side "wasting" lives here is Russia, if they'd just go home the war would be over. Ukraine's not going to try seizing any Russian territory.

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News
  • How dare the people rise up against their rightfully-installed rulers and decide they want someone else. What did they think this was, a democracy?

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News
  • Anyone that "knows" they will completely overpower Ukraine apparently stopped paying attention to reality many years ago. They've been proven to be incapable of it.

  • Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News
  • Russians, without any double meanings that Russian sympathizers could jump in and say "aha, racists!" or "aha, russophobes!" over.

  • Ukraine counter-offensive actions have begun, Zelensky says
  • The tenth anniversary of this war is next year.

  • Ukraine counter-offensive actions have begun, Zelensky says
  • A common pattern among Reddit alternatives has been that their initial population has been some particular group that has been driven out of polite company for some reason. Voat had the Incels and Trump supporters, for example. Lemmy happens to have been started by authoritarian fans. The difference is that Lemmy is open and finally the "normal" Redditors are coming. So I expect them to flood out the niche folk soon enough.

  • this is so bittersweet...
  • The ones that are permanently blacking out are the hardest. I kept telling myself that if nothing else, at least I could visit the pale shadows of the old places I enjoyed via desktop. But /r/dndmemes is probably closing forever and I wasn't quite ready for that.

    There's /c/[email protected], though, and perhaps others eventually. So the magic may someday return.

  • this is so bittersweet...
  • The ones that are permanently blacking out are the hardest. I kept telling myself that if nothing else, at least I could visit the pale shadows of the old places I enjoyed via desktop. But /r/dndmemes is probably closing forever and I wasn't quite ready for that.

    There's /c/[email protected], though, and perhaps others eventually. So the magic may someday return.

  • Welcome!
  • Nice. I was just reading the various "farewell and thanks for all the fish" threads over on /r/dndmemes and getting a bit misty-eyeed, and seeing that this is here makes me feel rather a bit better.

    I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.

  • Reddit CEO: We're Sticking With API Changes, Despite Subreddits Going Dark
  • It's not surprising, but IMO the shutdown is still worthwhile. It's shaking people loose to start looking for alternatives, and giving those alternatives opportunity to shake themselves down too. We're not quite ready for a Digg-style implosion yet. It may come more gradually this time.

  • Content deleted by creator due to tolerating brigades from hexbear
  • Just checked and it's at 1/3 of the planned shutdowns now.

  • datahoarder FaceDeer

    Is there a Pushshift equivalent for Lemmy?

    I'm curious, since one of the first casualties of the Great Reddit API Debacle was Pushshift, whether there's already any sort of equivalent for Lemmy.

    If nothing else, I could imagine a pushshift-like "instance" whose actual purpose is just archiving everything from the instances it's federated with.
