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Beam Luqman☪️

☭ لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله ☭

Posts 93
Comments 137
Pinochet And its consenquences was a disaster for the Chilean People
  • Someone should make his description a copypasta

  • goat
  • Oh yeah isn’t “goat” on MoG impersonating him

  • goat
  • I based this on one of the wojak emojis btw

    Specifically these: fascist coping capitalist coping

  • goat

    Ask Me Anything!
  • They’re awesome!!!!

  • I'm a Marxist-leninist normie neurotypical cisgender heterosexual non-vegan post-meta-ironist: Jonathan12345's ironic AMA
  • Let’s say hypothetically, you and Ben Shapiro got in a fight. Could you beat him? (No weapons, only fists)

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • Apolitical, but later on I found out about the far-right and then the christchurch mosque shooting happened, I think those had a hand in turning me left.

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • I believe in djinn and shaytan but not ghosts.

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • Green

    I also like black and blue

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • Pretty sure it’s steel (i might be stupid)

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • I don’t know much about judaism but I wouldn’t mind learning about it

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  • This is a difficult question haha I’m not familiar with the Pokémon franchise but if I had to pick a favourite it would be this dude (he looks like Godzilla, which is why I like him lol)

    Pretty sure his name is Tyranitar

    This probably isn’t a full answer, sorry don’t know much about Pokémon :(

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • Godzilla Vs Biollante

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • Wasn’t familiar with that subreddit (I’m not from the middle east). I did have a reddit account though, but I didn’t post much and usually I would just look at GenZedong posts (back when it was still active on reddit).

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • Im singaporean

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • (Copied reply from an earlier comment)

    “ I used to scroll through GenZedong on reddit (back when it was still active). I remember there was like a post about telling the subreddit members to move to lemmygrad (or something like that, I might be remembering wrongly). So I would basically scroll through just like I usually would on r/GenZedong until 2022 when I decided to make an account.

    Also I should probably thank Hakim, I got one of his videos recommended to me before I discovered r/GenZedong. (Along with this video:”

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • I used to scroll through GenZedong on reddit (back when it was still active). I remember there was like a post about telling the subreddit members to move to lemmygrad (or something like that, I might be remembering wrongly). So I would basically scroll through just like I usually would on r/GenZedong until 2022 when I decided to make an account.

    Also I should probably thank Hakim, I got one of his videos recommended to me before I discovered r/GenZedong. (Along with this video:

  • Ask Me Anything!
  • Btw, it might take a while for me to answer since I’ll probably be busy doing work or sleeping.

  • Ask Me Anything!

    Hey, it’s me. That one muslim dude in the comments section (You might have seen me, or maybe you haven’t idk)

    Decided to do a QnA. Why you ask? For fun lol.

    "CCP killed my Sex drive"
  • The see see pee banned my roblox account!

  • Redditors using both of their 2 braincells to make this
  • In my defense, if you post racist memes you do deserve to be thrown in a camp

  • Beware the media!


    Average right wing extremist manifesto

    Hello, my name is Lieutenant “Honorary Aryan” Poopy Butthole.

    The west has fallen, the only way to defeat the evil communist deep state is by plowing Joe Biden’s booty hole with a giant paint brush which will inevitably summon a 300379 meter tall nuke which will destroy all of the evil non white countries and then summon George Patton who will dance in the sky butt naked which will cause all the evil brown immigrants in europe to die of testicular cancer. Then, Mussolini himself will film a twitch stream talking with destiny and making fun of Islam in a radioactive crocodile butthole. Finally, Adolf Hitler ascends from the ground and start spitting out bullets greased with pig fat at evil ruZZian orcs while flying in the air like superman and simultaneously shooting out laser beams out of his booty hole at jewish families. Then, WW2 Japanese samurais will ride into battle on ostriches and start singing “Ballin” by Roddy Rich and running into crowds of innocent people and exploding. Then a colossal butt naked aryan Shrek will appear in Beijing and start turning it into a glorious aryan utopia while singing about how he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Then Atlantic fish people along with undead viking zombies riding underwater F-35s will fly into the sky and start bombing the middle east. Then, gigantic THERMONUCLEAR! ballistic missiles powered by the 6969696969696 victims of communism and built by the spirits of non-existent german women who were killed by the red army in WW2 will start attacking every communist country on earth. Pewdiepie himself will then be responsible for repopulating the white race while screaming his favourite word that starts with the letter N. Then at long last, Adolf Hitler himself will use the power of the AllSpark to summon Decepticon Panzer IV tanks that will kill all remaining people of colour and then finally bring about the glorious endsieg of the white race.


    Big question: What does the right think of your people?

    According to right-wingers, I am an evil brown man terrorist. How about you?


    This is dystopian. Ready to live in Disney's magic 24/7? Here's Cotino, Disney's first residential community

    In Rancho Mirage, Disney is building Cotino, its first residential community. Residents are welcome to move in in 2024.

    Ready to live in Disney's magic 24/7? Here's Cotino, Disney's first residential community

    What is your favourite fictional character?


    Mine’s Jazz from Transformers


    “To Punish And Enslave” Rule


    Can someone debunk the stupid “communism only works on paper” argument?

    I vaguely remember a user debunking this claim but I cannot find that comment and I don’t remember what post it was on.


    Anyone else here despise Destiny (the streamer)?


    Do you think the decepticons are fascists or communists?

    some random question I thought of in my head


    have any of you had really weird or strange dreams?

    A fun question I thought of


    What is the most horrible take you’ve ever heard?


    Opinions on police?

    Just curious


    Goat is defending Wisconcom and falsely accusing us of doxxing him

    In case some of you can’t see the screenshot here’s a link to the post:


    Anybody else despise the stupid “freedom” argument AmeriKKKans use against us?

    Freedom of what? Freedom from public healthcare? Freedom to harass minorities? Freedom to exploit the working class?


    Working together is our strength.

    Even though the Soviet Union is long gone, we still remain. Reminder that we are all still marxists united by a common goal. Let us put aside our differences and unite as one. Only then can we cast off the shackles of capitalist and right-wing oppression. Only by working together can we raise the red flag, and crush all rightists and counterrevolutionaries who stand in our way.

    Hip Hop Luqman☪️

    MF DOOM & Trunks - Devastator TRUNKS - Devastator

    Here is another track from Trunks. This one is unreleased material from his Unicron project with MF DOOM and features Ammbush, IMF, and Z-Man, better known a...

    TRUNKS - Devastator

    Favourite lemmygrad theme?

    I like the vaporwave-dark theme personally


    Thoughts on the billionaires in submarine thing (OceanGate)

    Just curious
