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Cyzaine Cyzaine

Technical Lead for Indie Studio Tearcellgames. Try the demo and Wishlist Somnipathy on Steam today!

Posts 6
Comments 49
What's a show that should've gotten cancelled or ended SOONER than it did?
  • That town was a character, and the most compelling one in the series.

  • What's a show that should've gotten cancelled or ended SOONER than it did?
  • Oh definitely a hot take! Obviously there are outstanding episodes in the newer seasons, but you also can't say it hasn't changed alot.

  • Somnipathy Screenshot Saturday 8/12/23
  • @Tearcell of course the other screens don't show. I'm bad at this federation thing...

  • Anti-Fascists Rule
  • Sisko punched Q.

    That's a metaphor but also what happened.

  • A week in, Threads has lost half of its active users
  • My experience as well. I blitzed and grinded followers cuz it was easy and why not. My feed is okay in general, but I had to follower 1.5kish people to get it that way.

    But I still get more than twice the engagement and meaningful engagement at that on Mastadon and Kbin, with less than half the followers. I also get little out of twitter, but I may be bad at it.

  • Enjoy Tons of Royalty Free Music Thanks to New Humble Bundle — GeekTyrant
  • What I hate about Humble Bundle software and asset stuff is you can't look at the license until after you buy it. We bought a sound effect pack which, as written, we couldn't store the sounds in source control or use it in a commercial work. Humble said we had to bring it up with the creators, and the creators wouldn't ever answer us. Was annoying, but at least a cheap lesson.

  • Does the GOP have a chance in 2024?
  • Oh sweet summer child.

  • This is why I like the fediverse. People aren’t desperate to be influencers. Found this post on Threads, and it’s sadcringe material.
  • Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to sell an indie game (see my profile!!!!!!), but its crazy how the culture shifts depending on where you are! On Mastodon and Kbin I don't feel like I'm wasting time just talking to people and enjoying the company.

    On twitter and threads I just feel if I'm not yelling and shouting, its not worth my time. Like I'm falling behind if I'm not trying to push the sale.

    I don't know why that all is honestly.

  • Really missing a true "save" ability for posts and comments on kbin
  • I have this convoluted system where I boost something here, then log into my Mastodon account and bookmark it there...

    It works as a stop gap so I don't lose things, but would DEFINITELY be better to not have to do that lol

  • Buckle up, Reddit: Closed APIs cost more than you’d expect
  • Crypto bagholder detected!

  • Twitter threatens to sue Meta over Threads app – report
  • oh L oh L at this! Maybe that boxing match can settle this.

  • What will Meta gain from fediversing?
  • May just be a gamble on future tech. IF federation is the future of the web (and I hope it is!) getting in early and helping shape it makes sense. Its also something of proven tech at the moment, so if they just threw this up fast to take advantage of twitter fires, it makes sense to use something that they know works as opposed to pulling a bluesky and doing it all from scratch. Also means there are more developers out there that are familiar with the tech.

  • how to block meta from mastodon
  • They have also already declared that if you federate with them, your instance has to abide by their code of conduct, so they already throwing their weight around.

  • Loving the new updates, but what all has changed?
  • Thought I was on a different site entirely! Really love the changes, came through well on my mobile pwa.

  • Can some one explain how the microblog feature works.
  • I've been trying to explain it as...

    Imagine if your reddit comments could be read on instagram, twitter, and facebook automatically, and you could read everyone elses comments from reddit too! Not 100% accurate, but definitely a simpler explanation and gets people interested.

  • Uninstalling RIF was a very melancholy experience -(

  • I've been on kbin for a couple of weeks now and made a few comments. I'm interested in sprucing up my profile though and adding an avatar. But for the life of me, I can't see how to do that on my prof
  • @Cloudless

    Don't feel dumb on this one, took forever to realize... Trick is to use the 'Choose File' and ignore 'upload file' and 'from url'. Click off the pop up and then just 'Add comment' and it'll upload it appropriately.

    It's definitley not the best UI/UX at this point, though I think I get the intention.., it just doesn't work yet.

  • I've been on kbin for a couple of weeks now and made a few comments. I'm interested in sprucing up my profile though and adding an avatar. But for the life of me, I can't see how to do that on my prof
  • @cecirdr It should be as simple as going to your profile settings, then navigating to the profile tab. Avatar and Cover options are there.

  • Subscribing to the same magazines/communities on Kbin and Lemmy?
  • You kind of have to think of this differently than you would on reddit. The fragmentation is to an extent the point. Maybe you talked about pcgaming on Reddit, 2 or 3 discords, 4chan, and Steam communities in your daily life already. If you miss out on a conversation in one place, that's unfortunate but not the end of the world. If its big enough news you'll see it in another community too.

    Here you can talk about gaming in Kbin, Lemmy, Mastadon, Pixelfed etc. As your explore and your network grows, you'll get it all, possibly in the same feed. And possibly you don't care for the kbin pcgaming, you unsubscribe from it and perhaps a big strong community forms on and thats where everyone goes but you're not subscribed? Someone will boost it your way eventually and you'll discover it too.