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Subscribing to the same magazines/communities on Kbin and Lemmy?

Just starting to familiarize myself with everything after about a decade at reddit. I understand that you can view content across instances but I'm noticing that both kbin and lemmy have similar (competing?) magazines/communities.

For example @PCGaming and !pcgaming (lemmyworld) but then there is also, @pcgaming, [email protected], etc.

Do I have to subscribe to all of them? Or are there "official" fediverse communities?

As I said, I'm still trying to figure things out, but subscribing to so many similar communities seems cumbersome for the user and (imo) fragments userbases that are literally talking about the same thing.

Thanks in advance!


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  • You kind of have to think of this differently than you would on reddit. The fragmentation is to an extent the point. Maybe you talked about pcgaming on Reddit, 2 or 3 discords, 4chan, and Steam communities in your daily life already. If you miss out on a conversation in one place, that's unfortunate but not the end of the world. If its big enough news you'll see it in another community too.

    Here you can talk about gaming in Kbin, Lemmy, Mastadon, Pixelfed etc. As your explore and your network grows, you'll get it all, possibly in the same feed. And possibly you don't care for the kbin pcgaming, you unsubscribe from it and perhaps a big strong community forms on and thats where everyone goes but you're not subscribed? Someone will boost it your way eventually and you'll discover it too.