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FJW Fiona

German trans woman (female pronouns) pursuing a cryptography-PhD in the Netherlands.

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Goodbye [System32 Comics]
  • I’m not saying it’s an easy line to draw because you obviously don’t want to create incentives for bad journalism, but don’t want to make it too high of a bar to get into in the first place. I think you’d need to take things like the number of readers, the factuality of headings and content, the originality and the investigative value into account and be able to at least temporarily cut of bad outlets that spread fake/hate/… while at the same time ensuring that inconvenient truths make it out.

    It’s not an easy task, but I feel there is more room to get somewhere useful than with the current model of billionaire-owned media that outdo each other with rage-bait and inaccurate/misleading/falsly balanced/biased reporting…

  • Goodbye [System32 Comics]
  • The honest answer are general fees like they are used for public broadcasters. It’s not a perfect system either and it requires significant effort to keep things neutral, but overall it seems to have the best results if you compare the quality of the outcome.

  • Initiative will Teslas Cybertruck in Europa verhindern
  • Also eigentlich wollte ich ja vorschlagen dass Jeder der sich so ein Auto kauft während des Zulassungszeitraums regelmäßig Testosteronblocker nehmen müssen sollte, damit niemand auf die Idee kommt sich sowas zu kompensationszwecken zu kaufen…

    Aber dann ist mir aufgefallen, wie viele Transfrauen sich dann für so ein Auto in Schulden stürzen würden, damit sie endlich offiziell T-blocker bekommen können…

  • HRT advice: When to start?
  • casodex

    From what I found that is a brand name for Bicalutamide (“Bica”). AFAIK it is a competitive antagonist for the androgen-receptor, which means that it will bind to all the places that Testosteron would bind to without activating the “sensor”, thereby preventing Testosteron from doing the same with effect. The consequence of this is that your T will actually increase, but still not pose any problem if your dose is high enough. The difficulty is then, that you cannot really measure whether your T is properly blocked, because the blood-levels will still be high. Endocrinologists hate it as a consequence, but if you are fine with that, that’s okay.

    Other than that Bica seems to be popular with those who take it, but you will require a liver-function test a while in since it can cause some very severe liver-issues with some people (AFAIR you either are susceptible or you are not, so if it’s fine a few month in it should stay fine, but I might be wrong on that; DEFINITELY check the details on that one).

  • Geschlechtsinkongruenz bei Jugendlichen verschwindet oft wieder
  • XXY und was auch immer fällt nicht unter F64.

    Das ist eigentlich relativ orthogonal: Eine Freundin von mir ist trans und hat gleichzeitig Klinefelder, was zwar gewisse Auswirkungen auf Dinge wie Anatomie hat aber prinzipiell weder an der Geschlechtsdysphorie noch an der Notwendigkeit hormoneller und gegebenenfalls chirurgischer Eingriffe ändert.

  • HRT advice: When to start?
  • It’s up to you of course, but don’t expect this to do all that much. I’m on 12.5mg daily and before my last blood-test I took ≈4mg E transdermal and even at that I was still very much on the upper end of the female range for T.

  • HRT advice: When to start?
  • Then get that estrofem ready to use anyways, since adult human bodies are not made to have no sex hormone. If you get depressions or feel bad in general, add E to the mix anyways.

    Also: Cypro (Cyproterone Acetate, Androcur is a marketing name for it) requires much higher doses if you do mono-therapy than if you use it to support E: With E the general wisdom is to not exceed 12.5mg/daily and rather increase E-intake if T isn’t properly suppressed, whereas without you may need 50 to 100mg per day, with a massively increased risk of bad side effects.

    There is a reason why pretty much no one who has the choice does it that way, but it’s of course up to you!

  • HRT advice: When to start?
  • IIRC, the primary thing to cause breast-growth is in fact blocking T and doing so can definitely cause it.

    For immediate mitigation of hair-loss, which is the most pressing thing if you already went through full puberty you can use finasteride/dustasteride, which are DHT-blockers. In rare cases they can act like weak T-blockers, but that is an exceptional side-effect; after that waiting for half a year will just make you miserable for an additional six month, which may be worth it, depending on your risk-assessment.

    OTOH: You won’t see most of your school mates afterwards and if you already have six months of effects and arrive as visibly trans at uni, it can make getting into communities at uni easier.

  • HRT advice: When to start?
  • I’m eight month in and have B- or C-cups. But I’m also much luckier than most of my transfem friends in that regard.

  • Polizei Brandenburg will Azubis mit Rapsong anwerben
  • Vor ein paar Monaten hier: „Beamten kriegen riesige unfaire Vorteile“.

    Heute: „Beamten werden schlechter bezahlt, deswegen lohnt sich das gar nicht.“

    Der Beamtenstatus kommt mit enormen Vor- und Nachteilen, bei weitem nicht alle sind finanzieller Natur. Die Entscheidung ist entsprechend kompliziert und will gut überlegt sein, ein pauschales gut oder schlecht ist da schlicht zu vereinfachend.

  • Adobe Cuts Perpetual License for Elements from Lifetime down to just three years
  • There has to be a meaningful number of companies where each individually is spending more on adobe licenses than it would cost them to pay a bunch of developers to get gimp to the point where it is a fully sufficient alternative. But hey, the only thing more important to capitalists than making profit seems to be, to not go for cheaper FLOSS options, rather than spending pointlessly large amounts of money on proprietary software…

  • one more shitty techbrofad down
  • just imagine the bank would give your payment info to insurance companies for example

    That would be a very severe violation of the GDPR and whatever bank-privacy laws are in place. On top of that, which insurance would even be affected by it? I don’t own a car, health insurance comes at non-discriminatory rates here and why would my liability insurance be affected by what I buy? Like: It’s genuinely a non-issue here.

    And even if, cash is still a much better option for everything.

  • At 12 she was abused by a friend’s father. Police told her parents she was asleep so there was no need to let her know. The problem? They were wrong …
  • Not telling someone something isn’t gaslighting. That’s a very different thing.

    And you are making the mistake of assuming that other people think like you, have the same preferences as you, also have memories on an at least subconscious level, …

    There are just so many factors, that depend on the person and this is one of those cases where extrapolating from your own lived experience is not the right way to do things. Like: I’m trans and you can trust me, that I have my own places, where I know that I can’t apply my standards to other people (“what do you mean, people don’t like the effects of cross-sex hormones?”).

  • At 12 she was abused by a friend’s father. Police told her parents she was asleep so there was no need to let her know. The problem? They were wrong …
  • I’m positively surprised that the article acknowledges the nuance of question of whether unknowing victims should be informed, instead of just jumping on the “tell them all, no matter if it hurts them more than the crime did”.

    Anyone who claims that there is a simple answer that is always best is acting out of ideology, rather than an interest in improving people’s lives…

    The one thing that might help somewhat, at huge logistic cost, would be to ask everyone what their preference in a situation like that is, ideally with the possibility to have different answers for different crimes. Like, combine it with a question on being an organ-donor and a couple of similar things. Since it goes to everyone, people who don’t know and don’t want to know can stay in blissful ignorance, because the question doesn’t arise suspicions, as it would be if only they got asked. You could still get bad results, but in that case they would at least be the results the people in question choose. Though even this approach can’t easily deal with the cases of minors being involved…

    All that said, there is another component to the case, that might be the biggest problem with it: The perpetrator getting of easy because it was assumed that the victims didn’t know and the implication of a much harder punishment had they been known to have known: Whether the victims knew, didn’t change the crime that was committed, only the outcome. And punishing the outcome rather than the action is an extremely bad way to enact justice. (Yes, attempted murder should be punished like murder!)

  • one more shitty techbrofad down
  • Yeah, buying medication is literally the only good use-case for cryptocurrencies, but it still is a valid and important use-case that saves lives!

  • Upset at the wrong persons
  • It might be better to call it low skill or something like that. The point is that there are jobs that can quickly be taught on the fly and have you productive in a few days, and that this is different from jobs that may require years of potentially highly specialized training. Working in a McDonalds Kitchen and in an Amazon warehouse are both much closer to the former than to the later.

    The point is: While some difference in pay might be justifiable (to compensate for the lack of income during the time it took highly skilled laborers to get their skill and as part of a system of incentives to encourage people to pursue these careers), the magnitude of that difference in most places is very much not!

    A full-time job should pay a wage from which a family can live. Doesn’t have to be great and doesn’t have to come with yearly vacations abroad, but it has to be enough for food, shelter, transportation and some entertainment. The problem is that we are very much not at that point any more. (Though this even extends to a lot of jobs that do require year-long training…)

  • Hope you like socialism
  • I’m willing to agree partially: AFAIK the usual classification of the economic system of the SU is “state capitalism” which is indeed distinct from capitalism and socialism and I’m even willing to grant it that, if well executed (in the SU it mostly wasn’t) it has the potential to be better than capitalism in a few aspects.

    That said, I agree about the notion that fascism is a form of capitalism: The two are often associated with each other, but at the end of the day quite distinct and orthogoanl systems. Fascism is about having a powerful leader who oppresses the population and the SU very much had that in an almost textbook-manner with Stalin, though I will also acknowledge that there were of course detals in hwo it differed from say Naziism in Germany at the same time.

  • Hope you like socialism
  • No it’s more likely that they are an actual leftist. China and Ruzzia are (and the SU was!) fascist hellholes that have nothing to do with socialism and/or communism besides screaming it of the windows all the time.

    And people who delude themselves to believe something else are really annoying…

  • Niederlande: Erstmals Mann wegen „Catcalling“ verurteilt
  • Wenn eine Person aber in eine Notwehrlage gerät und nur Tierabwehrspray und kein milderes Mittel zur Verfügung hat darf diese Person das Tierabwehrspray auch legal zur Selbstverteidigung gegen Menschen einsetzen.

    Das gilt im Übrigen sogar in viel weiterem Umfang. Wenn ich mich nicht völlig falsch erinnere gab es sogar mal ein BGH-Urteil, dass der Einsatz einer illegalen (Feuer?-) Waffe in einer Notwehrsituation nicht nur nicht strafbar ist, sondern du danach noch nicht einmal wegen illegalen Waffenbesitzes bestraft werden darfst, weil das ja nur durch die legale Notwehrhandlung ans Licht kam und du wenn du die Waffe aus Angst vor Konsequenzen für den illegalen Besitz nicht benutzen könntest ja in deiner legalen Notwehrfähigkeit herabgesetzt wärst. Oder so ähnlich, IANAL.

  • Niederlande: Erstmals Mann wegen „Catcalling“ verurteilt
  • Also in dem Moment in dem er sie festhält ist es halt kein catcalling mehr sondern ein körperlicher Angriff und sollte ERHEBLICH härter bestraft werden. Von 100€ + 180€ auf Bewährung lässt sich doch niemand der sowas macht abschrecken.

    Ob man jetzt Catcalling das auch wirklich nur solches ist unter Strafe stellen muss kann man so oder so sehen. Aber an der Stelle ist es halt nicht okay, dass das nur als catcalling eingestuft wurde.

    Aber gut, wir haben hier in NL auch einfach ein komplett verkrüppeltes Notwehrrecht. Mit der Deutschen Variante von wegen „Das Recht braucht dem Unrecht nicht zu weichen“, die im Grunde auf eine sehr harte Version von „Stand your ground“ hinaus läuft ginge da ERHEBLICH mehr.