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BananaPeal BananaPeal

Older millennial nerd.

Posts 13
Comments 252
things you can only do with boys
  • Funny for the parents

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Situation also matters. This appears to be on a bus and between acquaintances. Do this same thing at home toward the adult child's significant other and it becomes a funny thing parents do to embarrass their kids.

  • Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales?
  • Bought Icarus and State of Decay 2 today. One was 50% off and the other 66%. I almost bought them last night. Glad I waited. Always on the lookout for more co-op games to play with the wife. Can't wait for Ark 2!

  • doot doot
  • Thank Mr Skeltal

  • The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Announcement Trailer
  • Looks like it has potential, but I'll wait for reviews before getting too excited.

  • What's the most basic thing you can't do?
  • I just can't even right now or later. I don't care if that makes me basic.

  • Pizza Pizza
  • Keep digging, you're close to finding Seymour!

  • USA every time a country in the global south tries to nationalize their resources
  • Pretty bad that I see Krombopulos Michael as the morally superior party in this situation. The guy is providing expert service, doing something he loves, making a living. When compared to what the US does, that's not so bad. KM probably kills fewer people, too.

  • Maine school district begins reversing transgender protections
  • Why am I not surprised that this is RSU 40? Oh yeah because I went there.

  • Lost In Transmission
  • This is why you shouldn't teach dogs to read.

  • It took me years to realize this
  • I decided to think outside the box.

  • Gay Republican group is now rooting for Joe Biden’s death
  • How is a meme newsworthy?

  • Posting guildines for this community
  • How about this version which clarifies my original intention?

    🎵 Please don't shitpost just because you can. 🎵

  • When do you brush your teeth?

    It is advised to brush your teeth at least twice a day, but when? Just before bed is a gimme because you're about to lie mostly still for 6+ hours. Best to not leave food particles to fester.

    What's the best time for an earlier brushing? After breakfast? After lunch? After work/school?

    Plus, what's up with TV and movies having breakfast scenes where they get up and head right out the door? Did they already brush and now they're going to leave food to fester all day? Eww.


    My 7 year old loves to tell people "bite my shiny metal ass" and it's awesome.

    Wife and I decided to do another watch through before the new episodes. The 7 year old caught a couple and now he's hooked. His favorites to quote are Bender and Zoidberg. It's especially cute when he goes "wub wub wub!" At the grocery store. I'm so proud.
