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Wait, there's a bio section and insert Parenti quote

Posts 24
Comments 25
Theory Inquiries for y'all
  • WHAAAAAAAT. Okay that's wild, especially considering that I had originally put just Irish but changed it to scots-irish because I thought I was leaving them out 😭 😭 . Please do tell more, and why there's a distinction.

  • Theory Inquiries for y'all
    1. Yeah fair enough with the exceptionalist attitude. I think its less intentionally to be "The One" trope as more its myself making sure I actually try to move radicaliztion along in a critical moment of change for the Empire, instead of just keeping it to myself and withering away. I think the attitude stems more from my whimsical imagination than my actual beliefs. Just weird to think about lol. As for being radicalized, of course material conditions with being dissatisfied and interested in history/politics, but what are those conditions in particular? Tons of western leftists have similar interests, but many have stayed on their pro western side, Anti-AES and Pro-NATO. Its seems to be a right time right place for us, but we need to figure out what was exactly behind that setting which allowed us peel back another layer of ignorance and to be able to create a similar situation for other comrades.
  • Okay, so how does making a website work?
  • Okay so I may have accidentally fallen into an HTML rabbit hole and totally forgot to respond to y'all. Don't know if you guys will see this. With this coding I realize I'm becoming my father and it's weirdly cathartic. I feel like this may be copy-pasta at the begging of every developer's journey. May or may not be a cult, but I'm drinking the open source Kool-Aid to the bottom of the glass.

  • Okay, so how does making a website work?

    I've been very curious about it, and I believe there is no better way than to ask you computer geniuses for information.

  • Thanks ComradeSalad for letting us know the ingredients to napalm so we can watch out for accidental mixtures 🤗

  • Most nostalgic video game for you?
  • Has to be Mario Sunshine (Via Wii) , Mario Galaxy, Kirby's Epic Yarn, or really any Wii game my grandma got us. I still tear up just by hearing the main menu ambience. Mario Sunshine was wild, cause I never really played it as a kid, but my dad did and the imprint was still nostalgic so when I did play it a few years ago in that definitely a scam Mario 3D Allstars it scratched an itch of nostalgia and new experience.

  • Big question: What does the right think of your people?
  • You know that would explain Ronald McDonald as the mascot of McDonalds

  • Anticommunists make the coolest communist propaganda
  • I'm so happy I saw Life of Brian after I had experienced leftist discourse firsthand, otherwise it would have all gone over my head.

  • Kid calls 911 so the police come and shoot him
  • Did they photoshop someone else's hair on??? I mean totally not the focal point of the story, maybe because we are numb to cops being bastards, but the hair is VERY weird.

  • I'm posting way too much rule
  • ADHD tangent:

    My favorite thing is people in disbelief that you can speak another language without having an accent.

  • Are they in the room with us right now?
  • Whew, good to know my middle aged parents, pansexual partner, enby friends, and centrist peers are free from Russian Bot infiltration.

    Also "Impersonate black and white... Americans", is that the extent of their concept of race and ethnicity? I know this a good 99% to be AI generated, but come on...

  • Proletariat or Labour Aristocrats? What is the status of workers in the Global North?
  • To be honest I am pretty put off that they discredit some of the biggest strides in decolonization, and I think it stems from a lack of class analysis. Why do they see exploitation of the land for the good of all as settler colonialism?

    From what I have garnered so far, settler colonialism is based on hierarchy of "national classes" (for lack of a better word). Nations have a class of proles and bourgeoisie, when in a settler colonial state the bourgeoisie give a their proletarian cultural group a priority and kickbacks for settling hence the bourgeois position. So the settler proles and oppressed proles hold contradicting positions, as long as the settler proles hold a bourgeois position.

    We have seen settlers and indigenous nations work together to overthrow colonialism, in the USSR, China, Cuba and even with bourgeois democratic states in LatAm. Why is this? I believe it is because the class of settlers have been proletarianized enough to align with the oppressed and synthesize into a new state. Russians, Han Chinese, and Spaniards under the boot of Imperialsm had proletarian positions, and thus could synthesize with any oppressed nationalities With DOTPs specifically we see the first blow to settler colonialism, the elimination of the bourgeoisie as an oppressing class and thus the need for nations in the first place has started crumbling.

    Sadly Tuck and Yang's Liberalism holds them back from a class analysis, but their own class interests allow them to address settler colonialism. At the moment, they ARE right in saying that the most progressive way to decolonize the US is putting land back in Indigenous hands (proletarian hands). This is because as long as US Imperialism exists (as it does now) the Euro Americans hold a bourgeois and counter revolutionary position. (keep in mind this is not an exact science, and anglos are being proletarianized more and more each day. Hell I am a white settler and I am living barely on paycheck to paycheck).

    What happens is the Indigenous revolutionary kernel is much more developed compared to the Settler revolutionary kernel. Thus the indigenous people hold a vanguard position, as any indigenous population has always had across history. Only when settler's kernel is developed enough can it synthesize with the oppressed nations into a DOTP. And you can see indigenous leaders for decolonization even without a class analysis advocate for this synthesis. The more settlers work together with the oppressed nations, the less it will be solely indigenous but until that happens it holds an indigenous character (if that makes sense)

  • The Cherokee language

    This was recommended to me via the same channel where I am watching a doc about Mountain Dialect. Nothing explicitly special, but it's nice to put faces and real human connection to the struggle.

    Also these videos have been making me realize just how much of classism against rednecks and hillbillies is left over from anti Celtic sentiment. (but that's more of a sidenote)

    EDIT: Spelling

    The Deprogram guys are pretty great.
  • Love how energetic and funny Hakim is on the podcast, a side you don't get to see on his channel a whole lot.

    His laugh is adorable.

  • Rule
  • This was really fucking funny

  • Fidel Castro: My Life

    I am having issues finding a pdf that doesn't have me sign up for a pdf library membership, do y'all have one? Are these memberships safe?

    Games CITRUS

    Whats the deal with certain games attracting a lot of far right fans but also a weird amount of comrades?

    I don't really have a name or genre but it's certain games like 40K, Fallout, Civ/HoI/all the other ones.

    Am I the only one to notice these weird trends of political distribution? Is it just me?


    Oh noooooooooooooo 🙀

    Chrome lists prolewiki as a dangerous website... Lmao

    No but is this anything to worry about that isn't google trying to avert us from radicalization?

    Revolution in the US
  • I respect your points, comrade. Like having doubts about any traction inside the core from your own experience; and especially with wanting to move to communist and global south countries where we see physical progress, and of course to escape persecution from with the core.

    But for me personally, It feels... wrong to uproot and leave, even if to stay it were in vain. I don't think it necessarily is. I think there needs to be a remnant of the radical left--underground in the worst case--to put up at least some sort of internal struggle in different scenarios that would occur with the Red Star taking over: A. to severely protest any efforts by the state to drag us into a humanity ending war. B. To possibly take over any industry that would be placed back in the core if they couldn't exploit the periphery anymore. C. To protect innocents from any rabid fascist dogs being let loose. And D. of course passing on Communism within the core. Somebody will have to stay in the States. There will always have to be a struggle. Sure the need for life boats will come at some point. But feels wrong for me as a communist to get on those life boats before anyone else. Hell, if instead of me being the vanguard of some revolutionary movement maybe instead my job was to usher as many people to get to safety. Not to mention i don't have the means to leave if i wanted to.

    Still tho, i am comfortable with sacrificing my own life. I believe all comrades worth their shit are. Not mention the reason why the Panthers were crushed were because they posed a threat, a real threat of revolution, not because it was false hope. And I would be honored to go out in the same way, if that what it took.

    I don't have much else to say that I didn't already, at least not much coming to mind. This thread seems to have come to its natural conclusion, and yes a question of revolution in the US will come up again, as it always does. As I said, if you feel it is best to leave for the AES states and Global South, i respect you. I whether of choice or circumstance will stay here, and will fight for revolution till the bitter end.

    Take care, Muad.

  • Revolution in the US
  • So what do you think we should do then? Are there any steps to at least get a foothold in the class struggle? You mention all these problems, but what are the solutions? Are we just at a point where our first steps are to explain and organize? Or just wallow in defeat?

    Theres a rise in the Labour Movement, hell the Guardian has stated it here, that there is the largest support of Unions since 1965. And the strike numbers keep going up. The ruling class haven't made concessions yet as the movement isn't strong enough (as of now and which we can change!), plus as the US loses its hegemony on the periphery the bourgeoisie will have to sacrifice more for each sliver of concession!

    The point on not being able to cripple the economy makes a lot of sense. But again what will happen as the US loses its grip? Wouldn't the peripheries shift to anti-imperialism effectively work as a cripple to the economy? And as I am getting more educated on the Labour aristocracy i will know more in depth, truly there will be material conditions to swing fully into imperialist talking points. BUT, that is happening anyway so it's more feasible to educate the populace and radicalize them as the conditions worsen BEFORE they turn to the right wing. I toe the Panther line when it comes to the unemployed, as they can be the most radical champions of the working class!

    You say the US is the most pro-imperialist and anti-communist country on Earth. That may very well be true, but let's dig into the average American thought process. Americans know for a fact that their country has its own interests against the world. Americans also sympathize with communism, problem is they think it only works in theory. They unknowingly support Imperialism when they see "Evil Putin is invading the innocent Ukraine and Xinnie the Pooh with freedom loving Taiwan!" not because they want to have a total US hegemony but because they see them as imperialists themselves. Surprise, surprise, people don't like wars. While i will admit the escalation in Ukraine is a huge set back for anti-imperialist education, we can use the differing narratives that have been provided by the US over and over again to snap them into class conscious. It would be best with China, as it is an AES state instead of Russia which even takes some leftists convincing to critically support. I believe the socdem youth are ripe for radicalization, after all it will be them and their children to further propagate the truth and organize. While it may seem effective to convince Gen Xers, as they are the ones mainly run things right now, spreading an ideological base within the youth, who are growing up in the time of the fall of US hegemony and the internet, is the most productive use of our efforts.

    What will happen with their organized class when the exploitable resources in their hands slip through their fingers? At the moment, They are too organized for a revolution to be successful, but wouldn't they start dividing up the remaining resources at best, and at worst be waged into a full civil war against each other?

    The bourgeois democracy is stable, but again only as long as the relations of Imperialism exist to supplement them. You mention that the most politically active people are drained by the theatre of the shit show. So we know these specific people are the type who keep up to date on things and at least try, in their own ways, to be politically educated? Can we not show these people the stability of and Dialectical Materialist outlook? I remember when I was a "lib"--I was pretty disillusioned even then--there were some traces of political thought that made sense. A centralized government that provides for you, to have the ability to reap what you sow in your work, and to have women's full sexual autonomy. Problem was these were all spread out over the "sides" of the aisle. Bernie advocated for the first, but conservatives had pushed the bootstrap mentality, and then the libertarians and liberals advocated the last. But almost all of them advocated for small business owners. Why? It is a way for us to sympathize with our semi proletarian brethren, without endangering the structure of Capital. "Small business owners" was our short breath of class consciousness. Being able to reap what you sow from your own work, while not being crushed down by the big capitalist. It was idealistic, but showing people that they CAN have a better life with out exploiting others made the working class feel content. Now when we open these politically active libs to a world outside Capital, they will start to realize what interests they really have and not limiting themselves to the allusive mystery of "small business owners".

    Also I wouldn't say the US has the strongest military on Earth. The most funded one sure, but most of that is kick backs to the MIC. The weapons are known to break, the MIC has a trend of making them "customizable". Most of it goes into its Navy and the Airforce, which can't hold a lot of ground, but is suited for its imperialist ventures. Also Nato's stockpiles are being drained out right now. Now the domestic police are different situation, they are very much a threat. But their crackdowns and abuses will just have sharpened the contradiction. We saw even with Liberal co opting, what massive uproar the Murder of George Floyd caused. And what did the Biden administration do in response to the masses? They increased the Police Budget! This will only further exacerbate the struggle with the Police, and more faith lost in the dems! Organizing in a police state seems impossible, but yet don't we see the massive mobilizations of Palestinians in their struggle against the Israeli state? Communists have always been persecuted, but that just adds to our own struggle!

    Your average military members actually don't get paid a lot, they have many concessions but even then that's a carrot on a stick. Its common to hear grunts speak of "You only join the military if you are dumb or if you are poor". Sure the highest members receive great sums of money, but you can't lead soldiers, who joined for the concessions, to fire on people who are fighting to improve the conditions which led them to join in the first place. Not to mention oppressed minorities are overrepresented in the military

    This ties in nicely with a secession movement. We know one of the most radical regions in the US is New Afrika. I would imagine many of the soldiers will defect to the side which represents them. Plus many of the training establishment lies in its regions so if the cards are played right, they could hinder mobilization possibilities.

    Now I doubt a revolution will happen anytime soon, could possibly be multiple decades. But what I want to instill is revolutionary optimism. Sure I am young and I am naive, but if we don't act like it's possible then it will never happen. Id say Morale is the greatest factor for us in the States. Our conditions will continue to worsen, that will make the populous revert to mask off imperialist war mongering. You are right, us comrades in the States are drastically outnumbered, and are painted as crazy lunatics who bash their head into a wall over and over again, thinking that will fix all the world's problems. But we must hold our heads high and proclaim our communist beliefs to the masses. Yes, at first they will take everything you say as a grain of salt. Yes, they will start repeating debunked propaganda. Yes, we will be putting a target on our backs. But isn't that what we signed up for when we called ourselves Communists? Our talking points will be put into the attic of their brains, collecting dust. But when that moment happens--and I know you know the moment as we all have experienced it as MLs--when every little sense of liberalism is put under inspection, and all the theory taught to you through other Communists struggle is squashing that liberalism out of frame; Your brain just clicks. One day those liberals who denied your input to be nothing of value, will come back to you asking to lead them along the path of revolution. After all we have to challenge their world view, how can they learn if they are unaware of the possibilities?

    Now what if we benefit from imperialism too much to be radical? Even if thats the case it's not an end all be all. Was Engels unable to be radical from his class interests? What about Zhou Enlai. Hell what about you and I? We have happened to be radicalized in the most anti-communist State in history. Are we special? I don't know about you, but I am not. No but think about it; We are radicals in the place where your material analysis says it should be near impossible. I find that... hopeful. Even in the strongest most allusive bourgeois state, class consciousness seeps through. It is beautiful, hope. One thing stronger than fear.

    TLDR: Revolutionary Optimism, lol

    No but Muad, I respect you comparatively older comrades who have paved the way for the younger people like me. Thank you, sincerely. I would still be a Western Leftist or god forbid a lib if it wasn't for Lemmygrad. :)

  • Revolution in the US
  • Great to hear others feel the same!

    I would like to add that if you (not you Teezy just in general) think a revolution is impossible in the States, then it will be impossible. You are already going in that all organizing and propagating is in vain. That is no good for leading the working class. There needs to be revolutionary optimism!

    Organizing is essential for us, problem is there's little amount of experienced ML vets who have practical knowledge to pass on. The info i can find is that there's only around 5,000 members for the CPUSA, and for the PSL i can't find any information with them on members or branches, but main take away is dwindling numbers. I am too young to actually join an org but in the mean time Im theoretically preparing myself.

    I am also an open communist and strike discussion with my peers. Maybe its because of the place i hold in my peer group, but I have found people at least paying attention to what I have to say. Something I do find is that most people have class conscious tendencies, but lack the initiative to question media and develop their own thought process or god forbid read theory. This will be an issue, especially with the more privileged strata that are prone to anarchism.

    I think i had something else to say but my brain went all scattered and it went away, ah well.

  • Revolution in the US
  • (This is pretty unorganized and will need much editing, but its basic kernels of my analysis of the potential of the US. It doesn't really answer OP's question of ideological revolution, but i am placing it here as people are discussing the feasibility of a US revolution)

    Unlike others I don't believe the US will be the last place to have a revolution. I would instead say it will be the place with the sharpest class struggle.

    Why do I say this? When I think of de-radicalized populations I think of the Nordic Countries; They have wide social safety nets, benefit from imperialism with little guilt,--As they are "peace loving" countries who "disagree" with the US, but will never take any action.--and have defanged and normalized "Socialism". In the ole US of A; Social safety nets are little to none, we know full and well where our tax dollars go to, and we have only recently opened our eyes to what Socialism is and what it could be. These get more and more apparent with the younger generations, who by the way, will be the ones carrying out the revolution. It's easy to look at boomers or Gen Xers and think the population is too scared to approach socialism with an open mind, but the youth poll high for socialism. Granted they don't know exactly what socialism is, but that is great for us. They know capitalism is bad, and they also know about the Red Scare and will distrust what the US says about socialism (if we can help them walk through the logic it's pretty easy to get the youth to even sympathize with the soviet union!)

    In the States, sure you can find the de-radicalized labor aristocratic and typically white "middle class", but you can also find some of the most exploited or demonized members of society; Whether is it is the Indigenous Americans, Black population, Undocumented Immigrants, Immigrants in general, and the Queer community but especially Trans. I would also add the Asian American community who typically have higher incomes, will experience more and more hate as the West loses its influence to the East. Especially Chinese, we have seen what anti asian hate crimes look like at beginning of the Pandemic, and that is without the West even acknowledging the total rise of China! Women with their dwindling rights will become more and more radicalized as the Dems have gone mask off. While Neurodivergence has been heavily normalized with the internet and now TikTok, we still face hardships of the cut throat capitalist system with not being the "ideal workers"--not to mention our thought processes leading us to class consciousness.

    While many of these groups may overlap, there is still a nice chunk of the population we know will have radical tendencies--and this is even without mentioning the poor white cis het men!

    There are a lot of material factors that agitate the US population, what is needed is the ideological base to guide them. There won't be a revolution soon, but what there needs to be is a massive ML foundation laid out during these times of upheaval. While we give libs a lot of shit, most Americans aren't bigots. If you are worried about hardline Trumpists, they are a minority, a loud minority, but also a minority that is great at alienating the majority of the population. As the country moves farther right, people will look for those voices who stand adamantly against them, and that is us.

    If you are considering the actual actions of the revolution here are things to think about: Gun culture has made arming ones self a pretty simple venture. The country itself (I would also add on Canada as it will fall along with the US) is huge with inefficient communication systems and geographic features such as the Rockies, Appalachia, Sierra Nevada as mountain ranges, the deserts sprawling the Southwest, and hell the Mississippi and its extensions splitting open the States, not to mention Canada and Alaska's frozen mountainous terrain and the former's swaths of taiga and tundra, make mass scale deployment of an organized army difficult. That is if the army even wants to fight its own people. The Pentagon has said something as a sliver of concessions like Free College would drastically lower recruitment, so imagine what a worker's revolution would do! Plus marginalized communities are disproportionately in the military, and I would imagine they would heavily sympathize with an ML revolution, especially with the case of New Afrika!

    I will leave it here for now, feel free to challenge me or ask my further thoughts. Keep in mind these are just seeds of a further analysis, I just needed to dig them up and plant them somewhere.

  • Anti-Nuclear Trend in the Western Left?

    Okay so I was scrolling through the PSL's info page, and it is stated that they are to denuclearize the power grid. Why is this? I was under the impression that Nuclear Energy is the much more sustainable and frankly realistic source of power--even without Molten Salt Reactors and Thorium based ones.

    Im finding it most orgs tend to stay away from Nuclear energy due to fear mongering from fossil fuel industries; Thus its stain in the imperial core, reaching from liberals to western "leftists". But I am surprised the PSL, a radical organization, is anti-nuclear.

    FYI this isn't a deal breaker or anything--they seem to be taking the lead for vanguard party--just was curious of the stance on nuclear energy.


    Is there any good resource or book about how China built the Highspeed Rail?


    Cool book I got "the Railway Journey: The Industrialization of Time and Space in the 19th century"

    My mom bought this random from a sale at the library for a buck. As it turns out, it's a Marxist work, at least it seems like it. Started off in the Foreword quoting Marx, and talks of the bourgeoisie pushing for railway due to the Corn Tax and efficiency. And now there's a Railroad community. all in like 3 days what's the odds? Just wanted to share, the book's pretty good so far.

    Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations CITRUS

    I believe there needs to be multiple "debates" on PatSocs

    As you have all noticed, this seems to be a point of contention here. This is a good thing, since it means someone will learn something.

    Now we seem to be all over the place, with this general area of thought, provoking many questions. Whether or not PatSocs are socially conservative, what is position on social conservatism? Many of us are very young, both in age and ML experience, so an online discussion would be a great learning tool.

    1. Are socially conservative individuals allowed to be apart of the leftist movement?
    • A. Are socially conservative individuals victims of bourgeois propaganda?

    -B. If socially conservative people are turned away by the left, where do they go?

    -C. How high of a position would a social conservative be allowed in a ML party?

    -D. How has or will MLs educate socially conservative folk?

    -E. &tc, &tc.

    1. What exactly is Patriotism?

    -A. Does patriotism depend on culture?

    -B Is possible for a distinction between patriotism for a country and wanting to abolish the state?

    -C. Is patriotism corrupted in the Core?

    -D How have post imperialist countries with Communist experiments built patriotism?

    -E. &Tc &TC

    1. Who even are the PatSocs?

    -A. If the label is too convuluted, should we make a distinction between Maupin and American exceptionalists?

    -B. Who of the leaders do we consider MLs?

    -C. Should patriotic socialist be distinct from socialism or is inherent in socialism?

    -D. How much do WE even know if PatSocs?

    -E. &Tc, &tc

    We can look at the USSR and GDR for these questions. Remember the Hammer and Sickel came from somewhere.

    Things to look out for about the US:

    -It is the imperialist power, AND a settler state.

    -Low levels of cultural development

    -The culture that is there is taken from marginalized groups.

    -Americas are the most propagandized people in the World.

    -It is huge and incredibly diverse

    More questions about the US could follow:

    -Should the US be balkanized? If so how does patriotism be built in balkanized regions?

    -How does land back go about? Will indigenous countries emerge, and if so should we reconsider American MLs as different MLs for the Regions in North America.

    -If we see different nations and regions in North America how does that affect culture? Is the question of how we view the land a prerequisite to discussing patriotism, is it contradictory to call yourself an American Patriot if you decide to divide up the land until regions?

    There is so much potential for deep political for North American based Comrades, this is a rabbit hole I do want to delve into. I'll cross post this to GZD but I want it mainly on Leftist Infighting.

    Edit: spacing issues


    A Newsletter

    I believe for my own sanity and worth while that I'll restrict myself to occasional Club Hub posts. I really have not had a break in a while, but I still do believe there to be an importance of this Community. I will probably do a Newsletter sort of thing that will consolidate my thoughts about communities. Have a good one!


    Potato Buckets!

    I have been really into the aspect of growing potatoes in buckets for multiple reasons: For one it seems cheap enough; Secondly the nature of being able to have buckets as a mobilized garden could be great in so many areas. Don’t have the time or energy to cultivate your soil? Bucket. Live in the city surrounded by pavement? Bucket. Are you a renter who can’t grow plants or you don’t even know if you can live there next month, so investing in gardening would be pointless? Bucket. Ever accidentally killed a prominent figure, so you spend your life on the run, moving from country to country never knowing the simple life you once lived but still want to follow your childhood dream of gardening? Bucket.

    It seems to be that for one pound of potatoes, you’ll get 7 lbs back. It being a root plant, watch its moisture. Cut a chived(?) potato in half and put charcoal on the wound so it doesn’t rot. What’s y’alls take on this.


    Pumping TRG

    I was supposed to get the ball rolling yesterday for this to happen today but my life just took a slam to the face, so from comrade to comrade understand me here.

    From today to tomorrow, I would like to see what each of us making a post on TRG would do for its content flow, for the next week or so. It has been stagnant for the past week so I'm hoping if we can get it leaking out just a little bit, consistently, that it would help. Oh yeah, here's thelink


    A Rethinking of Club Hub's Strategy

    I am realizing the marketing for Club Hub itself won't bring the traction, it's both redundant and unsuccessful. It is unsuccessful since people will get annoyed by the constant bombardment of begging to join, as I have so experienced (whoops). It is redundant because it has enough "monthly viewers" that it should pop up on local view when we post on here. On that last note what we really need to do is to get people who wanna make a community, like for example the based Poland-ball to make that announcement directly as a post on ClubHub. I think I will make a new thread each week for suggestions, to feed the a l g o r i t h i m.


    Hey, go check out the new How Its Made community!

    I'm so happy somebody read my mind about making a community for analyzing production, it's good to see all of us comrades on the same page of bettering Lemmy!


    This Week's Communities to Promote:

    Yes I did just copy and paste the answers:

    -theory discussion

    -study groups

    -community about nature/birding,

    -one about learning Russian.

    -Gardening: The Revolutionary Garden

    -Tea community

    -Irish community

    -Beer Brewing

    -A community for sharing material (memes videos posters ideas whatever) for radicalizing libs:


    -Based Polandball.

    -Math, science, philosophy


    Why is Stalin the most demonized?

    Okay so I was wondering why Stalin got the most flack of the Cold War propaganda, at least in my experience growing up in the U.S., He's the only Soviet Leader we were "taught" about. Sorry if this is dumb.


    A trial run of the Rallying Brigade, and The Revolutionary Garden

    Okay, I am planning on maybe next Sunday we could try out the "brigade" of TRG. Why TRG to test my plan for brigading? Well for starters, wanting a garden club is what got me on this path but also it happens to have the right amount of activity and inactivity to see how much this "brigade" will help, and a garden club seemed to garner the most traction from the first post.

    I almost forgot, I probably wont do much for club hub tomorrow since my internet access is limited and everything is closed for Easter.

    Farewell and Oh Comrade, My Comrades


    The Overall Genres

    Overall all the genres I have noticed going through the backlogs of Lemmygrad. -Archives: Gone too soon.

    -Shitposting: Does it even need an introduction?

    -Dunking on Libs: (sigh)

    -Dunking on non ML leftists: Usually Anarchists or MLMs.

    -Sexuality: One of the largest genres, with the nature of it, its communities probably just need time and Lemmygrad’s own population to grow.

    -Neurodiversity: There’s an actual community for NDs and the rest are for autism, weirdly no adhd, (I got that one if you couldn’t tell, lol)

    -Training Grounds: A genre that is based around improvement of the mind and body, basically like working out, working on organizing skills, a REAL self help if you will.

    -Alternative Browser and Medias: Like Linux and Fediverse, basically fuck the tech giants.

    -Programming: I’m in.

    -Technology: Sort of like programming but more broad, IDK computer stuff, sorry guys.

    -Communist Parties in Your Area: Different Parties

    -Anti-American Empire: Boo!

    -ML Education: Lenin would be so proud.

    -National Culture: Like different countries and regions.

    -Languages: For learning or speaking different languages.

    -Anime Stuff: Communities around anime or just japanese-esc fanbases.

    -The Internet Classics: Your good ole reddit classics, brought back to you in Lemmyvision.

    -Religion: Self explanatory

    -Biology: Cool animal and ecosystem stuff.

    -Gardening: Grow your own grain in Stalin’s Sizeable Spoon Simulator!

    -Australia: A user named Nique, has made lots of communities around Australia. So if you are interested in Australia, they’re your go to.

    -AESthetics: Different types of art and style communities, I just realized there was AES in aesthetics so that’s fun.

    -Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Sort of miscellaneous communities with either, huge subscribers bases w/ no posts, or just too old to tell the tale, will still probably look at them to

    -Old Non ML Groups: Can some of you elders here explain why there are communities for Anprims on a ML site?

    -Miscellaneous: I think I’ll just keep a hold of the old misc. communities and wait to see if someone asks about a community they would like that could be in there.

    This is sort of rushed since I gotta go soon, and there may be more but maybe this will give you guys ideas. I’ll probably make more direct posts about each genre later.

    Farewell, and Oh Comrade, My Comrades!

    EDIT: Here are some genres I have skipped over in the rush, or may have missed in general, (woah, do the words general and genre have the same roots, weird).

    -Wargaming/Real Time Strategy: mainly HOI4

    -Gaming: And I was just about to get my 30 day chip for Mtn Dew

    -Commie Music: Liberators of pop-centric cultures


    To make things on Club Hub easier

    First off, please forgive me for my absence yesterday, life happens, secondly I am conjuring ideas to make community populating more efficient.

    Okay I have an idea to consolidate things in our Rallying Brigade phase. To lighten the load, since there aren’t that many communities on Lemmygrad just yet, we should compile or just look over those established ones. This way, we could just group together older communities that fill a genre instead of a niche. I Think I will start off with a master post, then have a separate genre based post with links to each community. It might take me a bit to look over each community so don’t get too excited.

    Oh and with the Local view on, I realize I could minimize the cross posts to /c/communism, to reduce the spam just a little bit, ;)

    Farewell, and Oh Comrade, My Comrades!!


    To begin the surveying process

    Here we can collect the data for desired communities, then later we will explore if those communities exist or not (I am thinking of making a checklist to explain my thinking)
